
russian armor

New Commander Submission - USA

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13 Jan 2019, 01:27 AM
avatar of EtherealDragon

Posts: 1890 | Subs: 1

Faction USF - Citadel Company

Theme: Dig in with Citadel Company- a defensive focused commander of USF that allows USF to hold the line and then go on the counter-offensive. Build defenses with Assault Engineers and Riflemen to hold the line. Utilize more heavily armored and armed Easy Eights to hold off German armor and call in P47 air support as needed.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Assault Engineers

Slot 2: Riflemen Field Defenses

Slot 3: Man The Guns!
- Ability Similar to Ardennes Assault - troops in friendly territory get received acc buff and can reinforce faster.

Slot 4: Easy Eight
- Stats/Cost Tweaked to make it relevant (Compared to 76 MM it's overpriced and not differentiated IMO)
- Consider turning into a Comet type unit that's more of an all-rounder

Slot 5: P47 Overwatch
Same as Hawker Typhoons from Vanguard with P47s

Strategies and Rational: USF is primarily an aggressive faction and could use a more defensive minded commander. This commander utilizes units only in one commander currently (Ass. Engie and EZ8) which is nice. I would consider using 17 Pounder Emplacement and Fire Up! (with exhaustion nerf removed to quickly respond to attacks) as possible other ability contenders but honestly they aren't as appealing to me as abilities that players would actually use or want in a commander. Another option instead of EZ8 would be an "improvised armor" upgrade for Shermans that increase their armor/heath... possibly at the cost of speed or acceleration.
13 Jan 2019, 04:02 AM
avatar of gbem

Posts: 1979

Breakthrough doctrine
Rationale: a doctrine designed to breakthrough and penetrate heavily defended frontlines and exploit weaknesses in the enemy's defensive line

Cp0 sherman crocodile (uses normal sherman model)
Like any flamethrower tank allows the disloging of heavy defensive weaponteam and coverplay

CP2 cav riflemen
Cav rifles from mechanized

Cp4 advanced cav riflemen package
Gives normal satchels and smoke grenades to cav riflemen... 30 muni upgrade

Cp8 SBD dauntless divebomb...
A stuka bomb copy...

Cp13 P47 air supremacy
350 muni... for 1 minute shoot down all incoming enemy planes... P47s will automatically recon strafe and rocket enemy targets in the sector...

13 Jan 2019, 09:31 AM
avatar of SpadeAce999

Posts: 44

Faction + Commander Name: USF Advanced Infantry Company

Theme: Advanced infantry players attack the enemy's rear infiltration, fast maneuver defense, or attack with a powerful Heavy infantry. The Commander destroys enemy intentions by injecting Sherman Easy eight tanks at a crucial moment to defend or attack the area.

Unit and Ability Roster.

Slot 1: (Passive) Mechanazied Groups

•Same as The Mechanized Company

Slot 2: M4A3E8 Sherman Easy Eight

•Same as The Rifle Company

Slot 3: Off Map Smoke Barrage

•Same as The Heavy Cavalry Company

Slot 4: Rangers

•Same as The Heavy Cavalry Company

•However the ability need add Satchel (Not Anti tank/vehicle Satchel)

•Satchel Skill Price like a soviet penal battalion

Slot 5: Combined Arms

•Same like a The Heavy Cavalry Company

Strategies and Rational

I understand that when I explain the merits of US forces in Company of Heroes II, I focus on maneuvering and attacking power. In the Second World War, the US forces used infantry to transport enemy troops with fast-moving vehicles. Based on these historical facts, I thought that the infantry's advancing speed was the concept of controlling the enemy by adjusting the speed of the tanks.

By implementing this in-game, we want to increase the opportunity for users who play US forces to be more strategic and diversify the means of crushing enemy lines, thereby giving them strategic and creativity.

Of course, I do not think it will be fully implemented. However, I think that it is good to create various conditions so that creativity can be given to everyone.

Additional Context

You need a satchel on the Ranger squad. Historically, they have been at the forefront of breakthroughs and have used a variety of explosives to dismantle bunkers in the battle of Pointe du Hoc.
13 Jan 2019, 19:54 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

Combined Forces Commander

5 USF commanders decided to combine their forces to provide you their support. The Armor commander provide you squads of Assault Engineers, Airborn allow you to use call their Paratroopers, Mechanized commander gives you access to their Greyhoud, Riflemen commander let you call their White phosphorus barrage and the Heavy Cavalry commander put at your disposal a Pershing.

CP0 Assault Engineers

CP3 Paratroopers

CP4 Greyhound

CP6 White Phosphorus

CP13 Pershing
14 Jan 2019, 02:31 AM
avatar of Damascus

Posts: 1

Theme: Spearhead assault, a company dedicated to breaking through defensive lines, deal with enemies in CQC, and going toe to toe with heavy armor.

Unit and Roster ability

Slot 1: Cavalry Riflemen CP 2

Slot 2: 'Easy 8' Sherman CP 8

Slot 3: Light Artillery Barrage CP 4

Slot 4: Scout/Strafe aircraft, minor damage but mostly for scouting and against inf. CP 5 70ish munitions

Slot 5: Upgrade for Infantry, Gives riflemen 2 m3 Grease guns increasing CQC effectiveness CP 0 Munitions 50
14 Jan 2019, 12:38 PM
avatar of SupremeStefan

Posts: 1220

(Update) Faction + Commander Name :
USF Combined Assault Company
Theme: Recon + airsupport + lategame tank

Slot 1 :
0CP - Pathfinders
This pathfinders can mark target enemy.
(Normal pathfiners with extra ability)

Slot 2 :
2CP - Veteran Squad Leaders (New Ability)
50mp and 60mu
six man rifleman upgrade

Slot 3 :
3CP - Browning M1919A6 Light Machine Gun

Slot 4 :
9CP - P47 Single Rocket Run (ardenes dlc)

Slot 5 :
10CP - Command sherman e8
400mp 150fu
This command unit will improve realod time and sight radius to all tanks.

Strategies and Rational

14 Jan 2019, 22:44 PM
avatar of WingZero

Posts: 1484

(Update) Faction + Commander Name :
USF Combined Assault Company
Theme: Recon + airsupport + lategame tank

Slot 1 :
0CP - Pathfinders
This pathfinders can mark target enemy.
(Normal pathfiners with extra ability)

Slot 2 :
2CP - Veteran Squad Leaders (New Ability)
50mp and 60mu
six man rifleman upgrade
only one weapon slot

Slot 3 :
3CP - Browning M1919A6 Light Machine Gun

Slot 4 :
9CP - P47 Single Rocket Run (ardenes dlc)

Slot 5 :
10CP - Command sherman e8
400mp 150fu
This command unit will improve realod time and sight radius to all tanks.

Strategies and Rational

I like this but the veteran squad is a bit iffy.
15 Jan 2019, 07:02 AM
avatar of LeOverlord

Posts: 310

Commander name : Close Air Support

Description : Utilize the American air support in order to push back assaults, counterattack or break through heavily fortified positions.

CP 1 - Recon run : A plane will pass over the battlefield and scout the area.

CP 3 - Airborne reinforcements : A plane will drop a Paratrooper squad and a Paratrooper Engineer squad. The paratroopers have LMG and/or Thompson upgrade, plus a Sniper upgrade at vet 1 (similar to Tommies from CoH1). The airborne Engineers are better equipped and trained than Echelons and Assault Engineers and can support the American Army in many ways.

CP 5 - Air raid operations : For the next 30 seconds fighter planes will attack a designated position and strafe enemy infantry. Once their attacks are over the planes will drop smokes to cover an attack.

CP 9 - Strafing run : A fighter plane will strafe and suppress infantry in a tight corridor. In case that the unit gets red pin, it will retreat.

CP 13 - B-29/P-47 Tactical Strike : B-29 Superfortresses and P-47 Fighters will patrol and attack both vehicles and infantry formations in a designated area. Once the attack is over, the planes will drop White Phosphorus smokes to deny the area and/or prepare it for the next attack.

I also have a second idea.

Commander name : American War Machine

Description : Take advantage of the sheer American vehicle production to put pressure on the enemy with endless waves of armor and support vehicles

CP 0 - Raid tactics (PASSIVE) : Allows Light Vehicles to capture points.

CP 4 - Stage 2 : Rear Echelons can construct a Supply Yard which will slightly decrease the population cap of all American vehicles and also slightly decrease the fuel needed to field vehicles (1-3 pop cap points, if chosen from the community, it can be discussed)

CP 7 - Allied War Machine : For the duration of the ability, any vehicle lost in combat will be replaced with a new one free of charge. Up to 3 vehicles can be replaced every time the ability is activated.

CP 10 - Sherman Jumbo group : Deploy 2 Sherman Jumbo medium tanks on the field.

CP 13 - M26 Pershing group : Deploy 2 M26 Pershing heavy tanks on the field. The ability can be used once. Upon losing both of your Pershings, the ability can be used again but it will deploy a single Pershing tank.
15 Jan 2019, 09:14 AM
avatar of Wiking

Posts: 60

USF Adaptive Defense Company

Theme: Emphasis on the defensive approach to the battle.

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: Riflemen defense

Riflemen are able to build sandbags, lay mines, etc.

Slot 2: Advanced Fighting Positions

Able to upgrade fighting positions with extra health and armor

Slot 3: M1919

Gives access to the M1919 LMGs

Slot 4: Recon overflight

Standard aerial reconnaissance

Slot 5: Perimeter Overwatch

Copy of the Royal Artillery ability

Strategies and Rational

USF feels like overly aggression-oriented faction. Perhaps this commander would fill some gaps in the arsenal of the American army and ways to counter enemy blobs other than own blobs.
15 Jan 2019, 21:39 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

USF Anti Tank Doctrine:

Theme: Find, ambush, and destroy enemy armor using a variety of tools

0cp: Pathfinders

(same as airborne company)

2cp: Anti Tank Munitions:

Enables rear echelons to lay heavier AT mines (what exactly these mines would be I don’t know because I don’t know of any other American mines) that are able to engine damage vehicles and inflict slightly more damage than normal mines (maybe around halfway between riegels and normal mines) for 35 (or maybe 40?) munitions and allows rear echelons and officers to use anti tank grenade assaults against vehicles (same as soviet anti tank doctrine one except they do not engine damage vehicles, and there’s one or two less of them being thrown because of smaller squad size).

3cp: Anti Tank Crew Training:

Allows USF 57mm at guns to camouflage (same as soviet ability) and reposition faster for a short period of time (same as Brit at gun ability). Maybe: allows Stuart crews to take advantage of their smaller size and camouflage as well (much like soviet anti tank doctrine camouflage).

3cp: Airborne AT support squad:

An airborne squad geared specifically for destroying enemy armor can be dropped into the battlefield for 290 manpower. They can lay the same at mines that rear echelons are given access to (the ones in the doctrine, not the timed stun ones) and can be upgraded with an AT package that gives them 2 super bazookas and the ability to camouflage when in cover (same as recon support one). They do not have access to anti infantry upgrades (but can still be upgraded with BARs at the weapon racks if you want I guess). I thought about giving them at rifle grenades too but that might be semi-OP. Veterancy geared towards survivability and reload would be nice too but I don’t know if that’s an option (as in I don’t know if custom veterancy is allowed). If not then just standard airborne veterancy.

4cp: Allied supply run:

An allied cargo plane will drop munitions into the base sector to supply anti tank efforts. The plane can be easily shot down. (drops munitions for manpower like ostheer ability but delivers to the base sector like the soviet one).

Alternatively for the last slot: 8cp: P47 rocket strafe:

A single p47 will make a strafing run with its anti tank rockets. More like the targeted Stuka strafe than Stuka/p47 CAS (it’s a strafe instead of a loiter). Costs 120 munitions. Note: Ideally all the rockets combined would do about the same damage as the soviet PTAB bombing run in their Tank Hunter commander and would cover a relarively concentrated area about the length of a KT with spacing narrow enough that you could just barely hit the aforementioned tank with all the rockets if it’s stationary. I’m not sure if that’s codable which is partially why I have this as an alternate last ability. That or it could just be a p47 that drops PTABs somehow.

I can’t really decide between the two last slots, so I guess I’ll just have them both there and other people can give feedback if they want.

Strategies and rationale:

This commander gives usf a variety of tools to help destroy tanks without the use of armor. Pathfinders can find enemy tanks to help US forces react and plant beacons to reinforce the airborne AT squad on the field. Rear echelons and officers are given additional AT options to scare enemy armor and anti tank crews are better trained and have more options at their disposal. Airborne AT squads provide an elite infantry deterrent to enemy armor while allied airpower also joins the anti tank effort (in one way or another). My goal behind this commander is to give additional options for tank killing to a faction where it’s basically just Jacksons or bust to a point, and his would allow more variety in play style for USF, especially with vehicles that would be freer to not be Jacksons since they are backed by other at options.
16 Jan 2019, 12:57 PM
avatar of Stark

Posts: 626 | Subs: 1

Faction + Commander Name:

USF – Combine Invasion Forces

Theme: based on American combine strategy used in Normandy and Ardens.

Unit and Ability Roster:
• 0 CP
• Rear Enchelons can be equipt with 1 flamethrower – takes 1 weapon slot
• Cost 60 ammo

SLOT 2 – GLIDER HQ – glider can be deployed on the friendly territory
• 2 CPs
• cost: 240 MP 30 fuel
• Can be used as a forward HQ – can reinforce nearbly units
• Forward Retreat Point available after Major is deployed on the field – free ability that allow to use major more offensivly but still has FRP.
• Medic station – for 50 ammo HQ can be upgraded with medic that heal nearbly units (works like Soviet HQ medics)
• Allow to produce:
o American sniper – 360 MP - 1 ranger (or pathfinder) model soldier that is a statisticly copy-paste of ostheer sniper. Vet1 ability – Binoculars/Scope – gain extra vision (works the same as SU85 recon ability)
o AT paratroopers team – 280 MP, 50 AMMO – paratrooper squad equipt with 2 pieces of more beffy bazookas (extra damage, penetration, accuracy more similar to panzershrek) – They can also lie m5 mines and detects vehicules. Vet1 ability – main gun disable (works like pak40, STUG III G stun ability).
o Infiltration airborn squad – 340 MP - stealthy 5 men paratroopers squad equipt mainly with thompsons (number of weapons depend from balance point of view - guess 3 would make reasonable sense) that can move in cammo, can use granade and smoke nade, plant demos and AI mines (like soviet AI mines).

• 5 CP
• Cost 200 – 250 MP
• Similar to ostheer supply drop from Close Air Support Doctrine

• 11 CP
• Cost around 420 MP and 155 fuel
• Only 1 can be deployed on the battlefield
• It has aura that buffs nearbly tanks – gives reload and sight bonus. Aura could be substitute by a single unit offensive and defensive buffs (same as Commisar abilities but inpacts only tanks)
• Can be upgraded with 0.5 cal mg
• Defensive smoke (panzer tactician version)
• Vet1 ability – HEAT round (same as in jakson tank) – time ability that increase penetration and damage but reduces reload time. Cost 30 ammo.

• 12 CP
• Cost 250 ammo
• Consolidated B-24 Liberator – heavy bomber planes are called on small area to destoy enemy defensive positions. Number of planes and bombs depend on balance.
• Effect area, scale and cooldown between IL-2 bombing run and UKF AirSupremacy, Area

Strategies and Rational:
General idea is to fill the weakness of basic USF design flows like antygarisson tools, sniper unit (and therefore effective countersnipe option) and adittionally unique diffrent and elite infantry units like AT and infiltration paratroopers. Bazooka is a good, mobile AT weapon but effective mostly vs light tanks. Creating more powerfull version of AT infantry similar to panzergrens equipt with two panzershreks finally gives effective counter to axis medium tanks. Infiltration airborn squad is the concept of stealth unit that USF currently doesn’t have in their unit rouster. The design of unit would be base on recently revamp stormtroopers and commandos. Glider would serve as an alternative to a Major forward retreat point / ambulance that can allow to call airborn units in diffrent way than simple call-in. This concept would be too powerfull becouse of quite high MP cost of this units. Player will have to choose to go sniper or more steath infantry units. The supply drops will give a nice boost of income, but it will be risky to use them as they can be overrun and stolen by the enemy. Again player has very diverse way to play this commander. Intensive resources bust will block player from spamming elite units located in Glider HQ. Timing (5CPs) is force to block players from potensional spam of recourses busts in higher gamemodes.
Late game abilities like B-24 Liberator bombing run will force enemy player to relocate their units which allow US player to break the static, defensive gameplay. US army was famous from their high air supremacy above Europe skies and yet there is only two offensive „plane” abilities (rocket p47 strafe and AI passage).
Easy8 Command tank concept given by Supreme Stefan tries to show this Sherman tank in diffrent way, not overlapping with RifleCompany. As already Sanders93 meansioned before USF lacks of more heavy medium tank (more similar to comet and panther). Idea would be similar to OKW command tank which was most used OKW commander in past few years.
It’s also good to point it out that all abilities and units are already existing in game. High diversity of abilities and units allow it to be used in all game modes and counter versatile strategics.
Additional Context:
special thanks to Sanders93 who gave me inspiration in his amasing concept of a commander and Supreme Stefan who gave the ideas of command tank.
16 Jan 2019, 14:02 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1

Readiness Company (or Checkerboard Company or Battle Babies Company) (after the 99th "Readiness Division")or "Red big one" Company

The USF army during the battle of bulge with emphasis on Rear Echelons.


CP 0 M10 'Wolverine' Tank Destroyer
The M10 available as call in at 9 with a premium or build-able from T4 at normal price.

A more radical approach:
CP 4 Anti Aircraft defenses
R.E. can now built the Bofors.

The units has 2 fire modes AA and Ground and will engage airplanes only in AA mode.

CP 0 "Tenacious defense"
R.E. can now hit the dirt. Ability gives damage reduction and immunity to suppression but it is timed.

CP 2 "Rearm and refit"
R.E. can upgrade to gain an NCO (armed with a Thompson) become 5 men squad losing all weapon slots but armed with United States Rifle, cal .30, Model of 1917 (basically an Enflied). The can no longer built or repair, since they are now a fighting unit. (Weapon is about equal to VG K98)

Alternatively one of their weapon can now fire rifle-grenades.
more radical approach:
CP 3 "Promotion"
R.E. achieving vet 2 can return to base and promoted to USF elite units like assault engineers, Rangers, Paratroopers by the Company Command post. The mechanic might work by either moving the unit in the tend and the new unit appearing or by moving it outside the map.

CP 2 "Close quarters antitank tactics"
R.E. can now use sticky bombs (AT grenades similar to Conscripts) and ATGs can now cloak. Cloak for ATG require the unit to be stationary (can rotate). R.E. now have access to "daisy chains" mines tactics. Their mines are now built in cluster similar to Ostheer minefield and will now have chance to cause engine damage if more that 1 is hit.

CP 9 Indirect fire Support
A sector artillery support on owned sectors using mortar Shells for 120 MU without the need of LOS. The ability is defensively oriented cheap and comes early.
CP 8 P-47 Antitank strafe
A strafe can be called in where a P-47 will fire MG and rocket at designed path.

Other changes:
R.E. volley fire now is a vet 1 ability. The ability scale with veterancy where the penalties are gradually reduced. The ability does not have to aimed at target and can be used when in garrison.

R.E. Tanks trap are swapped for sandbags and move to assault engineers. They now take loner to built have smaller target size, provide yellow cover and can be dismantled by units equipped with mine sweepers.

Historic Basis:
The idea is to recreate the battle of bugle and especially Battle of Elsenborn Ridge the with rear echelons fighting to stop Axis advance. R.E. should be a big part of this commander and should be able to scale into late game with the extra member, hit the ground, AT snare and changes to Volley fire.

Many patches and Commanders are based around OP units or abilities as their "selling" point. Imo Commander should focus more in getting more out of existing units than a "super unit/ability" that can be abused until it is nerfed.
17 Jan 2019, 19:40 PM
avatar of Qeit

Posts: 61

Rear Support Company .
Provides additional support both directly and indirectly and improves defensive capabilities of the faction.

0 CP. M2 Flamethrower.

2 CP. Unexpected preparations.
- Normal mines for Rear Echelon.
- Molotov Cocktails for Rear Echelon.

5 CP. Hold the line, damn it!
- Active ability.
- Player's infantry in all friendly and neutral territories gains increased received accuracy, faster reload and cooldown.
- In neutral territories bonuses works with only 50% efficiency.
- Neutral territory should be connected to player own territory, otherwise ability doesn't provide bonuses.

10 CP. Sherman Calliope.
- Some buffs for it, please.

12 CP. 240-mm Howitzer Barrage.

- Greatly improves Rear Echelon capabilities.
- Strong artillery options.
- Can be really strong in defense.

- No elite infantry.
- No premium medium tanks.
18 Jan 2019, 00:07 AM
avatar of Luciano

Posts: 712

Combined arms tactics

This commander focuses on high mobility usf general branches

1st slot

Rangers (3 cp, call in unit)

2nd slot

Combined arms (toggle ability, 4 cp)

3rd slot

M7B1 Priest howitzer motor carriage (call in, 9cp)

4th slot

P47 rocket strike (12 cp)

5th slot

Pershing call in (13 cp)
18 Jan 2019, 02:26 AM
avatar of AnotherDeadRifleman

Posts: 19

USF — Riflemen Support Company

Riflemen upgradability (unique and new upgrades)

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: 0 CP — Riflemen Smoke Grenades (RIFLEMEN UNIT ABILITY, 15 MUNITIONS PER USE)
Identical to the M23 smoke grenades currently on the Cavalry Riflemen

Slot 2: 0 CP — M10 "Wolverine" Tank Destroyer (AVAILABLE VIA THE BATTALION COMMAND POST, 300 MP, 80 FUEL, 10 POP. CAP)
Identical to the M10 "Wolverine tank destroyer from Armor Company (NO veteran vehicle crew though).

Almost identical to the Veteran Squad Leader upgrade on the German Infantry Doctrine on the Wehrmacht faction. The boosts it gives should be slightly reduced compared to the Wehrmacht version. This should take up one single weapon slot space too (i.e. can still pickup one weapon). The squad leader should be the Lieutenant/Captain model, with a M1A1 Thompson or M1 Garand as a weapon (M1A1 Thompson preferably).

Slot 4: 3 CP — Riflemen Assault Package Upgrade (RIFLEMEN UNIT UPGRADE, 70 MUNITIONS)
Identical to Cavalry Riflemen's M1A1 Thompson upgrade, except now it's for basic Riflemen at three command points. This upgrade will give Riflemen the ability to replace two M1 Garands for two M1A1 Thompson submachine guns for increased close range firepower. This upgrade should only cost one weapon slot.

Slot 5: 10 CP — M4 Sherman Calliope (CALL-IN UNIT, 380 MP, 140 FUEL, 15 POP. CAP)
Identical to Tactical Support Company's M4 Sherman Calliope

Strategies and Rational
It probably wouldn't be a meta defining commander, but it would give US forces new abilities to play around with. Cavalry Riflemen will likely still be stronger at close range than basic Riflemen, but basic Riflemen will be better at longer ranges.

Additional Context
Riflemen were, in real life and in-game, the backbone of the US military during WWII. Infantry doctrine (as opposed to German doctrine) was focused around riflemen, rather than machine guns. The United States also used artillery (and airstrikes) very frequently, more so than other nations of the time. So the Calliope emphasizes America's frequent and effective artillery, while all the Riflemen upgrades put emphasis on Riflemen (and adds new routes for upgrades rather than the stale, many years old, M1918/M1919/M9 Bazooka upgrades).
18 Jan 2019, 19:18 PM
avatar of Outsider_Sidaroth

Posts: 1323 | Subs: 1

USF — Riflemen Support Company

Riflemen upgradability (unique and new upgrades)

Unit and Ability Roster

Slot 1: 0 CP — Riflemen Smoke Grenades (RIFLEMEN UNIT ABILITY, 15 MUNITIONS PER USE)
Identical to the M23 smoke grenades currently on the Cavalry Riflemen

Slot 2: 0 CP — M10 "Wolverine" Tank Destroyer (AVAILABLE VIA THE BATTALION COMMAND POST, 300 MP, 80 FUEL, 10 POP. CAP)
Identical to the M10 "Wolverine tank destroyer from Armor Company (NO veteran vehicle crew though).

Almost identical to the Veteran Squad Leader upgrade on the German Infantry Doctrine on the Wehrmacht faction. The boosts it gives should be slightly reduced compared to the Wehrmacht version. This should take up one single weapon slot space too (i.e. can still pickup one weapon). The squad leader should be the Lieutenant/Captain model, with a M1A1 Thompson or M1 Garand as a weapon (M1A1 Thompson preferably).

Slot 4: 3 CP — Riflemen Assault Package Upgrade (RIFLEMEN UNIT UPGRADE, 70 MUNITIONS)
Identical to Cavalry Riflemen's M1A1 Thompson upgrade, except now it's for basic Riflemen at three command points. This upgrade will give Riflemen the ability to replace two M1 Garands for two M1A1 Thompson submachine guns for increased close range firepower. This upgrade should only cost one weapon slot.

Slot 5: 10 CP — M4 Sherman Calliope (CALL-IN UNIT, 380 MP, 140 FUEL, 15 POP. CAP)
Identical to Tactical Support Company's M4 Sherman Calliope

Strategies and Rational
It probably wouldn't be a meta defining commander, but it would give US forces new abilities to play around with. Cavalry Riflemen will likely still be stronger at close range than basic Riflemen, but basic Riflemen will be better at longer ranges.

Additional Context
Riflemen were, in real life and in-game, the backbone of the US military during WWII. Infantry doctrine (as opposed to German doctrine) was focused around riflemen, rather than machine guns. The United States also used artillery (and airstrikes) very frequently, more so than other nations of the time. So the Calliope emphasizes America's frequent and effective artillery, while all the Riflemen upgrades put emphasis on Riflemen (and adds new routes for upgrades rather than the stale, many years old, M1918/M1919/M9 Bazooka upgrades).

I like this a lot, but the Calliope would need buffs, otherwise good stuff.
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