Do you really think I went wrong with the LGA 2011 and the x79 motherboard and it's not worth the extra coin. I figured I can throw a new chip on it in a couple years. I was told the 1155 wont be available as long. If not I feel like I could have gotten a bit cheaper with the 77 Sabertooth. I sure love the sabertooth and the i8-3820. Great chip. I went for a full tower instead of a mid just to give me that extra space for my 12 inch GPU. I usually go for the best of the Maximum PC best lists in my price range. The 3820 got honorable mention and I plan to replace it in a year or 2 with a nice unlocked chip when i can afford to upgrade. The Samsung 830 and the Evo cooler were on there. I got the Sapphire Radeon 7950 OC Boost and threw it in a Cooler Master Storm Trooper full tower. Sweet case with a lot of customization.
Just wondering what the biggest downside for the LGA 2011 is. Besides price and performance correlation. Was the guy (my bother who has a biz building PCs) wrong about future chips coming out in the LGA 2011 and the Sabertooth giving me a good platform to build on for a few years. I'd love to throw it in his face. He did save me about $400 on some parts and a few RMA's he gave but just wondering. (Sorry to hijack the thread Seb but sounds like you got your rig figured - Looks sweet Congrats)
You didnt go "wrong", just spent money you didnt really need to. The x79 platform's downside is:
-Expensive Motherboards
-Expensive CPU's ($500 is the first unlocked CPU)
-No performance gain over Z77 platform in real world scenarios
X79 wont be around any longer than Z77. Its the usual Intel Tick-Tock release schedule, Nehalem Tick, Lynnfield Tock, Sandy Bridge Tick, Sandy Bridge-E Tock, Ivy Bridge Tick, etc etc.