General Information
Register Time: 18 Nov 2012, 16:28 PM
Last Visit Time: 3 May 2024, 21:42 PM
Twitter: @IpKaiFung
Steam: 76561197960927393
Residence: United Kingdom
Nationality: United Kingdom
Timezone: Europe/London
Game Name: IpKaiFung
You may want to reconsider having two Bo3s and a Bo5 on the final day. You're asking players to play a potential 11 games of COH2 on that day, which would take between 8 and 12 hours, depending on waits. That's a bit much, don't you think? By the time they get to the finals they will already be exhausted.
If you really want to do Bo3's in every round and Bo5 in the final round, I suggest you spread the event over 3 days.
some people play more than 11 games a day on automatch, what's the problem?
The definition of violent crime in the UK is different to the definition in the US and as such a lot more crimes fall under violent crime in the UK than in the US and thus makes it difficult to compare violent crime rates.
The murder rate however is still substantially lower in the UK than the US.