Suggestions for Commanders Revamp.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Soviet Tactics: 21 Tactics and 43 abilities.
(1)8CP B-4 203mm Howitzer
(1) 5CP M5 Half-track Assault Group
(1) 6CP Booby Trap Territory
(1) 6CP For Mother Russia
(1)3CP Repair Station
(1) 4CP Spy Network
(1)2CP PMD-6 Anti-personnel Mines
(1)2CP PMD-6M light Anti-Vehicle mines
(1)2CP Tank Hunter Ambush Tactics
(1)2CP Tank Traps
(1)2CP Conscript PTRS Package
(1) 0CP Forward Headquarters
(1) 0CP M4C Sherman
(1) 10CP IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run
(1) 10CP IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks (single pass)
(1)1CP Partisan Troops
(1)14CP KV-2 Heavy Assault Tank
(2)2CP Partisan Tank Hunters
(2)4CP Armored Vehicle Detection
(2) 4CP Allied supply Drop
(2) 13CP IS-2 Heavy Tank
(2)14CP ISU152 Heavy Assault Gun
(2) 2CP DSHK 38 Heavy Machine gun
(2)2CP M-42 45mm light AT gun
(3)6CP Fear Propaganda Artillery
(3) 0CP KV-1 Heavy Tank
(3) 0CP T34/85 Medium Tank
(3) 2CP Anti-tank Gun Ambush Tactics
(3) 2CP HM-38 120mm Mortar Squad
(3)6CP Rapid Conscription
(3)7CP Vehicle Crew Repair Training
(3)8CP Mark Vehicle
(4) 0CP KV-8 Flamethrower Tank
(4)7CP Incendiary Artillery Barrage
(4) 0CP Radio Intercept
(4)12CP IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike
(4) 12CP IL2 Sturmovik Attacks
(4)2CP Guards Rifle Infantry
(4) 2CP Recon Overflight
(5)3CP Conscript Assault Package Upgrade
(5) 5CP Conscript repair kit
(6) 2CP Shock Troops
(6)8CP ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzer

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Hit the dirt
Merged with PPsh
Engineer Salvage kits
Soviet industry
resource manipulation faster unit production requires redesign.
No retreat no Surrender (Not one step back tactics)
Resource manipulation requires redesign.
Commissar Squad (Not one step back tactics)
Manpower Blitz (Not one step back tactics)
Resource manipulation unsalvageable.
Hold the line (Not one step back tactics)
Scorched earth Policy (Not one step back tactics)
Tank desant training (Tankovyy Desant Tactics) (commander might be fake)
ride on tank bugged
Tank infantry Cooperation (Tankovyy Desant Tactics) (commander might be fake)
T-34/85 assault group (Tankovyy Desant Tactics) (commander might be fake)
Red banner divisions (Overwhelming armor)
Green soviet T-34 reserves (Overwhelming armor)
Fire and maneuver (Overwhelming armor)
Sector air cover (Defense in depth)
Forward observation Post (Defense in depth)
Machine gun nest (Defense in depth)
(Pls add any other soviet abilities available since I currently do not have access to coh2 tools)

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Trademark abilities limit to specific commander.
(1) 4CP Spy Network
(1) 6CP For Mother Russia
(1) 5CP M5 Half-track Assault Group
(1) 2CP Tank Hunter Ambush Tactics
(1) 2CP Conscript PTRS Package
(1) 0CP Forward Headquarters
(1) 0CP M4C Sherman
(1) 14CP KV-2 Heavy Assault Tank
Abilities that can be used by other Commanders.
(1)8CP B-4 203mm Howitzer
(1) 6CP Booby Trap Territory
(1)3CP Repair Station
(1)2CP PMD-6 Anti-personnel Mines
(1)2CP PMD-6M light Anti-Vehicle mines
(1)2CP Tank Traps
(1) 10CP IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run
(1) 10CP IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks (single pass)
(1)1CP Partisan Troops

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Separate PPsh and "Hit the dirt". Their are conflicting abilities one defensive and one offensive they should not mix.
PPSh could be changes in a number of ways.
Ability hard to balance since it allow infantry pressure without delaying vehicles, in addition SMG and bolt action weapon do not mix well.
A)Replace it with SVTs giving Conscripts 2-3 SVT increasing the MID of squad.
B) and/or add a fuel cost so that player has to choose between stronger infantry and delaying vehicles.
C) Have the ability provide 6 PPsh with a DPS around pioneers scaling in DPS for every soviet building built.
D) Move it Penals and model it after MP40 upgrade for VGs, (providing bonuses like grenades,smoke received accuracy...) changing the role of the unit to CQC unit.
"Hit the dirt" can be reintroduced in a number of ways. Make the ability a timed one instead of toggle since it can be very effective counter to HMG since the unit can keep a HMG occupied with little causalities.
A) As is (timed not toggled).
B) As a new ability of defensive commander replacing ourah on conscripts. The combination of ourah and hit the dirt again is rather powerful so by replacing ourah with hit the dirt it easier to balance the ability. The molotov can be replaced by a fragmentation grenade and AT grenade gain more range (15?).
C) As an ability for the Commisar squad.
D) ability could provide a number of buffs like: gain 5 LOS, 2.5 range, 10 molotov/AT grenade range, *0.90 damage reduction.
PMD-6 Anti-personnel Mines/Tank Traps
Merge abilities to one and rename to "Defensive Tactics" lower CP to 1.
Fix PMD mines to cause 1-2 causalities similar to other mines.
C.E. can now built sandbags, PMD mines and tank traps. All Tank traps take now longer to built, they have more HP and can also be dismantled ("cut") by engineer with mine sweepers.
Conscripts/Penal can now built wire and PMD mines with slower speed.Maybe even add the dhsk bunker but without the hmg more like fighting positions.
"PMD-6M light Anti-Vehicle mines" r replace with a the new ability "AT fortifications" providing PMD-6 At mines and Tank traps to C.E. PMD-6 mines could work with a tweak to use the old USF mines mechanism adding critical when more than 1 is hit.
"Booby Trap Territory" reduce cost to 50, replace damage with incendiary, ability now moved to C.E.
Rapid Conscription replace conscript with a Shtrafbat units from campaign. Shtrafbat unit has a target size 1 weapon a bit lower than conscript, has a version of merge that heals 6 HP to target but the unit can not reinforce. So the units serve are replacement to troops lost.
IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run should do reduced damage to building (okw trucks) and infantry.
IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks (single pass), rename to IL-2 Sturmovik strafe, fix the angle of the guns so that fire on target and not after attack point.
Armored Vehicle Detection
Redesign ability with 2 parts. First part infantry can detect vehicles to range 70 when static for the duration, second part infantry hitting vehicles provides vision on vehicle similar to UKF hammer tactics for 3 secs.
Anti-tank Gun Ambush Tactics
Make ability break when unit moves (not rotate) remove movement penalties, make first-strike bonuses come with veterancy or change them to accuracy bonus only or remove them.
"Conscript PTRS Package" replace ability with "Penal battalion PTRS Package". Reason, the ability is simply too cost efficient because it overlap with Penal PTRS. Move it to Penals and the ability is fine.
"Tank Hunter Ambush Tactics" changes to ATG as explained. Ability now available only for Su-85/Su-76 ability increases rotation speed. Reason ability should useful to AT assets and not for increasing Tank's AI.
"IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run" redesign the ability to do less damage to infantry and building. Optional: completely redesign ability and instead of destroying any slow vehicle to cause a number of criticals. One could reduce the time to drop making harder to avoid but causing criticals instead of catastrophic damage.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Advanced Warfare Tactics
With the changes to T-34/85 (build instead of call-in) there is little to justify the name "Advanced Warfare". Imo Conscript Assault Package Upgrade should be removed since weapon upgrades should not be combined with premium mediums or super heavies.
The new ability "Advanced warfare" can be introduced being a toned down version of "combined arms" (removed the reload and range bonus for tanks) adjust price and CP. Alternatively the ability it could be modeled after "Tank infantry Cooperation" or "Fire and maneuver". Actually a reversed "Fire and maneuver" ability would be better making tanks slower but firing with better accuracy on the move (and better penetration).
T34/85 Medium Tank bring the mgs of the unit inline with other Tanks they currently have too much DPS making the have good main gun, lots of HP and good AI. The vet 1 ability "secure mode" could be replaced with a new ability "hail of bullets" where the mg fire with increased DPS but the unit has a movement penalty so it can not chase down retreating infantry.
IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks (single pass), rename to IL-2 Sturmovik strafe, fix the angle of the guns so that fire on target and not after attack point.
Anti-Infantry Tactics
Suggestion make KV-8 a call-in tank (with a price penalty) since it specialized it will probably not cause much problems and it could allow soviet skipping T4, the unit should still be be able to be built from T4 for the normal price to stay relevant across modes with different economies.
KV-8 could also use the same mechanics of reduced damage of KV-1. In addition I would suggest to remove the DOT for the flamer (for all flame vehicles) and adjust DPS if needed. Replace the vet 1 ability "secure mod" with the new one "set ablaze" creating a DOT (maybe increase damage a bit) on a specific area the ability could scale with veterancy. Replace all mobility vet bonuses with range and HP/Armor bonus. Adjust rear armor values.
Shock Troops
Reinforcement price from 31 to 30
Call-in cost up 10%, can now also be built from T1 for normal price. (To make T1 more oriented for heavy infantry use. The building could also provide some sort of tech bonus to infantry)
New vet 1 ability "bulletproof" *0.75 target size *0.90 accuracy for 25 munition.
Maybe replace some of the vet 3 accuracy bonus with reload and/or cool-down.
Replace Incendiary Artillery Barrage (a weak off map better suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies) with IL-2 "Sturmovik Attacks" (a strong off map not suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies).
Replace "Recon overflight" with "Radio intercept" to avoid recon and loiter planes combo.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Replace "Radio intercept" with "Reckon overflight" to avoid overlap with advance warfare (Radio intercept,T-34/85)
Replace "Sturmovik Attacks" (a strong off map not suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies) with "Fear Propaganda Artillery" (a weak off map better suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies) or Dshk hmg.
IS-2 Heavy Tank
Replace vet 1 ability "secure mode" with a new ability "defensive maneuver" lowering speed to *0.80 increasing turret rotation *140, lower vet 2 bonus weapon rotation speed to *130.
Maybe lower Armor/HP from Vet 0 and replace Vet 3 mobility bonuses with armor/HP bonuses.
Also fix main gun to be more constant (less kill radius less scatter).
Conscript Support Tactics
Replace "KV-1" with "KV-8" in order to avoid PPsh and KV-1 combo.
Replace "Incendiary artillery" (a weak off map better suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies) with "IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike" (a strong off map not suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies).
Conscript Assault Package Upgrade
Rapid Conscription

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
KV-1 Heavy Tank
Move the damage reduction to a vet 1 ability. Replace "secure mode" with a new vet 1 ability "Russian Colossus" ("Russischer Koloss") reducing damage *0.8 for 1 minute for 30 mu. Ability could even scale with veterancy (10/20/30)
Replace vet 3 mobility bonuses with Armor/HP bonuses.
Bring rear armor inline with other tanks.
Shock Troops
Fix direct fire ability to make B-4 work as ATG (similar to 88) with much smaller range (60?) firing AP round only. Replace the vet 2 -25% recharge barrage bonus with some crew movement speed for the unit to become more responsive.
Defensive Tactics
PMD-6 Anti-personnel Mines/Tank Traps
Merge abilities to one and rename to "Defensive Tactics" lower CP to 1.
Fix PMD mines to cause 1-2 causalities similar to other mines.
C.E. can now built sandbags, PMD mines and tank traps. All Tank traps take now longer to built, they have more HP and can also be dismantled ("cut") by engineer with mine sweepers.
Conscripts/Penal can now built wire and PMD mines with slower speed. Maybe even add the dhsk bunker but without the hmg more like fighting positions.
DShK 38 Heavy Machine Gun
Remove sprint ability. New vet bonuses for vet 1/2/3 increasing penetration 2/4/6 for AP round ability.
HM-38 120mm Mortar Squad
Replace "flare" ability with new ability increasing synergy with PM-41 mortar. New ability "heavy support fire" for 20 mu (?) increase range of auto-fire by 20 and projectile speed for 1 minute.
M-42 45mm Anti-tank Gun
Redesign unit as light vehicle counter. Increase accuracy keep penetration and damage low. Reduce reaction times/time to fire, increase angle. Replace vet 1 "tracking" ability with "rapid movement" similar to 6 pounder. Replace vet 2 reload buff with faster tear down setup and replace vet penetration with the reload speed. If unit become very effective increase cost to 240.
Merged Tank traps replaced with new ability.
The ability could be one of the following:
"Hold the line"
cost 80 Mu infantry in targeted sector go to ground similar to hit the dirt gain 5 LOS, 2.5 range, 10 molotov/AT grenade range, *0.90 damage reduction.
Weapon teams gain 5 LOS *0.90 damage reduction.
new doctrinal unit "rifle squad" or "regulars" using the icon from campaign. Basically conscripts with target size 1, "hit the dirt" instead of "ourah", fragmentation grenade instead of Molotov and AT grenade with longer range.
A toned down version of Fatherland
Forward observation post
Machine gun nest
Sector air cover
Scorched earthy policy
From abilities existing in the game one could also use:
booby traps
Conscript Assault Package Upgrade
IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks
Hit the dirt
Conscript PTRS Package
Guards Motor Coordination Tactics
Replace "Mark Vehicle"(a strong off map not suited for commander with premium medium and super heavies) with Armored Vehicle Detection.
Redesign ability with 2 parts. First part infantry can detect vehicles to range 70 when static for the duration, second part infantry hitting vehicles provides vision on vehicle similar to UKF hammer tactics for 3 secs. This redesigned ability fit the theme of "coordination" of units.
other alternatives
incendiary barrage.
Call-in cost up 10%, can now also be built from T1 for normal price. (To make T1 more oriented for heavy infantry use. The building could also provide some sort of tech bonus to infantry)
The vet 1 ability of guard is simply too strong since it increase the DPS by around 14% it is also a bit confusing since hit the dirt for conscripts reduces DPS.
My suggestion would be to make PTRS work only mostly vs vehicles similar to Penal. Add the new vet 1 timed ability "take aim" for a munition cost (20 mu?) Guards drop to the ground like with hit the dirt and can now use the PTRS to hit infantry, the ability is also passively activated when in garrison. This also makes sense in real life since the weapon was to heavy to be fired while standing.
Change button to debuff that work even if Guards do not continue to fire on the vehicle (maybe for smaller penalties).
Guard Rifle Combined Arms Tactics
Replace Conscript Assault Package Upgrade with Rapid Conscription or DSHK 38 Heavy Machine gun or M-42 45mm light AT gun or Anti-tank Gun Ambush Tactics or radio interception.
Replace "Sturmovik Attacks" with Sturmovik Attacks (single pass) or Incendiary Artillery Barrage or Fear Propaganda Artillery

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
M4C Sherman
New vet 1 ability radio net similar to USF ability. New vet bonus (since the reload bonuses make the units able to fire with reload time lower than 2 secs) similar to PzIV increasing Armor. That will make the Sherman different than other Soviet vehicles.
DSHK 38 Heavy Machine gun
Since this does weapon does not fit the theme of the commander it could be reskinned to be 0.50 with the same performance as the DSHK (due to 6 men squad) making the change esthetic.
M5 Half-track Assault Group
Replace it with M15A1 AA Half-track to provide AA without mu investment. Change would also be better thematically.
Conscript Repair Kit
Replace this ability with "lend lease" Guards. CP 3 340, x6 mosin naggat able to upgrade with 2 bars or 2 bazookas.
Mechanized Support Tactics
Anti-tank Gun Ambush Tactics
Make ability break when unit moves (not rotate) remove movement penalties, make first-strike bonuses come with veterancy or change them to accuracy bonus only or remove them.
Mark Vehicle
Replace ability (powerful combos) with a the new ability "AT fortifications" providing PMD-6 At mines and Tank traps to C.E. . This ability fits the "support" theme and allow player to protect the ISU-152 from mass light vehicles rushes. PMD-6 mines could work tweak to use the old USF mines mechanism adding critical when more than 1 is hit.
IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike
"IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike" (counter to enemy artillery) replaced by IL-2 single pass strafe.
(or Incendiary Artillery Barrage)
NKVD Disruption Tactics
Recon overflight replaced Conscript Assault Package Upgrade so that commander has strong infantry (and to avoid recon/Sturmovik attacks combo)
Rapid conscription replaced by commissar squad. Commissar squad 5 men squad 4 Guards naggat, 1 pistol having the ability to force retreat similar to Strumofficer proving an Aura to 20 unit. Conscript in aura gain 0.80 target size and x1.1 Accuracy when using ourah. Penals gain x1.2 speed x0.9 moving accuracy (so that they can not wipe out retreating infantry).
Optional: Replace "IL-2 Sturmovik Attacks" with "IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike"
Partisan Tactics
Partisan troops remove explosive grenade (too much squad wiping potential), make Molotov available without tech, replace camo with static one make improved camo available with veterancy, increase size to 6 unit spawn with 4, increase cost to 240 reinforce cost to 20, Conscript can now merge with them. Change vet 3 40 accuracy buff to target size *77%.
Alternatively replace unit with a unit similar to Pathfinders.
Partisan Tank Hunters make their camouflage static scaling to movement camouflage with veterancy ,replace the reload and penetration buffs that make the shreck better in their hands than German units with "first strike" bonuses.
Shock Motor Heavy Tactics
IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike replace ability (powerful combo) with "Fear Propaganda Artillery" (or Rapid Conscription to reduce Shock troops bleed.)
Shock Rifle Frontline Tactics
Optional: Incendiary Artillery Barrage replace with booby traps as thematically "front-line" tactic. Or a new ability "Not one step back" infantry goes to "hit the ground" position gain +5 range, *105 accuracy, immune to suppression, 0.8 received accuracy and can retreat (can not move).

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Recon overflight replace with Conscript Assault Package upgrade. Reason commander has accesses to Ml-20 but can destroy enemy arty with recon/off map making to powerful combo. In addition conscripts upgrade fit the commander that has no call-ins.
Soviet Industry Tactics
KV-8 Flamethrower Tank replace with Recon overflight since a call-in KV-8 would be used as transition to KV-2.
"Allied supply drop" replace with "Engineer Salvage kits" since it does not fit the commander thematically. Salvage kits should be tweaked to cost 40 munition, allow salvage and increase repair speed. Optional give XP for repairing.
"Vehicle Crew Repair Training" replace with "green T-34/76" build from T3. Optional replace with a new ability "Soviet industry" allowing player to built T4 without T3 requiring both T1 and T2. The T4 would have Su-85 and Katiusha disable (until T3 was built) and T-34/76 would have a premium on fuel (10-20?).
"KV-2 Heavy Assault Tank" remove sight, target size penalties, reduce minimum range is siege mode. Replace mobility vet bonuses with armor/HP bonuses. Replace "secure mode" with new ability "tank commander" the tank commander emerges from the hatch increasing sight/accuracy/reload for duration (animation already exists).
Soviet Reserve Army
"Rapid Conscription" replace with "mark target".
Soviet Shock Army
"ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzer" replace with B-4 since it more of "shock" weapon and overlap less with HM-38 120mm Mortar Squad.
"Conscript Assault Package" replace with "hit the dirt" ability to avoid overlap with Shock troops.
Tank Hunter Tactics
"Conscript PTRS Package" replace ability with "Penal battalion PTRS Package". Reason, the ability is simply too cost efficient because it overlap with Penal PTRS. Move it to Penals and the ability is fine.
"PMD-6M light Anti-Vehicle mines" replace with a the new ability "AT fortifications" providing PMD-6 At mines and Tank traps to C.E. PMD-6 mines could work with a tweak to use the old USF mines mechanism adding critical when more than 1 is hit.
"Tank Hunter Ambush Tactics" changes to ATG as explained. Ability now available only for Su-85/Su-76 ability increases rotation speed. Reason ability should useful to AT assets and not for increasing Tank's AI.
"ML-20 152mm Gun-Howitzer" ability replaced by "Engineer Salvage kits" or ""mark target". An AI unit does not fit the commander thematically and the combination of ML-20and bombing is simply too strong vs OKW trucks.
"IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run" redesign the ability to do less damage to infantry and building. Optional: completely redesign ability and instead of destroying any slow vehicle to cause a number of criticals. One could reduce the time to drop making harder to avoid but causing criticals instead of catastrophic damage.
Terror Tactics
Urban Defense Tactics
"Forward headquarters" move to CP 1-2 to reduce impact in teamgames.
"Booby Trap Territory"reduce cost to 50, replace damage with incendiary, ability now moved to C.E.
"Incendiary Artillery Barrage" replace "IL-2 PTAB Anti-Tank Bombing Run" or "IL-2 Precision Bombing Strike" or "mark target". Reason Commander lacks premium medium or heavy call ins an can use powerful off map.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Fix direct fire ability to make B-4 work as ATG (similar to 88) with much smaller range (60?) firing AP round only. Replace the vet 2 -25% recharge barrage bonus with some crew movement speed for the unit to become more responsive.
Replace Ml-20 (6 commanders) with B-4 (1 commanders).
Partisan troops remove explosive grenade (too much squad wiping potential), make Molotov available without tech, replace camo with static one make improved camo available with veterancy, increase size to 6 unit spawn with 4, increase cost to 240 reinforce cost to 20, Conscript can now merge with them. Change vet 3 40 accuracy buff to target size *77%.
Alternatively replace unit with a unit similar to Pathfinders.
Partisan Tank Hunters
Partisan Tank Hunters make their camouflage static scaling to movement camouflage with veterancy ,replace the reload and penetration buffs that make the shreck better in their hands than German units with "first strike" bonuses.
Call-in cost up 10%, can now also be built from T1 for normal price. (To make T1 more oriented for heavy infantry use. The building could also provide some sort of tech bonus to infantry)
The vet 1 ability of guard is simply too strong since it increase the DPS by around 14% it is also a bit confusing since hit the dirt for conscripts reduces DPS.
My suggestion would be to make PTRS work only mostly vs vehicles similar to Penal. Add the new vet 1 timed ability "take aim" for a munition cost (20 mu?) Guards drop to the ground like with hit the dirt and can now use the PTRS to hit infantry, the ability is also passively activated when in garrison. This also makes sense in real life since the weapon was to heavy to be fired while standing.
Change button to debuff that work even if Guards do not continue to fire on the vehicle (maybe for smaller penalties).
T34/85 Medium Tank bring the mgs of the unit inline with other Tanks they currently have too much DPS making the have good main gun, lots of HP and good AI. The vet 1 ability "secure mode" could be replaced with a new ability "hail of bullets" where the mg fire with increased DPS but the unit has a movement penalty so it can not chase down retreating infantry.
Suggestion make KV-8 a call-in tank (with a price penalty) since it specialized it will probably not cause much problems and it could allow soviet skipping T4, the unit should still be be able to be built from T4 for the normal price to stay relevant across modes with different economies.
KV-8 could also use the same mechanics of reduced damage of KV-1. In addition I would suggest to remove the DOT for the flamer (for all flame vehicles) and adjust DPS if needed. Replace the vet 1 ability "secure mod" with the new one "set ablaze" creating a DOT (maybe increase damage a bit) on a specific area the ability could scale with veterancy. Replace all mobility vet bonuses with range and HP/Armor bonus. Adjust rear armor values.
Shock Troops
Reinforcement price from 31 to 30
Call-in cost up 10%, can now also be built from T1 for normal price. (To make T1 more oriented for heavy infantry use. The building could also provide some sort of tech bonus to infantry)
New vet 1 ability "bulletproof" *0.75 target size *0.90 accuracy for 25 munition.
Maybe replace some of the vet 3 accuracy bonus with reload and/or cool-down.
IS-2 Heavy Tank
Replace vet 1 ability "secure mode" with a new ability "defensive maneuver" lowering speed to *0.80 increasing turret rotation *140, lower vet 2 bonus weapon rotation speed to *130.
Maybe lower Armor/HP from Vet 0 and replace Vet 3 mobility bonuses with armor/HP bonuses.
Also fix main gun to be more constant (less kill radius less scatter).
KV-1 Heavy Tank
Move the damage reduction to a vet 1 ability. Replace "secure mode" with a new vet 1 ability "Russian Colossus" ("Russischer Koloss") reducing damage *0.8 for 1 minute for 30 mu. Ability could even scale with veterancy (10/20/30)
Replace vet 3 mobility bonuses with Armor/HP bonuses.
Bring rear armor inline with other tanks.
DShK 38 Heavy Machine Gun
Remove sprint ability. New vet bonuses for vet 1/2/3 increasing penetration 2/4/6 for AP round ability.
HM-38 120mm Mortar Squad
Replace "flare" ability with new ability increasing synergy with PM-41 mortar. New ability "heavy support fire" for 20 mu (?) increase range of auto-fire by 20 and projectile speed for 1 minute.
M-42 45mm Anti-tank Gun
Redesign unit as light vehicle counter. Increase accuracy keep penetration and damage low. Reduce reaction times/time to fire, increase angle. Replace vet 1 "tracking" ability with "rapid movement" similar to 6 pounder. Replace vet 2 reload buff with faster tear down setup and replace vet penetration with the reload speed. If unit become very effective increase cost to 240.
M4C Sherman
New vet 1 ability radio net similar to USF ability. New vet bonus (since the reload bonuses make the units able to fire with reload time lower than 2 secs) similar to PzIV increasing Armor. That will make the Sherman different than other Soviet vehicles.
"KV-2 Heavy Assault Tank" remove sight, target size penalties, reduce minimum range is siege mode. Replace mobility vet bonuses with armor/HP bonuses. Replace "secure mode" with new ability "tank commander" the tank commander emerges from the hatch increasing sight/accuracy/reload for duration (animation already exists).

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
M15A1 AA Half-track
M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun
M5A1 Stuart (limited use overlap T-70)
Universal Carrier
Soviet truck
Green T-34/76
BAR (limited use of 1928 version built in Poland)
"Hit the dirt"
The ability should be separate from PPsh. IT would still bes in weird spot in combination ourah. Could be limited to other infantry or it could be renamed "defensive tactics" and be an upgrade for conscripts replacing ourah. (molotvs could be replaced be fragmentation grenades and AT grenades have range increased)
"Engineer Salvage kits"
The ability is fine needs minor tweaks like cheaper upgrade, additional bonuses like faster repair, maybe XP for repairs.
Hold the line
Ability could be used with minor tweaks
Scorched earth Policy
Ability could be changed to use incendiary Rockets to better suit name.
Tank infantry Cooperation
Ability could be used with minor tweaks
Fire and maneuver
Ability could be used with minor tweaks. Basically reverse bonus/penalties slow movement for accuracy and penetration since soviet tanks are already fast.
Sector air cover
Ability could be used minor tweak like less damage and planes only acquiring targets from sector.
Forward observation Post
Ability could be used
Machine gun nest
Maybe it would be better if the MG was remove and used as fighting position merged with other defensive abilities like tank traps PMD mines.
Luftwaffe Supplies
Squads that take these supplies will gain +15% accuracy, -13% received accuracy, and will heal out of combat. These modifiers including the healing will last for 30 seconds. If the squad healing enters combat, then the healing will not occur.
Soviets could get a version of this ability
Counterattack Tactics
+200% capture rate.
Soviets could get a version of this ability
For the Fatherland
-35% received accuracy, +15% speed to infantry in friendly territory.
Soviets could get a version of this ability

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
37 abilities.
(1)1CP Pathfinders Airborne Company
(1)2CP Paradrop .50cal M2HB Heavy Machine Gun
(1)3CP Paratroopers
(1)4CP Paradrop M1 57mm Anti-Tank Gun
(1)12CP P-47 Rocket Strike
(1)8CP Time on Target Artillery Barrage
(1)9CP M7B1 'Priest' Howitzer Motor Carriage
(1)0CP Assault Engineer Squad
(1)0CP Elite Vehicle Crews Upgrade
(1)0CP M10 'Wolverine' Tank Destroyer
(1)11CP 105mm Bulldozer Sherman
(1)12CP 240mm Howitzer Barrage
(1)0CP Raid Tactics
(1)1CP IR Pathfinders
(1)4CP Airdropped Combat Group
(1)5CP M8 Greyhound
(1)7CP M83 Cluster mines
(1)0CP M4C Sherman
(1)0CP Raid Tactics
(1)0CP WC51 Military Truck w. .50 cal HMG
(1)3CP M3 Half-track Assault Group
(1)0CP M4A3 Sherman 'Easy Eight'
(1)0CP Flamethrowers
(1)2CP Fire Up
(1)2CP Riflemen Flares
(1)6CP White Phosphorous Smoke Barrage
(1)1CP Off Map Smoke Barrage
(1)3CP Rangers Squad
(1)4CP Combined Arms
(1)13CP M26 Pershing
(1)3CP M5 Halftrack Transport
(1)4CP P47 Recon Run
(1)6CP P47 Strafing Run
(1)10CP M4 Sherman Calliope 'T34 Rocket Launcher'
(2)0CP Riflemen Field Defenses
(2)2CP M21 Mortar Half-track
(2)3CP M1919A6 Browning LMG
Abilities removed:
1CP Forward Observers
4CP Recon Sweep
2CP Withdraw and Refit
8CP 155mm Artillery Barrage
0CP Elite riflemen.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
The abilities that have been removed imo can be tweaked and reintroduced in the current commanders or used in new one.
8CP 155mm Artillery Barrage the ability is fine as is
1CP Forward Observers this ability imo should be moved to RE. It could provide +2.5 vision to RE and another +2.5 when in cover.
4CP Recon Sweep make the plane drop flares in its path so that vision linger for a little time. Change could also affect major planes.
0CP Elite riflemen allow riflemen to gain a 4 vet level giving them a passive ability like out of combat healing.
2CP Withdraw and Refit this can become a very interesting ability with the following change, certain units can be withdraw and replaced with other units. For instance WC51 at vet 1-2 can withdraw for a cost difference and be replaced by an M3, then the m3 can be withdraw and refitted by the M21 Mortar Half-track.
Other changes:
Elite infantry
Unlike other faction commander design for USF faces other issues and elite infantry is one of them. These units have to compete with the riflemen that are already very strong and already get free squads. As a result these unit are very strong and expensive yet see little action.
So my suggestion would to make these unit cheaper with a allot less punch but available allot earlier. Their late game scaling can then be locked behind tech.
CP from 3 to 1. Allows early access so they can be built instead of riflemen.
Weapon from carbine to m1 with a profile closer to bolt action rifle.
Comes with a WP grenade that both blocks vision and can damage
Price down to 340-280
Can not pick rack weapons can upgrade with 2 "super bazookas" or 2 LMG when major is unlocked.
LMG suppression ability has its cooldown greatly increased.
Pathfinder Antennas can provide a small RA bonus for a mu cost.
CP from 3 to 1. Allows early access so they can be built instead of riflemen.
Weapon carbines with weaker long range stronger mid range.
Comes with a fragmentation grenade.
Price down to 340-280
Can not pick rack weapons can upgrade with 2 "super bazookas" or 5 thompson when major is unlocked.
Thompson profile changed to fit a a close quarters weapon.
Bazooka upgrade Fragmentation grenade replaced by "sticky bomb" share similar to conscript Grenade.
New vet 1 ability "(rangers) Lead the way" unit gets RA bonus for an MU cost.
Airdropped Combat Group
Price adjusted accordingly, first strike bonuses move to veterancy or removed, other changes similar to paratroopers.
Paradroped weapons
Split cost to manpower and mu.
Assault Engineer Squad
Unit has 2 upgrades available 1 flamers or 5 Thompsons (increases squad size to 5, takes all weapon slots) also gives access to WP grenade requires an officer.
Other unit can build and dismantle tank traps (tank traps removed from RE or replaced by sandbags).
The ability for blowing up cover has its cooldown greatly increased now cost mu or completely removed. (the reason it available to Ro.E is to help them clear room for emplecements)
Elite Vehicle Crews Upgrade
Crew can upgrade with 2 Thompson for 10 mu?
Other ideas:
For an amount of manpower/fuel crews can now gain a 4 vet bonus that gives them utility
Crews have a chance of surviving a vehicles being destroyed while losing 3/4 of their XP.
0CP M10 'Wolverine' Tank Destroyer unit can be called in again paying a premium for it or can be built from T4 for normal cost. However it not available to companies that have AI call-in vehicles available. AP round removed from the units since it should be used for flanking, flank speed as vet 1 ability, the ability could scale with veterancy.
11CP 105mm Bulldozer Sherman unit redesigned as indirect fire support unit with the crew unable to disebark.
Option 1
A tougher version of priest with smaller range and a barrage with less shells (3?) and lower CD. Unit to be used to break the front line instead of being used to bomb the base.
Option 2
A smaller version of KV-2 used both a tank and in siege mod.
Option 3 a version "heavy infantry support tank" in other words the unit loses lethality for HP/armour
Raid tactics No longer provide vision bonuses.
IR pathfinders Reduce the cost of arty removed the vehicle criticals
0CP M4C Sherman fix vet bonuses since the unit can end up with a reload lower then 2 secs.
6CP P47 Strafing Run lower cost and lethality of ability
Riflemen Field Defences rename "Field Defences" move sandbags and mines to RE leave wire and fighting position to riflemen. Riflemen should have a speed penalty when building.
3CP M1919A6 Browning LMG Remove from rack, the ability now is an upgrade for Re.E. taking all weapon slots "volley fire" rebalanced with lmg in mind.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
Officer are a beat of problem as they are "free" unit that sometimes is not wanted. My suggestion is to remove the free squad lower MP price of tech unlock but give the tents a new ability to "promote" a full entity riflemen (or maybe any infatry) to an officer for the cost difrence. The unit would then be moved out of the map and an officer appear in its place.
weapon racks
Lmg racks replaced by m1 garand rack. The rack would give units access to the m1 garrant C taking up all slots and giving access to a weapon with a profile closer to that of an bolt action rifle increasing long range DPS but lowering mid to close DPS.
Lower price of bar to 30-45 adjust DPS to new price but leave most DPS to mid range.
Riflemen one could try the following approuch, lower cost to 260, move some RA accuracy bonus to vet 0, replace m1 garrand with carbine rifles that are optimum at mid range.
These changes aims to reduce the bleed of Riflemen while moving most of their power in mid range and allows an adequat perfomance in long range if one choose to arm them with m1 C.


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