- [b][b]Partisan Commander Rework
- Commander Ability : Radio Intercept (Command Point 0)
Includes Radio Intercept (Passive Ability)
- Commander Ability : Partisan Squad (Command Point 1)
4 Man Partisan Squad
- Commander Ability : Commissar Squads (Commander Point 1)
Commissar Squad
- Commander Ability : Tank Hunter Partisans (Command Point 2)
4 Man Tank Hunter Partisan Squad
- Commander Ability : ZI-6 Transport Truck (Command Point 3)
Cost : 90 Munitions to Upgrade to Supply Truck
Can reinforce Units Once Upgraded
15 Munitions to Drop Medical Supplies
50 Munitions to drop DP
30 Munitions to drop PTRS
^ Meant to be an early game commander utilizing Commissar to buff the weak partisans to victory. ZI-6 trucks provide ample mobility to encourage hit and run partisan tactics. I was also wondering if Survival training will make a return for partisans. 40 munitions for more health, armor, and ambush camo with interrogation. It seems suited for partisan squads
Another Partisan Rework [Image Down Below]