Defense against a Stuka:
Don't Blob
Stagger/offset your units. Don't put them in lines
Control fuel points
Put out light vehicles
Any time I see infantry spam or emplacements I get the green light for stukas with SOME of the okw commanders. If I can't break through the Allied defense I'll go stuka, so I can at least push through pre-tanks.
Stukas are expensive, fairly easily destroyed, have long reload tmes, and shoot in a straight line so it won't do an AOE type cone kill. I would be fine with them making the angle of the shot rely on the location of the stuka so that it would have to move where that angle would be possible. Otherwise it's fine. |
These stats represent 3200 ranks (4 different factions, 4 different game modes, top 200 with each faction/game mode) which is 4x4x200 = 3200.
This could in theory mean that there are 3200 players represented in the stats but since it is likely that some players have several top 200 ranks the amount wouldn't be that high. But just to make it easy we can say that these ranks are roughly divided between a thousand players. A qualified guess would say that people who have reached the top 200 are the most active players.
Now if we look at these stats:
You can see that the past 30 days peak amount of players have not been higher than 6953. This would tell us that the stats presented to us by "Legends" is in fact reliable. What you thought was top 200 is nothing less but 3200 positions on the leaderboard.
It is top 200 per faction and game mode. It is 800 ranks per faction.
The steam chart just represents the max number of people on at one time, not how many play it per day.
Every competitive game's balance is based on top players, if you are causal players,the game balance you.
BTW, your waffen SS avatar looks cool.
Thanks, it's a recruitment poster that says you can join after the completion of 17 years of age  . |
Denial is great in this one.
So, in other words, you suggest we should make decisions about balance while taking in accout results of matchup of one bad player that use 30% of tools in his disposal vs another bad player using, say, 50% of tools in his disposal?
You need to separate SKILL ISSUE from FACTION BALANCE ISSUE.
You can't talk about balance until there are mistakes in your play. Otherwise, for example, you can think that *something* is OP just because you don't know how to properly counter it, despire there *IS* a counter to that *something*.
Obviously, players from top 200 make less mistakes than below 200, so there is less SKILL ISSUE and more FACTION BALANCE ISSUE.
This is why that chunk of statistics is the best source for making judjement about balance between factions and, as you said, most "accurate representation of those issues" that we possibly could get.
Also it pointed us on that fact that top 200 axis players get FREQUENTLY matched with below 200 allies players, which is another story.
Nice strawman argument.
All I simply said is I wouldn't rely on this because it's such a small percentage of the population. I'd rather see REAL statistics based on global gameplay stats.
I never said there wasn't a balance issue. The truth of the matter is I think some people want a 1 for 1 balance and that's simply not going to happen. |
A poll of top 200 players for each faction is an accurate representation of what is going on with the balance, unless you really believe that players of axis side are that much more skilled then players of allied side.
Games are balanced for the people who can play them, don't make many mistakes, know their armies and can pump most out of them-the top players.
You have facts presented right there at your face and you still try to dismiss them. That is obvious denial my friend and sorry to disappoint you, but the only skewed thing we currently have is balance.
Try? I'm dismissing them based on the general thought that the top 200 is still a small percentage compared to the big picture. Would be lovely if we had access to the entire playerbase.
Are there balance issues? Sure. Is this an accurate representation of those issues? Nope. Should some things be changed? You betcha. |
BS Stats....Need to see the whole picture, not just the "Top 200" in order to make judgment.
This is like saying "Top 200 richest people and what they spend their money on" and basing costs off of that. Very skewed, would be nice if we could see the real numbers. |
Then give soviets AT nades at the start...
While I am a very Axis based player, I have been around since beta and have seen a lot of the FOTM tactics throughout the timespan. Kubels are no worse than the old soviet clowncar that we've always had to deal with, except they can't cap points since you can't put squads in them. |
They are not OP, they are glass vehicles that get absolutely murdered if you don't micro. Their pathing is still horrible for the most part, Maxims tear through them, as does any small arms fire, let conscripts get close and say hello to their devastating AT nades.
Germans have had to put up with Maxim spam with mortar support, and fighting position nades/ allies have to put up with kubels which are only viable early game. |