Yeah, I think it's because Maxim suppresses a single target it fires a full burst at pretty consistently so the suppression penalties are irrelevant to that (X4 cooldown, reload and X0.25 accuracy). And with the heightened reload times from suppression, reloading HMGs will give even pinned Maxims time to recover and shoot again so the Maxim will proceed to win the silly HMG duel with their superior single-target suppression. Once the other HMG is pinned, the fight's probably over because of said single-target suppression.
I remember qon lagleiz map my maxim in a building lost to mg42 in the same kind of building without doing any dmg to it. But there where 3 bulletins for 42 and none for maxim. Since then i never use them vs oh.
Does supression applies to units in buildings?
Mg42 spam is quite common. Dullahan was doing it against me without even buiding t1 just spam and try to basepin. Very abusive.
And what people tend to "forget" is that mg42 spammer has early and cheap access to sniper 99% of the games while maxim spammer dont have access to shitier sniper until the mid-late game or usuuly just never has acces to it since its bad and expensive to tech and reinfirce.