That's because there are almost no balance changes done for 4v4 as the focus seems to be 1v1. This makes it rather hard to list any
All that comes to my mind right now was in WFA Alpha as USF and OKW especially have scaling problems. OKW gets better the bigger the game size, while USF gets weaker simply due to their faction and unit design.
What are the units you think are unbalanced in 4v4 right now and would you buff or nerf them?
I don't think if more popcap would be so easy to do. I don't think Relic has any 'modifiers' for specific gamemodes. That means they would have to clone all the different units for each gamemode as well as the whole underlying structure. That in turn would make it far more complicated to track changes to a unit, as you'd have to change the version for each size and in general greatly increase the complexity for just a little gain.
If you already put that work in, I'd rather have them focus on the roots of the problems instead of trying to fight the symptoms. We talked to Relic about it in the past, but like I said, I think they lack the manpower. The community is requesting a ton from them, which they literally can't do. That's why for most "petitions" where people ask for something I say no. Tons of people here tend to live in a dream world and say I want this, I want that, I want everything. "Yes, new units", "Yes, Soviet redesign!", "Yes, Obs mode!", "Yes, improved War Spoils mode (Trading or crafting)", "Yes, ingame Twitch showcase", "Yes, performance improvements", "Yes, better balance", "Yes, new maps", "Yes, more community interaction / replying to posts in the forums", "Yes, new factions", "Yes, new commanders", ...
Just imagine out of all, you could only choose 2 or at max 3 things. Now you might understand Relic a bit better. They simply do not have the capabilities to do everything and by requesting some luxury features and pressuring them into adding them by directly sending messages to their higher-ups you sacrifice other improvements. Is it really worth it? Personally I think the 3 things that should be priorities right now are performance, bugfixing and obs mode. Yes I know that sounds FUBAR as 4v4 has been a problem since start and is still not fixed, but Relic committed to ESL event and a failure of that would hurt the company as a whole. The first two points still benefit all of the community, only the third one is mostly for 1v1 and 2v2 players. After that's done, go redo the maps and the scaling.
Thank you for taking the time to write your detailed post Milka.
I agree that it will take work to properly balance 4v4. With ESL partnership announced, it is important to iron out the balance things, and bugfixes to make the game ready for competitive play.
That being said, a lot of the flak they have been getting about not doing this or doing that could be "softened" by better communication. Obviously they cannot spill the beans out some projects, but I think increased communication can go a long way. Most of their comments about things are vague and leave the player guessing. They need to be clearer on what they are working on. This will give the impression that Relic is primarily focusing on a prject rather than leaving the player to guess what is being done.
And for things that could probably be fixed in short amount of time (not a developer so pls correct me if I am wrong) that affects 4v4 and not 1v1 (as much as least?)
1. Some maps are imbalanced.
Some have glaring issues that do not require a whole redesign of the map. For example, the right VP at City 17 is closer to the northern spawn point. Shifting this a little closer to the bottom or western side should help. Another example is Faceoff at Rostov. Opening up the crossings should go a long way in balancing the map.
2. jagdtiger
I think that making Jgtiger not shoot through objects should help 4v4 but won't affect 1v1 too much
These things should be fairly quick to implement. I can only think of these two things for now, but I think they should not affect 1v1 too much (especially the part about changing 4v4 maps)