Allright I'm going to give a quick review and perhaps Shadowlink will add further details.
- You start out with a slight 10-15 second delay in the game befor you started to make moves. While this is of course minor, the early game still has a disproportionately large impact on the rest of the early game, so make sure you're ready the second the game starts.
- you start by some very defensive capping with the kubel. While some players favor this, I would generally take a more agressive approach with this, especially on minsk pocket and against USF, who outside a quick jeep from mechanized, lack any serious counters to this. In this particular game it probably worked out though, as your opponent actually went for the jeep.
- when the USF goes for this, it is usually best to give ground until you get a counter through raketen or panzerfaust. In this case you fed him loads of xp, while taking nothing away from him as he could just repair.
- your second SWS truck was out waay too soon! You don't really want the second one before you have capitalized on the first one, and in most cases you want to go either battlegroup or mechanized before schwere not both! instead of spending all those additional early manpower, you could have pushed out an additional mg to control the opponents infantry or a raketen to take out his wc51 and the light vehicle you could predict from seeing his lt.
- your first at gun comes out around the 10 minute mark which is much too late when the opponent has gone or the wc51. he has already gotten so many kills and vet on his riflemen at this point, and rifles become absolute monsters at higher veterancy.
- you are moving around a lot of very wounded squads. this means much faster manpower drain and poor staying power in engagements. Manpower is pretty much the most important ressource at any stage in the game, so you should accept giving ground in order to heal up your units. Especially when you are moving them around in groups anyway, which means that the capping is going slow. you should not use more than one unit on capping a point
- 13 mins nice attack with the puma! That AA gun was turning into a true nightmare, so the puma was a decent investment. Having said that a lucs might have been even better vs leutenant, as it generally outperforms all the vehicles in that tech line, while also being much better at killing infantry. furthermore you don't have to worry about an AT-gun when the opponent has revealed his commander and gone for lt.
- Also good job placing mines and getting a sweeper. Much more experienced players than you often get greedy and don't get a sweeper. This will almost always turn out to be a terrible mistake.
- at 19 minutes you start building the schwere command, after having picked the spec ops commander. This commander is generally picked for the purpose of delaying the schwere and getting the command panther. having just spent 125 fuel on the schwere this is not happening anytime soon, so you would have been much better of either 1. Not having gotten the schwere and pushed out a cmd panther when you hit 12 commandpoints or 2. only having gotten one of the former tiers and gotten the schwere and an early pz4. At this time your opponent has the sherman 76, so you are not in a good tactical position.
- While it's great that you got the sweepers, remember that the sturmpios are the only engineer unit that can "holster" the sweeper, thus retaining full firing potential. This is hugely important to utilize whenever they are in a firefight as otherwise they are down with a quarter of their DPS.
- you also make good use of flares. This is very important for intel and another thing that is often overlooked.
So let's wrap this up with some pros and cons reflections on your performans:
+ you made good use of mines and utility items.
+ you made good use of flares and positioning of at guns.
+ you seemed to keep it cool even when you were on the backfoot.
- you occationally picked some pretty bad engagements, which meant that you bled a lot of manpower.
- your build order did't respond accordingly with what you were facing.
- you teched too much and too fast, which set you back quite a bit in terms of fielding tanks.
- your choice of commander didn't respond well with your choice of actions.
- with time you will probably be better at microing your units, which you moved around quite condensed which makes them very vulnerable to explosions and pinning.
I hope this was somewhat helpfull and would also like to finish of with some shameless self promotion in the shape of the beginners guide that I authored (with help from other great community members). If you haven't read this already, then there is probably some stuff in there you can use