I don't understand the point of the Sturmtiger. Its just designed to squad wipe / one shot units... What is the fun of that.
Played on La Gleize as brits vs OKW. He got a sturmtiger on the field. Killed two squads and a Cromwell. After that I could chase it down 5 minutes later with the AEC scout car.
After this game went on pretty even again. But after his P4 (I got a Comet to counter it) he made another Sturmtiger... It fired one shot on the comet and the P4 only need one more shot.
How do you counter a Sturmtiger? It counters infantry and tanks. I know its a skillshot, but you can miss by a mile and still kill a full squad (happened a few times).
Should you call in a plane to keep it off the field so it can't reload? I have no idea how to counter that squad wipe machine.