Codename Nexus is a 1v1 competitive map designed for ladder COH2. The official name is unknown as of now.
It will automatically update itself as I push new versions to the public. You only have to do this one time.
V0.1.0: This release is sloppy as it was thrown together in 1 week, but it is definitely playable. It is worth giving it a play thru as it is definitely complete enough to test.
V0.1.2: There are too many changes to list. Please give it a try, massive overhaul.
V0.1.3: Sectors overhauled, southern building was discovered collapsing on tanks an killing them when they were at full health (never seen that before) so it was replaced. Other aesthetic upgrades and pathing improvements.
v0.1.4: Northern area overhauled, sectors tweaked slightly all around, pathing improvements, aesthetic improvements, base entrances tweaked, tweaked cover. This version shows promise.
V0.1.5: (map was being constantly updated for Impromptu Tournament)Bases moved closer to points, hallway stone walls in south opened up for light armor, VPs moved to be closer to bases, some walls revamped, chimney removed from south powerplant, norhern most building entrance glitch fixed, northern houses weakened drastically.
V0.1.6: New sector layout crossroad cutoffs moved closer to center, munitions is now able to be cutoff from fully engulfed center hybrid point, map adjusted to allow points to be moved as stated and to make muni cutoff accessible, north left house position adjusted and wall to the south of it adjusted to make it vulnerable, added small wall section south of that area, southern most building moved further south and area adjusted. added the signature pile of destroyed vehicles in the south, removed some potentially unnecessary objects on map to allow better shot line of sight and pathing.
^^^These improvements come to you as a result of the improvised tournament. Thanks to all who watched or participated.
V0.1.7: Removed height change on rail line thru the entire map, pathing adjustments, further reduced objects on map to improve light vehicle pathing and reduce the number of shot blockers. This version will be improved and updated multiple times in the runup to the Grudge Match Tournament.
V0.1.8: Mirrored some more cover appropriately, modified an area where units could get stuck (fixed now), some aesthetic improvements, improved base bunker location and coverage, modified north buildings to have more health to balance them w the south buildings. These improvements will be featured in the Grudge Match #2. More feedback is appreciated!
V0.1.9: Modified sector locations to make the map flow much better, cover modified and objects removed to make the map flow better. muni cutoff sector attached to base sectors. buildings in north health increased. aesthetic improvements. removed central road red cover.
Please post replays in this forum or msg me on steam when you are playing so i can OBS. Replays and observing live games is the most valuable form of feedback. If you have suggestions or thoughts on the map design post here as well. The current design is very fluid so things will change rapidly as data is accrued. Your time is appreciated.

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