Game is in dire need of a tonne of UI improvements and quality of life features. I can't recommend anyone to get this game until theres a couple of patches or the first expansion comes out. You'll have a much better first impression I promise you that.
It has a lot of potential though, shame paradox are really milking DLC now though =/. Just look at EU4.
There is a difference between Milking DLC and Improving upon a game. As you used EU 4 as an example, i will too.
There is no Milking. The game was good when it came out, now it is amazing. Art of War Dlc, adding the thirty years war, the different leagues and making the HRE extremely more fun.
Conquest of Paradise, making colonizing actually fun, instead of tedious work.
Everyone saying that this should have been in the main game, dont fool yourself. A company can only pay for so much development in a niche game like these. And dont forget, for every DLC added, a ton of free upgrades improving existing features which you allready have paid for has been added. The development of this has to be financed somehow.
Look at EU 3 and EU 4. Thanks to the DLC system of Paradox it is a far far superior game, and Stellaris will in a few years be a game that cant be beaten for any newcomer in the 4x grand strategy market. Same goes for HoI 4. I just wish every company would do it that way

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I love Stellaris, the base game at least. But its missing stuff. The mid game, as Paradox admitted themselves, is boring and missing stuff. I never reached late game, which should have some awesome stuff, cause mid just became tedious work.
The game is great, but need a few DLC´s and patches. More flavor events i hope