CoH2 is supported by skeleton crew.
I would be greatly surprised if there was any kind of QA.
Plus, QA job is to check if the ability works as its described in documentation, not evaluate its potential.
Quality testing is different from UAT. I've try some time to play the mod but there were too few people connected on it so I never get to play with someone, and my friends didn't give a shit about it as well. At the same time the topic feedback was completely unbearable with pointless discussions in it.
We all agree there isn't enough players to do a mod beta testing, many issues we found here require hours of playing to be evaluated.
IMO, they should have been releasing the mod live a week earlier, freezing the lobby for a week and ask players to do as usual, play the game and report errors and wrong behaviors. A Live beta testing forcing player to participate on it. I mean the lobby could have continue to work but after a week being reset to what it was before the patch release.
So nobody get harmed, everybody get experience on the patch changes and can get a clean start after the beta testing.