
russian armor

Soviets are way tough?

19 Sep 2018, 15:48 PM
avatar of Katitof

Posts: 17909 | Subs: 8

u use every moment to dumb yourself, right?

I only pick special little flowers like yourself, who spout uncontrolled amounts of bullshit.

so...you wanna tell us that is the same issue to lose a 6 model squad like a 4model squad which wipe much more often be the first hit from tanks, grenades, indirect fire and so one?

If you're overextending, it doesn't matter if the squad has 4, 6 or 10 men, if you retreat on last man, wipe chances are higher.
AoE of weapons is balanced around what they are fighting.
Allied weapons are balanced to combat 4 men squads, axis weapons are balanced to combat 6 men squads.
Squad spacing changes were made specifically to mitigate random wipes on lower count squads and it works, unless you specifically try to clump up.

and if u could count you would realize that you must often retreat your wher sqauds when losing 2 models...and not like a 6model sqaud where you can lose 4 models and will have even than the same chance to not get a wipe.

And if you knew numbers above 6, you would know that axis infantry has overall much higher accuracy.
You would also be capable to understand that these 6 model squads to not have 80% of DPS centered around a single model, meaning losing 50% of the gren squad have minimal effect on DPS, while cons reduced to half have dps reduced to half.

sov is the bets faction to learn the game when you start wioth this game. wehr is maybe the best in the hands from the best...in the hands from starter and well know player...sov is totally easy...

So this is why wehr was spanking sov left and right during this weekends finals?
Or are you going to argue that top 10 players of all factions are too much of a noob to understand the game and factions? Would you like you provide a replays supporting your claims?
Because last weekend we have seen the utter dominance of ostheer over allies, soviets included.

if u would suggest ost over sov to a starter ---you would be evil.

If you are suggesting otherwise, you are not only uninformed, but also ignorant and delusional, especially in light of CGS2 finals.

[insert literally any faction]has so many issue...but strength when u master them.

Fixed it for you.
19 Sep 2018, 15:57 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

not like soviets were most picked allied faction or anything.

Stop being an okw shill and face the facts

Maybe stop expending your few braincells to perpetually say "allies so bayad, nerf axis, buff soviets so muh m3 can flamer the HQ". Honestly come out from under the "teamgame only" rock and comprehend that soviets are currently THE BEST 1v1 faction in the game.
19 Sep 2018, 17:49 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

Maybe stop expending your few braincells to perpetually say "allies so bayad, nerf axis, buff soviets so muh m3 can flamer the HQ". Honestly come out from under the "teamgame only" rock and comprehend that soviets are currently THE BEST 1v1 faction in the game.

19 Sep 2018, 17:50 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

jump backJump back to quoted post19 Sep 2018, 15:48 PMKatitof

I only pick special little flowers like yourself, who spout uncontrolled amounts of bullshit.

If you're overextending, it doesn't matter if the squad has 4, 6 or 10 men, if you retreat on last man, wipe chances are higher.
AoE of weapons is balanced around what they are fighting.
Allied weapons are balanced to combat 4 men squads, axis weapons are balanced to combat 6 men squads.
Squad spacing changes were made specifically to mitigate random wipes on lower count squads and it works, unless you specifically try to clump up.

And if you knew numbers above 6, you would know that axis infantry has overall much higher accuracy.
You would also be capable to understand that these 6 model squads to not have 80% of DPS centered around a single model, meaning losing 50% of the gren squad have minimal effect on DPS, while cons reduced to half have dps reduced to half.

So this is why wehr was spanking sov left and right during this weekends finals?
Or are you going to argue that top 10 players of all factions are too much of a noob to understand the game and factions? Would you like you provide a replays supporting your claims?
Because last weekend we have seen the utter dominance of ostheer over allies, soviets included.

If you are suggesting otherwise, you are not only uninformed, but also ignorant and delusional, especially in light of CGS2 finals.

Fixed it for you.

i dont feed thetroll anymore. u say bullshit all the time. u act like allies tanks has less splashdmg than axis tanks...lol
19 Sep 2018, 20:32 PM
avatar of TheGentlemenTroll

Posts: 1044 | Subs: 1

i dont feed thetroll anymore. u say bullshit all the time. u act like allies tanks has less splashdmg than axis tanks...lol

OKW and Ost had 48% and 47% winrates against soviets respectively and 57% and 53% overall. Soviets overall had a 51% winrate.

OKW, Ost and Soviets are very well balanced into each other atm. all of them are within the 45-55% winrate range against eachother which is very good balance wise. The issue currently lies in the 36% and 31% winrates in USF and UKF which shows they need buffs (UKF) and tweaks (USF).

Id say UKF needs Buffs when compared to USF because in a vacuum USF units all preform well, its just their teching, as Shadowlink explained in another thread, is so horrendous that it literally drags the entire faction down. UKF has a lot of bad issues/units that are getting fixed in the commander patch (Snares basically) that should help the faction a lot.

Once USF and UKF get proper fixes all the factions should be around equal. Hopefully snares helps bring UKF back from the 31% winrate they had in GCS2 (I think it will for sure).
19 Sep 2018, 22:57 PM
avatar of Grim

Posts: 1096

The salt is going to be real once the UKF become relevant again, especially for team games where UKF players are almost a handicap compared to Sov ones.
20 Sep 2018, 09:20 AM
avatar of Tactical Imouto

Posts: 172

Permanently Banned

Maybe stop expending your few braincells to perpetually say "allies so bayad, nerf axis, buff soviets so muh m3 can flamer the HQ". Honestly come out from under the "teamgame only" rock and comprehend that soviets are currently THE BEST 1v1 faction in the game.

Come out from under the "muh 1v1 muh 1% playerbase" rock and realize that axis is OVERPOWERED in teamgames

I can apply the same logic as you, just switch a few words around.
And 51% wr, 1% can be considered RNG roll of the dice so its basically not a proper fact. But assuming you never finished college and actually took math classes u probably don't know how statistics work. And lets face the reality that wehr is basically a better soviet faction with same diversity but better units.

meanwhile okw and wehr autowin 2/3 of the time unless they face soviets...but thats okay.
20 Sep 2018, 09:30 AM
avatar of Sander93

Posts: 3166 | Subs: 6

I can apply the same logic as you, just switch a few words around.
And 51% wr, 1% can be considered RNG roll of the dice so its basically not a proper fact. But assuming you never finished college and actually took math classes u probably don't know how statistics work.

Weren't you the one earlier in this thread basing all your accusations solely on GCS2 stats - which are obviously unreliable because of the very low sample size?

The only thing GCS2 can tell us is general trends - like UKF being underpowered and USF having a tough time. The data is definitely not reliable enough to conclude the exact balance between all factions.
20 Sep 2018, 18:19 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Come out from under the "muh 1v1 muh 1% playerbase" rock and realize that axis is OVERPOWERED in teamgames

I can apply the same logic as you, just switch a few words around.
And 51% wr, 1% can be considered RNG roll of the dice so its basically not a proper fact. But assuming you never finished college and actually took math classes u probably don't know how statistics work. And lets face the reality that wehr is basically a better soviet faction with same diversity but better units.

meanwhile okw and wehr autowin 2/3 of the time unless they face soviets...but thats okay.

Man you really have no idea how statistics work....or why axis are better in 4v4... even AFTER I explained it to you in another thread... but of course, lets balance the game around 4v4 casuals which each and every one of them think something different is overpowered. Yes that'll work brilliant. You're also more than welcome to point me in the direction of the $14,000 4v4 tournies holding this games competitive scene.

Ostheer has better units must be why soviets had an above 50% winrate vs both axis factions, which are both considered viable. Meanwhile both axis factions winrates are inflated because they played against 2 factions which are considered by most as unviable (UKF) or too risky (USF).

But again, considering you probably have a PhD, I can see why this is difficult.
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