Soviet tier 1 becomes a solid doctrine, as the eventual threat of german tier 2 will actually have an accessible counter that doesn't require fuel investment. In addition, a soviet player, knowing that the germans can only field infantry until they reach tier 2, can still opt for skipping their t1 and going for, well, weapons support.

German players facing soviet t2 would surely opt to rush for halftracks and scout cars to optimize the weakened AT options the soviet has chosen. For any german player ever conscript AT nades will always be a potential threat, as well as guard callins. (Which would incidentally inform the german player that the soviet will have no lategame tanks, due to commander choice.) German players facing t1 would remain able to faust any m3 scout cars, not to mention know their snipers would be safe from a countersnipe.
However, germans upon reaching tier 2, german scout cars and halftracks would be facing ZiS alongside m3s and penals. Although, with fausts and snipers, the destructive nature of the german SC upon m3s, as well as mortar access for extra help against clearing ZiS, the germans are still well equipped to counter this swapped soviet t1. The power of ZiS' barrage is notable, but can be expensive if spammed. Its use also opens a window for an upgraded halftrack or scoutcar to close the distance.
As it stands, the german army is effectively by default given access to a hard counter to soviet tanks with the PAK in their t2 before soviets have any hope of fielding a tank. They also kind of have a default hard counter to all light vehicles too considering panzerfausts, but that first requires the 25 fuel for teching and some muni. By swapping the ZiS and the sniper, soviet t1 becomes the option for sharing that same benefit. It would feature highly specialized units with critical weaknesses: Expensive but lethal penals with no AT and splodiness, mobile but super flimsy m3s, and ZiS with the ability to handle tanks, and except for its muni costing (and nerfed) barrage next to no ability to handle infantry. The german player can capitalize in any soviet measures at fielding anti-tank weaponry by focusing on a stronger infantry force, and vice versa. Both factions would have the hard AT counter option available and a solid infantry fighting force. This tier match up gives players a decent deterrent from rushing a shock vehicle, while rewarding flanking tactics. Penal battalions and conscripts against mg42s and grenadiers, mortars and without soviet sniper access, a potentially more belligerent german sniper. A dominating german player could even force a soviet players hand into building the other lower tier to get a sniper squad to counter snipe, and since the soviet would already have ZiS access, the extra fuel investment wouldn't be such a crippling blow.
Swapping the ZiS with the Sniper squad would alter soviet t2 to feature a well rounded anti-infantry fighting force that would be able to counter anything the german t1 can field: conscripts to grens, maxim to mg42, snipers to sniper, and whatever the mortars are called. Vetwise, conscripts scale poorly compared to grens, especially with their LMG42s, but with PPsH the field can be levelled. Maxims and mg42s suppress and pin infantry, mortars clear mgs, infantry clear mortars. And snipers shoot everyone: Classic rock, paper, scissors, sniper gameplay that's always well suited the CoH franchise. The tech race to effectively field (and deal with) vehicles and tanks becomes closer to anyone's game than it currently stands. German t2 can force out soviet guards or even clever gameplay with mines, maxims, and AT nades, and rushing a p4 might be met with a t34 or even SU-85.
Probably the biggest gameplay element lost from this switch would be the sniper in a scout car gameplay, which I do find enjoyable. However, it's a rather gimmicky tactic that requires such a high investment and sacrifices an incredible amount of capping power and map control that, at least in my experiences with CoH2, has proved unfeasible.
This also works for 2v2s, as this proposed swap would allow for a player to assume a more support role going t2 and forgoing conscripts to push with their t1 teammate, or utilizing the fact that they have the ability to counter german t1 to push their own side. I think the change would scale well into 3v3 and 4v4s as well.
Thoughts? I really would like to see the gameplay of CoH2 feel more balanced as soviets, and more challenging as germans. I have only on a few random occasions seen the percentage of players looking for games in favor of the soviets. It seems that this is evidence of a problem between the factions and one that should be remedied. This seems like it would be a reasonable enough solution that doesn't require changing any individual unit stats, bulletins, or commanders either.