So, start looks solid, normal stuff there, but then both of you decide not to build any counters, or use existing units as intended.
There's a lot of general gameplay mistakes happening, i'll try to adress some highlights that happen repeatedly.

Don't use attack move on mortars before they're in range, especially not on two together.
You do this all game long, and you end up fully retreating, and they end up sitting in your base for most of the time.

Apropo bunching up: all of your AT forces are around OKWs T3, besides no threat to it on the field.
This isn't just bad, it's really bad. But why?

Right, those Stuarts are still roaming around - not like they could kill the T3 anyways.
You want those AT guns on the field to cover your infantry. You build 2x Pak40, good, but they're basically just sitting around somewhere on the map, not covering or doing anything.
Tank scouting, without backup. Not the greatest idea, as you probably noticed shortly after.
You also do this several times with other Panthers, and even your Tiger. Use Pios with sweeper for scouting, or even any infantry, not your priciest unit on the field.
If you want to commit, then i.e. drive around somewhere and trade with the Priests, hopefully doing more economical damage than you suffer.
So, how and why did you lose this game?
- You picked a Tiger doctrine, but instantly teched to Panthers as your first vehicle, single 222 aside. Panthers are tank destroyers, not all around units. Your doctrine gives you the benefit of going for something early, like some P4 or Stug, and still having something way heavier later on.
- Besides, there was basically no armor on the field to begin with, and your mate had T3 out. So instead you stall for Panthers, which won't help you, while losing units left and right, as well as your window for medium tank agression towards the emplacements.
- You picked the perfect doctrine to counter emplacements, but didn't call in a single mortar HT the whole game.
- Both of you never bothered to burst down the emplacements, hard engage them, or build any other heavier indirect fire. Instead i see a squad or two running towards them, and running back shortly after.
- There wasn't a single attempt of going around to get some Priests down.
- At one point you had a Tiger, 2x Pak40, one Pio squad, and you keep building PGrens and upgrade them with Schrecks, basically not having any AI unit on the field besides the Tiger.
- All game long: both of you focused heavily on getting heavier armor out, and countering armor, rebuild it over and over, even though there's no point in doing so.
Stuff you should have done instead:
- Spread out mortars with your buddies ISG, and barrage their emplacements to death
- Get the mortar HT out
- seriously, get the mortar HT out
- Don't fast tech to Panthers, they're not the answer to everything, and you already had good AT on the field
- instead get fast infantry superiority, and capture all around those emplacements - not like he can follow you.
- veto open maps like Vaux as Axis

- Don't play a game of attrition vs. emplacement / indirect heavy enemies. You will lose, slowly, and painfully. At one point you have to commit.
and your enemy was like...