You can't buff sturmpios, they have too much utility, which makes them worth it under all circumstances!
No, they have so much much shitty utility except repair kit only.
Their barbed wire is useless, takes long and only against lights and inf.
Rear echelons have tank traps which are far more effective since it also provides cover and is way faster to build. Blocks every unit available in game!
Even normal barbed wire is far better than that since it is faster and covers better ground.
Mines for OKW are ineffective since ammo is better used for other things. If I talk about SU, their mines are effectivne due to the fact they have enough means to use it. OKW on the contrary has no particular means to place as much mines due to their heavy ammo requirements.
Combat effectivness is meager. Other engineers does better overall later on, especially when they can acquire far better equipment.
AT Pzshrek 70 ammo is the shittiest package available.
Other factions have availability to AT equipment far better than OKW has at all.
Sturmpio sucks in AT, AI (combat overall) and building defensive which it also sucks at. All it can do overall is repair. So much for having too much utility. They simply can not do much up to anything at all. On top not being able to vet nicely makes them all the more shit. Nothing good about this unit. I would pick any other engineer available any other day.
There is really no point in getting this unit other than repairing.
Nerf combat role of Sturmpio and buff in other areas. Make it a better suited engineer than a failed designed combat unit. It is useless currently in support and combat. Other engineers obviously does better in both areas since they have way better access to utility.
It is too much useless utility Sturmpio has.