Today I played good number of team games with fellow TAB bears, playing as USF the at guns are sufficient enough to counter all axis Armour. If more at is needed a jackson in support does wonders. USF is fine as is and can counter axis armour no problem. If your axis opponent goes heavy amounts of tanks why not counter with zooks and at guns for german tanks were built to counter tanks not inf. Please quit with the whining and complaining about Axis as op, you obviously were not here for the alpha nor the very beginnings of CoH2.
Yesterday a played a good number of 1vs1 game as USF and I face every time the situation when half of my M36 shot and ATgun shots where bouncing over Panther front armor. It isn't like I could have flank him since he was flanking me, a really good move
A+move his Infantry in front of my line and panther to flank.
His objective was my too powerful Scott, I'm waiting for the Relic nerf - this unit is to good, it can kill Obers.
1st M36 shot max range, on the ground. Panther come closer, 1st Panther shot - 1/3 of my m36 life away.
I try to withdraw the M36 but guess what, the panther is faster. So I managed to reposition my Atgun at the same time to shot at it.
2nd M36 shot, medium range - bounce. 2nd Panther shot = 2/3 of the M36 life away. 1st Atgun shot medium range + buff pen bounced.
3rd M36 shot, close range - 1/5 of Panther life away, 3rd Panther shot = byebye M36. 2nd Atgun shot close range + Buff pen = Bounce!!!
The panther goes behind the Atgun and chase the Scott, 2 shots the scott (it was defending the front line) dead.
The panther goes away but I manage with luck - nothing else than luck at this stage - to Atnade it and damage his engine, from the rear I finally manage to kill the Panther with my Atgun.
Second round couple of minutes later, exact same scenario but I don't have the luck of having a critical engine damage with an Atnade.
1 Jackson dead 1 Atgun dead 1 Scott dead, 3/4 of my Infantry dead, 1 Panther 3/5 life Up. GG