
russian armor

New Commander Submission - BRITS

  • This thread is locked
10 Jan 2019, 18:07 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

Submission guidelines
  • Each player can submit one proposal per faction. Please use the appropriate threads on coh2.org or on relic offical forum. These threads are for submissions only.
  • Discussion of submissions should take place in separate threads so that submissions are easy to reference.
  • Players must only use units, abilities or assets which already exist in the game, and are fully functional. (The Hetzer is not an option as it is missing animations.)
  • Some players have asked about captured equipment. This is a possibility but should be sensible, and thematically / historically appropriate.
  • If you have already submitted an idea elsewhere, please repost to the official threads.

Requirements and Rational

Please detail the following in your submissions;

It would be preferred if you could use this template in your proposals

  • The name and theme of your proposed Commander.
  • The unit and ability roster.
  • Any changes you envisage to preexisting units or abilities.
  • What new strategies/ options does this Commander add to this faction?
  • Any historical basis, or additional context/ rational you wish to provide.
10 Jan 2019, 21:10 PM
avatar of comm_ash
Patrion 14

Posts: 1194 | Subs: 1

Heads up, I don't have the game open and I can't remember most CP values. We can obviously use the correct values.

Assault Doctrine:

0CP: Sherman V (Literally the American Sherman M4A3-75(w) in British Army Terminology)

1CP: Recon Infantry Section (Infantry Section with 1 scoped rifle or 2 stens, with ability to cloak, shoot flares. Scoped rifle could make squad like JLI or Pathfinders if used instead of sten. Scoped rifle or stens would take up 1 weapon slot.)

2CP: 3-inch British mortar team (US 81mm mortar with IS crew.)

4CP: Advanced Cover Combat

11CP: Typhoon Attacks

I would like this doctrine to give the brits a more flexible and aggressive strategy.

The British historically used many American Shermans, to the point where they outnumbered Cromwells. This doctrine would finally give the Brits in COH2 access to their workhorse tank. The early mortar would give the brits access to a mobile barrage/ smoke tool, and could by combined with spotting from recon infantry sections to allow a more aggressive playstyle. Advanced cover combat is self explanatory, and the Typhoon gun + rocket strafe would give the doctrine a bit of late game oompf.
10 Jan 2019, 21:18 PM
avatar of nigo
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 2238 | Subs: 15

Royal Tank Regiment

2 - Resupply Half-track
An M3 Resupply Half-track can be deployed to the battlefield. This unique half-track can deploy american weapons on the frontline, like the Bazooka and the M1919A6 Light Machine Gun.

3- Designate Command Vehicle
Designate a target vehicle as a Command Vehicle. The Command Vehicle will improve nearby units and increase the recharge rates of commander abilities.

3 - (PASSIVE) Advanced Assembly
Forward Assemblies will now have access to the “Advanced Assembly” upgrade. Once researched, the assembly will become more resilient to enemy fire and…

6 - M5 Stuart
An M5 Stuart Tank can be deployed to the battlefield.

10 - Sherman V Medium Tank
Dispatch a 75mm Sherman tank to the battlefield. Highly effective against armor and infantry.
10 Jan 2019, 21:36 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Hammer Assault Regiment

Theme: The Canadians, Scots and Irishmen were always known as the Commonwealth's "shock troops", since the bloody trench warfare of World War 1 up to the battlefields of World War 2. Using American equipment together with trained men from the Colonies and British support as well as tactics are a sure recipe for victory.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Assault "Tommy" Section/Scottish Infantry Section

4 or 5 man squad armed with American M1A1 Thompson SMGs and equipped with No. 77 WP Grenades as per RoastinGhost and others' suggestions. Ideal mobile infantry squad meant for urban close quarter fighting as well as spearheading infantry assaults. Crecer13 also suggested an armor upgrade for them but I'll leave that up to the balance team. Alternatively as Stark suggested they could be a normal Infantry Section using the Commando/Sniper voice lines and having no cover penalty as well as not being able to build trenches and caches for example. They would also have the "Assault" package which would give them the WP grenades and Thompsons and the "Recon" package which would give them the camo and "snipe" abilities. A versatile mainline replacement unit in which you can decide and choose in what to invest, balance will again be ultimately left to the community dev team.

Slot 2: M1 81mm Mortar team or ML 4.2 Inch Mortar team

Mobile mortar team meant to support infantry attacks with close indirect fire, perfect for clearing out enemy garrisons and MGs as well as providing friendly infantry with smoke cover where needed on the battlefield.

The ML 4.2 Inch Mortar is per again RoastinGhost's suggestion, I don't really mind either one.

Slot 3: Vehicle Crew repairs

LoopDloop suggested that I replace the Hold the Line ability as it's not working properly with something a bit more practical, especially when combined with the Achilles. Other than that I had an idea of adding the Air Supply Operation so it's possible to have a choice between a smaller and faster mortar and an AT gun drop or a bigger and slower more powerful mortar like the ML 4.2 Inch Mortar which can then be chosen. Ultimately I will leave the decision on these abilities up to the balance team as they probably know what's better than me, I'm just here to suggest some new ideas.

Slot 4: 3-inch M10 "Achilles" Tank Destroyer

Commonwealth variant of the American M10 Tank Destroyer, provides a cheaper and earlier coming alternative to the expensive and slow Firefly.

Slot 5: Strafing Support

Call in the Flyboys, the Royal Air Force stands by for strafing support, from the Vanguard Operations Regiment.

Strategies and Rational

I have always felt that the Colonies were under-presented in CoH2 because there were a lot more Canadian-esque units in CoH like the Canadian Infantry section found in the British Campaign, the M7 Priest as well as the 25 pounder also had Canadian voiced crews. Apart from that, the British are lacking mobile assault close quarter infantry apart from the Commandos, mobile indirect fire that doesn't cost fuel like the Land Mattress and a less expensive and more mobile tank destroyer.

Additional Context

Here's a funny little picture I took from the All Units Mod a long time ago which pretty much sums up my idea, minus the infantry unit and the other abilities:
10 Jan 2019, 22:48 PM
avatar of Stryker5810

Posts: 18

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Allied Assault
Theme: Tally Ho! Britain has been defended, we have driven the cursed jerry's out of africa and its time to truly take the fight to them! Thanks to support from are American allies and British thinking we are ready to advance upon any german defence and smash it aside, For king and country lads!

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1 - 3 inch mortar team
Use this as mobile indirect fire support against those filthy mg teams the germans have set up everywhere! Obviously less range then the mortar pit and average mortar and I would say a tighter AOE because its smaller than the other mortar teams, countered by a smaller minimum range and fastish ROF
Slot 2 - Thompson upgrade
The Americans have been kind enough to lend us some of there Thompson sub machine, equip your infantry sections with three of these to provide more mobile fire power and the ability to close in on your enemy! (So I did find a problem lmao, I did want to do two bar rifles to start with but after testing them I found that they were rather sub par on IS, to the point that the Bren was the better choice and would probably cost less, if you can find a way for BARs to work devs please feel free to change it but this seems like it'll be better for cqc assault combat)
Slot 3 - Early warning flares
Same used in the british royal artillery regiment, I was playing around what to add next to this commander and a recon of some kind would be of help, This is a cheap option, which isnt too effective to try and balance out the commander a little so that you still get a recon, even if it is a little weak
Slot 4 - M10 "Achilles" Tank Destroyer
A cheaper, more mobile TD then the firefly, with less destructive fire power, you’d also get it earlier then the firefly, did get this idea from another commander proposal because I thought it was a great idea
Slot 5 - Precision Artillery
Same one used in the Advanced emplacements, would be a good add to destroy heavy defences and fits with the commander, plus its a good ability I hardly see use

Strategies and Rational
Something the british lack in areas is a more mobile style of game play, while you can get this in a sense from commandos, they are expensive and specialized in close quarter, hit and run tactics. Giving your Infantry sections a better way to deal with units up close, and mobile fire support seems like a great way to fill this role, you can recon where the enemy is, assault their position with your more mid range focused tommies and use the mortar/precision arty to take out big threats, the m10 can provide AT support against early and mid game tanks but still leave you needing to get the firefly eventually to counter heavy tanks like the panther/tiger/King tiger

Additional Context
The british used all types of weapons from the Americans, so this is all within the realm of possibility
11 Jan 2019, 01:20 AM
avatar of Lago

Posts: 3260

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Lend Lease Regiment

Theme: A commander that uses American equipment to fill the holes in the UKF roster. A unit-based commander like USF Mechanized, UKF Lend Lease provides the British Forces with mortars, strong CQC infantry, anti-infantry light vehicles and medium Tank Destroyers, but in turn doesn't have the powerful off-map strikes other doctrines boast.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: 81mm Mortar Team
  • Call in unit, available from 0CP.
    Same as the USF unit, but with a UKF weapon crew.
Slot 2: Royal Engineer Assault Package
  • Slot upgrade, available from 1CP.
    Grants the Royal Engineer squad two Thompson SMGs.
    Mutually exclusive with the minesweeper and Heavy Engineer upgrade. Uses both weapon slots.
    Allows Sappers to scale as close combat troops at the cost of versatility.
Slot 3: M3 Resupply Halftrack
  • Call in unit, available from 4CP.
    The same ability as Special Weapons Regiment.
Slot 4: M5 "Honey" Stuart Light Tank
  • Call in unit, available from 4CP.
    A variant of the Stuart tailored towards anti-infantry combat, providing an anti-infantry shock vehicle and later on a good team weapon killer.
    Has the Canister Shot and Smoke Shells ability.
Slot 5: M10 Tank Destroyer.
  • Buildable from T3.
    Pretty much the same as the USF unit.
    Fills the medium tank destroyer role UKF lacks.

Strategies and Rationale

The Lend Lease Regiment follows a similar philosophy to USF's Mechanized Doctrine: it gives UKF a lot of unit options to play with and fills some holes in their roster, but doesn't add any of the more powerful doctrinal toys like skillplanes or heavy artillery strikes. It's meant to be an option, not an automatic pick you can't go without.

Sapper Assault Package makes Sappers into strong CQC infantry (we're talking Cav Rifles, not Shocks) rather than slightly better Pios. However, it eats all their weapon slots and locks out their upgrades, so an Assault Sapper won't be a jack-of-all-trades utility squad.

The M10 is both a good historical fit (the British Army had a lot of them and stuck 17 pounders on a few) and fills a big hole in the UKF roster: their next AT step up from the Cromwell is the Firefly, which is very fragile and geared towards killing big tanks. The M10, a speedy AT brawler, is a very useful unit for UKF to have access to. Of all the units in this doctrine, the M10 is the one I'd most want to give to UKF.

The Stuart is another US vehicle the British used a lot of. Using the Stuart as it is in USF would be redundant with the AEC, so the UKF one is reworked to be more like its CoH 1 incarnation: a T-70 like generalist light tank with Canister Shot. An anti-infantry light vehicle is something UKF doesn't have, and it synergises with the cheap M10 to defend it from later medium armor.

The existing Resupply Halftrack is already a US unit, so it's an obvious ability to include. It also provides the doctrine with a munitions sink: with no heavy off-maps there are a lot of munitions to spend on Thompson Sappers and double Vickers infantry sections.

Additional Context

The Stuart, M10 and Thompson Submachine Gun were all used extensively by British Forces. The Stuart was a British unit in COH 1, and some M10s (although not the one in this commander!) were fitted with 17 pounders like the Firefly.

The M10 idea is shamelessly stolen from other proposals because it's such a good idea. Credit to A. Soldier for that one.
11 Jan 2019, 05:47 AM
avatar of HoverBacon

Posts: 220

Faction + Commander Name: UKF: Royal Ordnance Auxiliary Regiment

Theme: Early-Midgame Infantry support rolling into late game combined arms and versatility.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Section Close Quarters package (0CP)
-Enables Infantry sections to upgrade to lend lease Thompson SMGs for more short range firepower. (Either 2 Thompsons for 60 munitions and 1 weapons slot, or 3 for 70 munitions and both weapons slots? alternatively 4 sten guns. Thompsons would be better, everything else already has stens in UKF, I'd like some variation.)
-No. 76 WP (WP/incendiary) grenades for dealing with garrisoned machine guns Or smoke grenades.

Slot 2: Officer Detail (2CP)
-A non combat support unit similar to USF Major (without deploying for retreat point) consisting of an officer (Colonel/Lieutenant?) as well as his Bodyguard (2 Tommies/commandos) and a Medic.
-Buffs nearby infantry similar to Sturm Offizier.
-"Tactical Withdrawal!", similar to USF Captain's "On me!" Nearby suppressed infantry will retreat to the officer, detail medic will then heal adjacent units.
-Recon sweep, officer calls in a recon plane to sweep the battlefield.
-Smoke Barrage, officer calls in a smoke barrage at the target location.

Slot 3: Air Resupply, same as tactical support regiment ability, an anti-tank gun and m1 81mm mortar are air dropped to the marked location with medical supplies. (3CP)
-(I suggest 3CP rather than the current 4CP as at 4CP the mortar can arrive too late and I will already have built an AT gun)

Slot 4: Vehicle Crew Repairs (6CP), same as other UKF Regiments

Slot 5: Precision barrage (10CP), Same as advanced emplacements regiment artillery strike.

Strategies and Rational
Royal Ordnance Auxiliary Regiment helps to fill gaps in the early game UKF Roster such as lack of a mobile mortar, provided by air resupply, and a meaningful way to assault axis weapon teams and provides an alternative to commandos for assault infantry. The assault infantry and officer detail help to support British infantry early game against axis infantry when defending to ease the mad rush for a centaur vs axis grenadier and volksgrenadiers blobs whilst also providing them useful tools to attack an entrenched enemy early game if need be (Something UKF currently lack). Assault infantry with incendiary or smoke grenades would allow british infantry to close the distance on axis weapon teams in choke points early game whilst scaling well into the late game for brawls on capture points.

Vehicle crew repairs allows the player to retain infantry presence into the late game by lessening the need for Royal engineers allowing for more combat infantry, thus allowing for better combined arms play in the late game.

Whilst an officer is on the field, recon sweep can be used in conjunction with Precision barrage to deal with important targets such as PaK43s. With artillery meta so prominent in online games, it is especially important for a commander without field artillery of it's own, to be able to respond to it in order to fit the meta and be useful.

I believe this commander is pretty well rounded overall without anything over the top, whilst simple, it fills a lot of the gaps and problems that many UKF regiments have and most importantly I believe it fits the current meta of CoH2 team games very well.

Additional Context

-The British army purchased and used Thompson SMGs extensively in WW2 especially before the sten gun was developed in 1941. In game, unless a regiment with commandos is used, UKF have few effective close range or brawl units, whilst sappers are very potent close range, they struggle on the offense and out of cover, especially against assault infantry. (It seems virtually every suggestion so far includes this, probably because everyone thinks it's needed)

-"British officers don't duck!" British officers were well renowned in WW2 (especially for their attitude) and this was well represented in CoH1. CoH2 already has assets for a british officer including the air landing officer skin (I think there are others too) and probably the best voicelines in the game. These voicelines are currently only used on the air landing officer which is one unit in one regiment, I'd really like to see at least 1 more unit/regiment use this voice. All the resources are there for this unit, if the air landing officer model isn't sufficient there are definitely other officer models such as those found in the "all units mod".

-Precision barrage is another otherwise good ability currently stuck on a commander that isn't useful, I'd like to see it somewhere I can use.
11 Jan 2019, 11:57 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1


Commonwealth Support Regiment or Allied Support Regiment or Polish Support Regiment.

Thematically this commander will represent the allied countries that helped the UK in WWII, this can include Canadian force, South African Forces, Anzac, Polish, Free french, Greek, Indian...

CP 0 Canadian Rifle Section (or Polish Rifle Section)
A Five man infantry section starting on CD, using the Lee Enfield rifle but not suffering any cover penalties/bonuses . Unit cost 260 is about the strength of VG. Has access to grenades via normal unlock and can upgrade with a pyrotechnics now providing access to smoke barrage also.

CP 0 Canadian M10
The M10 unit can be built requiring T3 or even hammer/anvil.
Alternatively Sherman IB. This would be the Sherman Dozer (if possible with 105 without the dozer blade).
The unit can be used to provide indirect fire support with a number of ways:
1) Modeled after KV-2 withe a set up preferably being able to fire 1+1+1 shots direct by player as barrage before going on cool down.

2) Modeled after Scott

3) Modeled after priest firing a barrage of 3-5 shells with sort ranger than priest.

CP 0 Smoke barrage
25p can no provide smoke barrages.

CP 3 1st Independent Parachute Brigade
A 5 men Polish paratrooper unit modeled after Ranges using commando models (alternatively it could represent a free french 4th SAS).

The unit can use a timed ability increase the increases the armor for the duration. Can upgrade with Thompson. Can use WP grenades.

There are some voice lines for Polish units in campaign in the sniper scenario actually.

The unit can also represent use UKF uniform and represent other Polish Armed Forces (in the West
units) (or Free french).

4CP Combined Arms
A version of the USF ability.


This Commander bring anti garrison tools with the Smoke barrages and WP grenades, while providing access to fast units for fast aggressive play.

The historic basis come from the number of allied troops that fought in the side of UKF troops.

Canadian Rifle Section
The idea behind the unit it provide a unit that work similar to other mainline infantry, while being slightly more expensive. Unit should not have access to heal and should probably have 1 weapon slot (maybe even at -15-25% accuracy penalty) so that it does not combine the best of the 2 worlds.

It should work besides Tommies providing the maneuverability and not replace them.

Canadian M10
A fast TD to support Centaur, Cromwell, Churchill. Since UKF have early access to armor it should probably be gated behind Hammer/anvil. Might Even require a higher price.

Sherman IB
A much needed indirect fire support unit.

Smoke barrage
Providing a much needed counter to garrison and HMG. These solution is better than indirect fire support since UKF are very defensive and with access to indirect fire support they can turtle allot.

1st Independent Parachute Brigade
An offensive QCQ unit. The ability is to help them close the distance being a timed one allows the unit the to perform well without being OP.

Combined Arms
A ability to further promote aggressive play without really on heavy off maps.
11 Jan 2019, 14:36 PM
avatar of Wiking

Posts: 60

UKF Royal Air Force

Theme: Consolidating and utilizing the might of the RAF. Let the bastards know who won the Battle of Britain

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Recon plane

Standard recon plane

Slot 2: Supply drop

Drop-in supply of fuel, similar to Luftwaffe supply/Soviet Industry/Lend Lease drop

Slot 3: Paratroopers squad

360 mp 4 man squad (5 if bolstered).
Armed with Lee-Enfields, able to upgrade to Sten guns (non-silenced).
Abilities include Mills bomb and WP grenade.

Personally I'd strongly prefer if they simply paradropped in, not landed in a glider.

Slot 4: Anti-infantry strafe

Similar to anti-infantry strafe of Soviet Advanced Warfare or USF Tactical support

Slot 5: Sector assault

Mix between OKW Overwatch sector assault, Zeroing Artillery and Air supremacy. Bombers will do continue to perform bombing runs in the designated area as long as sight is maintained.

Strategies and Rational

RAF is a huge branch that feels somewhat underrepresented in CoH2. Abilities that include planes are scattered among different commanders with 1 or 2 per.

Commandos as a unit seem as a cheesy unit with a very strict niche and Paratroopers will bridge the gap between defense oriented IS and offense oriented commandos. Also, UKF seem to lack infantry diversity in general.

British faction in general design is very defense-oriented one with few commanders offering offensive options (I'd say only Commandos, Mobile Assault or Royal Artillery).

11 Jan 2019, 15:09 PM
avatar of adamírcz

Posts: 955

Maneuver regiment
Allows the faction a lot more mobile and agressive playstyle

0CP: Strike team- unlocks Recon sections and assault sections in the starting building. Recons have commandos like stealth, a scoped lee enfield with crits,the interogation ability and build beacons.
Assaults have 2 thompsons and 2 stens, OKW incendiary nade, smoke, and a fire selecter attachment so you constantly switch between semi autos for mid range and full auto for short range

2CP: Lend lease- unlocks a 50cal and a US mortar HT in the HQ

3CP: The sections cover bonus from Mobile assault

4CP: Smoke Raid OP from commandos

4CP: The special weapons M3 truck
11 Jan 2019, 20:46 PM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Faction UKF - Reconnaissance Regiment

Theme: Utilize Reconnaissance Infantry and Light Vehicles to call in punishing artillery strikes. Recon Sections, Flares, and Greyhound Armored Cars provide critical intel on enemy positions to coordinate heavy mortar and artillery shells to break up entrenched enemy positions.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Raid Operation
Same as Vanguard

Slot 2: 1 or 2 CP Recon Infantry Sections
Scrapped unit from beta, currently in Cheat Mod. Add Vet 0 or Change Vet 1 ability to Heavy Mortar Strike (copy of OST Artillery Officer ability or Major Arty)

Slot 3: 3 CP Early Warning or 4 CP Artillery Flares
Copy from Artillery Regiment or Spec Ops

Slot 4: 5 CP Greyhound
Same as Recon Company

Slot 5: CP 10 - Precision Barrage
Same as Advanced Emplacement

Strategies and Rational: Brits are notorious for their lack of indirect fire options. This commander introduces an I&R pathfinder type unit to give players another early game indirect fire option combined with a late game off map with plenty of LOS to make use of these abilities. Greyhound fills in role of Recon while providing Brits with sorely needed mid-game AI vehicle since Valentine isn't an AI specialist. Recon Regiments were spearhead units so raid also makes sense while meshing with Greyhound.

I would consider replacing Early Warning with something else - possibly Advanced Repair Assembly from Advanced Emplacements to provide more late game utility and support Greyhound.
11 Jan 2019, 20:47 PM
avatar of Aarotron

Posts: 563

Advanced Infantry Regiment

0cp: defensive operatios, same as in emplacement regiment, allowing sections to build emplacements.
0cp: assault kits: Royal engineers can be equipped with flamethrowers and no 69 impact grenades, while infantry sections can be equipped with thompson submachine guns

2cp: infantry officer: This officer is equipped with sten submachine guns with stats of airlanding officer. has Heroic charge, offmap heavy mortar barrage and Smoke barrage an light gammon bomb

9cp: Sexton

12 cp: Assault artillery: same kind as with okw one: off map 25 pounder howizers will saturate targeted area with he shells, followed up by smoke shells to cover infantrys advance.

Rationale: Brits have access to many doctrines but none of them feel like they give you proper focus on your infatry play. I personally love commanders such as conscript support and infantry company because they give new tools for your mainline infantry, allowing them to ve centered in your strategy. Infantry upgrades and officer would allows new ways and tactics while sexton allows you to crack defensive enemies and assault artillery as begining for your assaults.

11 Jan 2019, 20:56 PM
avatar of RoastinGhost

Posts: 416 | Subs: 1

Name: UKF Strategic Manoeuvre Regiment
Theme: Late-war British flanking units.

Slot 1: Radio Intercept
  • 0cp, same as Soviets.

Slot 2: Assault Section
  • 2cp call-in; 320mp, 32 per man. An Infantry Section that doesn't have out-of-cover penalites. Equipped with a Tommy gun, Enfields with fewer movement penalties, and No. 77 WP Grenades for both smokescreen and anti-garrison use. Can fire Bren guns while moving.

Slot 3: 4.2 Inch Mortar
  • 2cp call-in; 340mp. Mostly copied from the Soviets' HM-38 120mm, but with slightly smaller and faster shells.

Slot 4: Stuart Mk. VI
  • 5cp call-in; 270mp, 70fu . Similar to the USF Stuart. Includes the canister shot ability.

Slot 5: Strafing Support

Strategic Manoeuvre Regiment is aggressive. From the beginning of the game, they are able to keep tabs on enemy build orders to stay one step ahead. Assault Sections work best when the initiative is in their favor. 4.2 Inch Mortars give the Assault Sections a form of (somewhat) light indirect fire support. Both give unique access to early-game smoke. The Stuart Mk. VI is available to help against a variety of targets. Strafing Support is a versatile but expensive tool for use in important situations.

Provides the UKF with aggressive mid-range infantry, a mobile mortar, and a versatile light tank, all of which had been absent from their roster. Radio Intercept and the Stuart with Canister Shot are callbacks to CoH1.

Commander is available for testing here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1244320542
12 Jan 2019, 01:16 AM
avatar of general_gawain

Posts: 919

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Canadian Assault Regiment

Theme: Canadians were always known as the Commonwealth's "shock troops"...

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Assault "Tommy" Section -> with flamer upgrade or "No 77 White Phosporus Grenade"

Slot 2: M1 81mm Mortar team

Slot 3: Hold the Line -> change into Recon Plane or Land Mattress

Slot 4: 3-inch M10 "Achilles" Tank Destroyer

Slot 5: Strafing Support

Slightly changed submission of A.Soldier to bring Brits back in 1vs1 with an aggressive commander.
(He already wrote most of what I would have, thumbs up for that man)

Change 1: Assault Tommies could have a flamer upgrade or phosporus nade for clearing of buildings and defensive positions

Change 2: Take out "Hold the line" and add something aggressive like Land Mattress (Canadians used it too) or Recon Plane to kill or recon enemy fortified lines and strengthen the overall attack value of this commander even further.
12 Jan 2019, 01:20 AM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Canadian Assault Regiment

Theme: Canadians were always known as the Commonwealth's "shock troops", all the way since World War 1 they had proven themselves in the muddy fields of Passchendaele up to the urban fighting of World War 2. Using American equipment together with stout Canadian men and British air support are a sure recipe for victory.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Assault "Tommy" Section

4 man squad armed with American M1A1 Thompson SMGs, also equipped with frag and smoke grenades. Ideal mobile infantry squad meant for urban close quarter fighting as well as spearheading infantry assaults.

Slot 2: M1 81mm Mortar team

Mobile mortar team meant to support infantry attacks with close indirect fire, perfect for clearing out enemy garrisons and MGs as well as providing friendly infantry with smoke cover.

Slot 3: Hold the Line

When on the backfoot don't give them an inch, same as the Special Weapons Regiment ability.

Slot 4: 3-inch M10 "Achilles" Tank Destroyer

Commonwealth variant of the American M10 Tank Destroyer, provides a cheaper and earlier coming alternative to the expensive and slow Firefly.

Slot 5: Strafing Support

Call in the Flyboys, the Royal Air Force stands by for strafing support, from the Vanguard Operations Regiment.

Strategies and Rational

I have always felt that the Canadians were under-presented in CoH2 because there were a lot more Canadian-esque units in CoH like the Canadian Infantry section found in the British Campaign, the M7 Priest as well as the 25 pounder also had Canadian voiced crews. Apart from that, the British are lacking mobile assault close quarter infantry apart from the Commandos, mobile indirect fire that doesn't cost fuel like the Land Mattress and a less expensive and more mobile tank destroyer.

I want this. Relic you know what to do.
12 Jan 2019, 04:08 AM
avatar of drjeeves

Posts: 22

I like a.soldier's Idea
12 Jan 2019, 04:42 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Canadian Assault Regiment

Theme: Canadians were always known as the Commonwealth's "shock troops", all the way since World War 1 they had proven themselves in the muddy fields of Passchendaele up to the urban fighting of World War 2. Using American equipment together with stout Canadian men and British air support are a sure recipe for victory.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Assault "Tommy" Section

4 man squad armed with American M1A1 Thompson SMGs, also equipped with frag and smoke grenades. Ideal mobile infantry squad meant for urban close quarter fighting as well as spearheading infantry assaults.

Slot 2: M1 81mm Mortar team

Mobile mortar team meant to support infantry attacks with close indirect fire, perfect for clearing out enemy garrisons and MGs as well as providing friendly infantry with smoke cover.

Slot 3: Hold the Line

When on the backfoot don't give them an inch, same as the Special Weapons Regiment ability.

Slot 4: 3-inch M10 "Achilles" Tank Destroyer

Commonwealth variant of the American M10 Tank Destroyer, provides a cheaper and earlier coming alternative to the expensive and slow Firefly.

Slot 5: Strafing Support

Call in the Flyboys, the Royal Air Force stands by for strafing support, from the Vanguard Operations Regiment.

Strategies and Rational

I have always felt that the Canadians were under-presented in CoH2 because there were a lot more Canadian-esque units in CoH like the Canadian Infantry section found in the British Campaign, the M7 Priest as well as the 25 pounder also had Canadian voiced crews. Apart from that, the British are lacking mobile assault close quarter infantry apart from the Commandos, mobile indirect fire that doesn't cost fuel like the Land Mattress and a less expensive and more mobile tank destroyer.

Additional Context

Here's a funny little picture I took from the All Units Mod a long time ago which pretty much sums up my idea, minus the Assault Section and Air support abilities:

I really like this.

I would definitely give the assault section a WP grenade either modeled after the comet shell in grenade form or the obers' blendkorpfer (so it either doesn't slow infantry and doesn't block LoS a la comet or does slow infantry and block LoS like obers) possibly along with a normal mills bomb too (obers have the same thing and they don't even share cooldown, and these are supposed to be assault infantry).

Also I would probably replace either hold the line or strafing support with something else just so its not overly offmap airstrike heavy. Maybe vehicle crew repair to help out with repairing groups of achilles, but then again that ability is in a lot of commanders so I don't really know. Just food for thought.
12 Jan 2019, 05:01 AM
avatar of RoastinGhost

Posts: 416 | Subs: 1

So I post a day late and my year-old idea/mod looks like the ripoff?
I even had the No. 77 WP grenades...
12 Jan 2019, 06:39 AM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

Why u guys want stuart for brits when grayhound is better option. They have already At light tank so more AI light tank is better option.
12 Jan 2019, 07:52 AM
avatar of nullsofte

Posts: 2

Faction + Commander Name: UKF Hit-and-run Operations

Theme: Incorporating mobile combined arms warfare influenced by the US Army, the UKF use their own flavor of chaos with an infantry summoned smoke barrage, a mobile mortar, quick infantry movement, a fast moving tank destroyer and air support to retreat or push ahead with.

Provides more mobile options for UKF and an earlier smoke option compared to using other commander abilities or the Cromwell smoke (which is great by itself). Might fill in too many weaknesses for the UKF however these seem a bit different to what other people are posting, other than the M10 Achilles which was mentioned, however this one has the firefly gun on it which is quite powerful and would be expensive.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Pyrotechnics Smoke Barrage


Adds a 30 ammo on use ability for infantry sections.

Requires pyrotechnics to be upgraded for infantry sections, allows for a quick smoke barrage with the same mechanics as the coordinated fire.

Slot 2: Universal Carrier Mortar


75 Ammo upgrade for the Universal carrier

Upgrades the Universal Carrier with a mortar, has to set up when it stops, incredibly susceptible to pretty much any anti vehicle options but is quick. 2 inch/3 inch mortar.

Slot 3: Assault


Identical to Commando Regiment Assault

Slot 4: Lend Lease M10 Tank Destroyer

8CP/0CP (alternatively can be built similar to the US variant)

Call in M10 Tank Destroyer

Identical to the American version, the 17-pounder version seems it would be too similar to the firefly. I'm interested in a cheaper option to the Firefly, with better AT abilities than the Cromwell.

Slot 5: Strafing Support


Identical to Vanguard operations strafing support.

Strategies and Rational

I feel like the a lot of the tools UKF have at the moment are in a good place, however emplacement seems lackluster and too much of an investment for a static target. Adding a mobile mortar option which is also unique to the British and having it on a unit that can find itself obsolete in the mid game will flow nicely. With the addition of snares on engineers you are able to protect it from axis light armor however it will die incredibly quickly to almost anything that looks at it. The early smoke is something that is not possible outside of a few limiting doctrines for the UKF or building a mortar emplacement(a play style that a lot of people, including myself may forgo) but still requires a decent ammo investment to get early on, the Cromwell smoke is one of the best in the game but it's quite a bit later and requires significant tech. Assault feels great to give some speed to position your sections, and strafing support can turn the tides in engagement assuming you amass that much ammo somehow as the UKF. The M10 is something that I really like, it feels like the firefly is much too big of an investment and while the UKF have great anti tank guns, it's a mobile option that will move around with your Cromwell's to hunt tanks down.

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