Yup, it's pretty crazy. COH 2 is different than from coh 1!
Problem is not being different, problem is just been worse. Look how many high levels player quit the game and how many from coh1 just stop playing after trying it. So likes as colours, just my opinion as old player in coh1 for several years. And its not about nostalgia, its just a fact. |
The game is broken now, as it was last patch and the other one. And with Western front is gonna be more broken even. There's a balance issue to fix, of course, but the design of game keeps breaking any competitive play. I thought a lot of commanders would increase the strategy of game -how stupid i was- but the commanders have such broken habilities that is always the same shit with diferent models.
I remeber in coh1 with 3 commanders wich everyone had his strong and weak points and where made for every single situation. For instance, to kill a simple ARTY you needed to base rush and drop some kind of artillery or so. In this you can recon, bomb and kill. There are tons os über artillerys strafins tha tkill everything on random. Super late game units meant weak early trees habilities -wich does not happen here you can have heavies, infantry, arty on same commanders-. The non vinculated popcap to territory is absolutely dumb. You can have no map control but call in your heavies just to destroy anything -for what is harassing now?-.
At this point, nothing can be done cause commander are sold -p2win-. The only thing that can be done, but never will, is redesign the commanders as something about focus commanders habilities on early-mid-late game -non super commanders that work in every stage- and balance heavies to make useful non doctrinal tanks.
EDIT: I have to say that moreover i play this game, more i miss coh1. Coh2 was suposed to be an improvement of coh1 mechanics -for instance true sight- and new history immersion. But not, they changed the basic of coh1 -wich was tested, played build over years of community- to make some RTS Random arcade game. They changed what should not be changed, and they kept the things that should be improved. Epic fail. You guys can say what you want, but every mid-skilled player in coh1 who plays coh2 will admit that this game is far away from the old day strategies and maneuverings of coh1. |
Oh, so marx,lenin were all historians who wrote books about ww2? What???
Who said that? What do you put words that i did not say?Do you need a explanation for that? When you say fascism=comunism you're saying to diferent political theory are the same so you need to read his teorics to understand it and compare. This is not only about deaths, no such simple.
You say wikipedia is false. I would advice you to look throught the "sources list" below all the facts.So you are saying that wikipedia is false because it takes sources from historians and books rather than politicans/philosophers like you seem to do?
No, I say it's not true because they're made without real numbers instead of the guy on the link i attached because he had access to papers and documented it and also done during cold war and used as anticomunist propaganda what needs to do capitalism to be hegemonic. |
phy, just get out, you are just as bad as those guys deny the holocaust. Please, read a history book or two, and don't listen to what politicans say. Read books made by historians.
And by books made by historians please do not read your school book about "gloriuos stalin"
Who denied holocaust? I'm not a fanboy of Stalin -as I said i can make a better critic than your ignorant statements-. I'm just pissed off history liers who has not read any book of Adam Smith, Spinoza, Marx, Lenin and any real book of history and their statements are so simple that even a chimpance could just write it. And for your information, read above, you just say what bad things -wich are false, his faults are others- did Stallin but no USA wich is extrem LOL. Revisionism history WOW what a surprise. You say what all films and tv says in GLOBAL CAPITALISM WORLD, wow might be true. |
Seriously, this! Are you telling me you would trust a crowd-built, globally-funded website requiring an abundance supporting references and corroborating evidence to establish legitimacy when you can do a bit of research instead? Please, read some books!
Lol i'm a physicist and i can tell you a lot of things that are written in wikipedia are false, are other stuff just because everybody can edit. Even teachers disagree on wikipedia as a font of knowledge. Following your statement, who needs university, teachers, books with wikipedia? Lol seem society of information is the big lie for big ignorants. |
"By Mario Sousa
Member of the
Communist Party Marxist-Leninist Revolutionaries
LOL really scientific no reading things for who writes it instead of for what it says and how scientific is based. Btw the SUPERCRIMES stadistics are done by capitalists teorics, for the same reason ROFL to that, isnt it? |
85-100 millions death wow thats more then Hitler killed.Congrats.
Seriously, when you want to do an accurate research you do it in wikipedia?
If you want links i have to.
Btw, the argue was not about that. And you say fascism=comunism by the number of deaths? Then look to the USA is fascism also -wich is not, is capitalism-. Your studies of political theory are 0. |
Maybe Phy should marry his boyfriend Stalin and be happy with him.
I can criticize Stalin in a more deep way -respecting historic facts- than you can with your nonhistorical propaganda. Can you, or reading is too much for you?
And those who dont like political argues, dont read it or dont make political post. This topic was ok till some ignorant started saying fascism=comunism. |
Right. If soviet Union was anti-facist why didn t soviet Union attacked facist spain?Phy can t answer this.
lol CCCP did not colaborate with the fascist dictatorship in spain and USA yes, making base militar and economic suport. Can you answer this? And in the spanish civil war none country -except Mexico and CCCP- helped to fight against fascism. Can you answer this?
You guys are not able to read a book and are totally ignorant and talk about countries you do not even know their history maybe 2 pics help to understand:
Franco and Eisenhower in 1959, Madrid.
Franco and Hitler.
Franco in a mitin.
Nope, against communism with FREEEEDOM and democracy. But if seriously - Spain was not on Axis side, they were not a nazis, why should US fight against them?
What did you read about history, kid? You are gonna tell me also the history of my country? Say that spanish dictatorship was not fascist and non colaborated with Hitler its just of SUPERB ignorant. Argue is over with a guy who has not read anything and his political theory formation is that comunist=fascism.
If you want to know something about history read instead of play the campaing of coh2 and watch ami pride films. |