This map suffers from being a 1v1 at the bottom and being too narrow in the middle. The middle bridge was removed and a southern castle passage was created to aid in flanking. There is now a path down the center of the castle that a KT can fit thru! You can now drive a KT from north to south right thru the center of the castle.

1. Opened large southern castle path. Due to the layout of the castle, the west is still a little stronger since they have a shorter flanking path to the south thru the castle. But this map has never been close to balanced so...

2. Removed bridge and added large flanking area north of castle.

3. Added the missing territory point and balanced territories. moved Fuel points to be closer to front lines and draw more action to the south(usually ignored).

4. Added a house on North West side to mirror East side.
5. Added a flanking path in north west area.

6. Repositioned and added garrisons in south to free up space and balance garrison strength. southern battle were always all-or-nothing. The east either won or had to retreat back to base. now each team has garrisons just outside the VP fighting area to fall back to and keep the fight going.
7. Moved southern VP to be balanced, was too far west.