My condolences to Starcraft fans, chinese mobile here we go.
Jason Schreier
Problem is, I’ve talked to a lot of Blizzard people over the past few months and one of the things I’ve heard quite a bit is that Activision doesn’t see any money in real-time strategy games.
Jason SchreierSource - posted in comments:
I have no idea whether the cancelation is good news or bad news, but it bums me out as a StarCraft fan - what this means is that AFAIK there’s nothing StarCraft-related in development right now. Hopefully the Warcraft 3 remake sells gangbusters and convinces Blizzard that RTS games are worth supporting again.
“You would’ve thought Blizzard was going under and we had no money,” said a former Blizzard staffer, who told me they left the company this year in part because of Activision’s influence. “The way every little thing was being scrutinized from a spend perspective. That’s obviously not the case. But this was the very first time I ever heard, ‘We need to show growth.’ That was just so incredibly disheartening for me.”Jason Schreier Source:
Longer news story | Blizzard cancelled StarCraft 2 shooter:
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