Especially because these "ignorant" comments (because there's no other way to define them - the comments, not the people who wrote them) point the finger to those who are asking Relic from September 2012 (when we met them at Eurogamer Expo) to have:
- public chat rooms and lobbies for custom games
- a ladder divided in Seasons so players don't have to care about their stats because they'll be wiped out every season and they can play more relaxed
- observer mode and better replay features not only for casters and youtubers but also for MENTORING, something people forgot completely and that "we", the "bad pro guys", are doing for whoever wants to improve with no requirement and for free
- steam workshop implemented to produce mods and maps easily downloadable and installable ingame by everyone
- worldbuilder to let us create new maps and be implemented for all the game modes
- new fun game modes for everyone, not aimed to be competitive
It's disappointing, to say the least, the amount of misinformation of some users on this website, there's no "pro" community if there is no community at all and if the game is not fun for all. We are trying to create the good balance between everything to make everyone happy with the feedback we give to Relic, that's why we built this website and that's why we give feedback to Relic at first. COH1 is what it is also thanks to those "pros".
On a side note, Beta servers forums are full of players of all the game modes, not just 1vs1: 95% of the times we play 2vs2, 3vs3 and sometimes 4vs4, 1vs1 are so rare.
Hope it cleared some points, we are all on the same side guys