General Information
Register Time: 29 May 2014, 11:03 AM
Last Visit Time: 10 Jul 2024, 23:48 PM
Steam: 76561198075800034
Residence: Malaysia
Nationality: Malaysia
Timezone: Asia/Kuala_Lumpur
Game Name: steel
It was in regards to all semi auto profiles, but whatever they will do, as long as they will follow G43 route for semi autos, it'll be fine.
That was the thing that puzzled me the most. Penals and grens got no idea on how to use semi autos well but riflemen use it as if the M1s were bolt actions.
Just want to know how many of you use the lightning war doctrine in game. I can't find much use for it other than the G43 and tiger. If you like it, care to share how you use it?
Not sure if this thread has been made or not, but wanted to know what you guys want to see done to the game in the future. For me I would like to see
* Grenade bug fix ( Ammo spent no grenade ).
* MG bug fix ( Facing the opposite direction )
* Slight riflemen nerf on long range dps or accuracy. If USF gets nerfed for infantry then they can
have stronger armour.
* MG42 suppression improve. ( All MGs suppression value the same would be nice )
* Grenades damage buff ( Shock, Guards, Grens, Assault grens, Panzergrens, scratching people? )
* Something done about the IS2-tiger relationship ( IS2 just feels way better for the same price, I
like how the IS2 dominates the tiger since that's how it was IRL but the IS2 could use the long
reload time again like pre Elbe day. In exchange it gets the high damage again. )
* Howitzers more shell per barrage.
* Grenadiers get regular uniform instead of the camouflage
* Something done to penals or conscripts so the Soviets will Maxim spam less.( Preferably
conscripts. )
Yeah, it's a bug. It seems to happen if you issue your squad to throw a grenade and they either:
1.) You right-click move before your grenade is thrown, canceling the animation but it goes into cool down and costs munitions still.
2.) The guy throwing the grenade dies or gets hit by another grenade/mortar/arty forcing him to move and canceling the animation.
3.) The enemy moves out of grenade range if you selected the enemy squad with a grenade.
The only ways I've got around this problem is to manually throw grenades on the ground near the enemies. Make sure not to click enemy squads because if you do, it'll more likely occur. They really need to fix it. I hate wasting munitions and good opportunities.
The main cause for me is no.2. No.3 never happens since I nade the dirt.
I just had one game where it happen about 8 times in a row. There goes 240 munitions down the drain. Could have got 2 Flamer HT or 4 Panzerschrecks. It's getting really annoying
The ONLY single advantage to implementing that is, we would finally give schock troops the weapon they actually use in game currently, but with different skin:
Other then that single unit, as I've said, it makes absolutely no sense, adds absolutely zero value to the game and imbalances 100% of infantry combat in return.
Shock troops with claymore, SN-42, smoke and nades. Seems extremely OP.