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Once again, you ignorance mess up the JS-2 early with JS-2 Mod1944, And please give me a frontal penetration from 1000m from Tiger/Panther to JS-2 evidence...
Posts: 578
Once again, you ignorance mess up the JS-2 early with JS-2 Mod1944, And please give me a frontal penetration from 1000m from Tiger/Panther to JS-2 evidence...
there's tones of Tiger/Panther knocked down pic , what's the point of this google pic?
and good luck with your 348mm RHA penetration Kwk42/L70 75mm Panther Main gun once again,
a side question have you passed your high school math class? You do know what the equivalent of 174mm armor sloped at 30° to horizontal is?
care to explain why your 3rd Reich Panther's Main gun is superior to the US M-728 (UK L-52) 105mm gun at 1970s?
For the sake of god, Did you even have a clue about the 348mm RHA penetration level?
IS-2 Model 1944
Posts: 954
PLS GIVE ME SOURCES OF 348MM PENETRATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT TO SEE THE SOURCES FOR YOUR CLAIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I just asking this rhetorical since i know that he doesnt have a single source or proof for his Fantasy Claims.)
IS-2 data
I give it up.You have an extreme low IQ no intelligence or logic.Just brainless UGBEAR.Never seen a guy with such low IQ.
Anyway Panthers and Tigers raped IS-2s with ease since they were much better tank fighters.
UGBEAR = troll.
BTW you still ignoring my post #45 there is the proof.
Lol UGBEAR is ignoring posts that doesn t fit his reality.
IS-2 didnt had 240 armour.It had 120mm at 30° same as the steelplate with panther gun was tested.So panther could penetrate it cause:
174mm panther gun Penetration(against steelplate 30° from horizont) > 120mm armour of IS-2(sloped also against 30° from horizontal.
Posts: 578
Posts: 578
Here's the Joke made by you, 174mm gun penetration against 30° from horizon = 348mm RHA equivalent penetration, you have no idea about a simple high school math didn't ya?
Stop covering your ignorance with more ignorance or insult, your 3rd Reich fanboism made you believe a Panther kwk42/75mm L70 gun is better than the US 105mm L7/M68 gun in 1970S' standard and you didn't even know how laughable it is.
wants proof? Here you go again:
Posts: 954
Math lesson for UGBEAR:
On the data side link armour angle is counted from horizontal A line = 30°.
Math for 5 year olds and UGBEAR doesnt understand it.
Posts: 578
(All data is displayed in milimeters (mm) vs. RHA / FHA plate @ 30°)
That's all the data, where's the horizontal 30° come from? what did you smoke this morning to believe it is measured from horizon.
anyway Good luck with your 178mm penetration at 30° , due to your lack of math knowledge, the 3rd Reich Panther and its WWII KWK42/75mm now have the greater penetrating value compare to a US L7/M68 1970S standard.
20 years bro, you are genius!
Posts: 954
I know i am Genius and we also know that you are brainless.
Posts: 578
Yes I know you are a
and I'm so glad you accept that. Reich ministry of propaganda welcomes you!
Posts: 954
174mm panther gun Penetration(against steelplate 30° from horizont
Posts: 578
Affe's WWII panther penetration: 174mm/cos60=348mm
Posts: 578
you are welcome genius
Affe's WWII panther penetration: 174mm/cos60=348mm
Posts: 172
Posts: 578
Posts: 432
Posts: 954
The 1943 IS2 has a frontal lower glacis of 60mm at 72* from vertical, (effective 194mm), front upper hull at 120mm at 30* (effective 138mm) and a mantlet of 100mm at 0* (vertical). The IS2 has had historically poor turret protection, but superb hull, leading to most losses due to turret penetration or turret jamming at the turret ring.
The Panther Ausf. G has 80mm at 55* from vertical (effective 139mm), and a turret mantlet of 100mm at 12* (effective 102mm).
The IS-2 (1943) is armed with a 122mm D-25T L/43 gun, which with APCBC rounds can penetrate 204mm at 0* at 1000m, or 130mm at 30* at 1000m.
The Panther Ausf. G is armed with a 7.5cm KwK42 L/70, which with APCBC can penetrate 149mm at 0* at 1000m, 111mm at 30* at 1000m, or with APCR rounds, penetrate 170 at 0* at 1000m and 149mm at 30* at 1000m. The latter were often in short supply, so it's safe to assume the Panthers are(were) firing APCBC.
Settling the quality of steel aside and assuming homogeneous plates, projectile deflections or partial deflections, and disregarding battle conditions such as optics, ambush, visibility, or accuracy, what does this mean?
- The IS-2 can penetrate the Panther's turret at distances over 1000m, but not the front glacis plate (the hull).
- The Panther Ausf. G, with APCBC ammunition, can penetrate the IS-2's turret and upper hull at distances over 1000m, but not the lower glacis plate.
- Both of you are fucking retarded for arguing off-topic for three pages.
Posts: 432