Actually I don't mind a good base blast if you are losing badly. Milk had 1 shot to win and this was it. He was locked in to 1 commander and 1 shot to win a losing game. The guys that abuse it....not in this match in my opinion...although Once over would disagree because he lost, but the guys already winning THEN using the ability are the scum of the earth. You know who you are
I used it recently 2x on US base and it didn't kill him but he was severely weakened by it however the guy didn't make a tank. That's why he lost. He made a late Flak HT for some ungodly reason even knowing I had a Puma around.
And here i am thinking you just think it's once_over's fault that he let that happen.
You just want the ability to keep being able to sneak your win out of games like this. In other words, abuse your way out of a game like this.