- Added a simple search function below every thread index !! (Seb: feature, Janne: UI)
It will search on all the threads of the current index. This will work with any custom filters, any possible forum subcategory, etc., but also the main indexes such as :
You can also limit the search to :
- title : search in the title of the thread
- content : works only for portal content such as news & guides
- posts : search in all the posts inside the thread
The default value is all included, but you can select as you see fit : title only might grant better results on common words, while content only is probably better for searching in guides. I would say most of the time searching in posts is a bad idea, except for very rare and specific keywords.
Finally, note that multiple words search, separated by spaces, acts as AND between each word.
Note for advanced users: this does nothing that custom filters couldn't already do (actually, it does much less), but it does it way more quickly and easily.