General Information
Register Time: 19 Nov 2012, 00:40 AM
Last Visit Time: 26 Jun 2018, 15:15 PM
Steam: 76561197964850344
Birthday: 1989-07-24
Residence: United States
Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
Game Name: TychoCelchuuu
You do the same thing almost every decent RTS does: force someone to play a race they don't like as much. Oh wait, most decent RTS games don't do that.
I'm pretty certain that Bruce Lee is the most badass person to ever exist. Dude studied philosophy and had crazy reflexes and everything. It's a massive tragedy that he died so young
All the flashing bells and whistles on the UI make me want to claw my eyes out, frankly. The worst is when you get your first CP- jesus, if that stays they're going to need to put an epilepsy warning on the box.
Agreed 100%. The UI seems to have been designed for 2 hour Scheldt games where the players commonly fall asleep - this shit will wake you right up!
I hated the controls/UI in the original game and unfortunately that really turned me off from it. I hear the sequel is much improved but I don't really want to buy the game to find out...