Ægion's Mod [Update 9/10/2018]

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
Sorry for the late response. Life stuff had been keeping me occupied.
Out of curiosity what ideas did you not like?
I have been thinking of adjusting all the initial vehicles. I have modded in that the M3 would get a passive capture at vet 1. The other veterancy can be altered. Vet three could be suppression, and seeing its Front MG is a 50, vet 2 could increase penetration.
I have thought also that the M3, WC51, and kubal could have some sort of mobility buff to make them more responsive.
I can look into alternative Ostheer vehicle repair. A repair bunker is very potential, or an altertive is a 251 upgrade.
On a side note. In the Ardennes Assault, the M3 halftrack has a repair upgrade. There is in fact a voice line for this. However, the voice line is for generic light vehicles. This means another light unit, say the M20 Utility car, also has this voice line.
I actually had the same idea and wrote it down here: https://www.coh2.org/topic/81755/elite-troops-2018
Also, please read it if you have the time and tell me what you think. And I know some things like the bunkers and repairs might not be the most practical ways of doing it but I wanted to showcase the specialization of the Germans and how they did less but went deep in what they did, as in compared to the US Army they wouldn't touch their tanks if they needed major repairs unless absolutely needed and rather preferred to drag them to their proper repair guys.

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
I actually had the same idea and wrote it down here: https://www.coh2.org/topic/81755/elite-troops-2018
Also, please read it if you have the time and tell me what you think. And I know some things like the bunkers and repairs might not be the most practical ways of doing it but I wanted to showcase the specialization of the Germans and how they did less but went deep in what they did, as in compared to the US Army they wouldn't touch their tanks if they needed major repairs unless absolutely needed and rather preferred to drag them to their proper repair guys.
I agree with you, for the most part, however still the WFA are centered largely around the Battle of the Bulge, while the Brits are based around their Rhine crossing Army in 1945, which perhaps makes sense with the lack of the 25 pounder emplacements and their less reliance on emplacements to some extent.
I actually went as far as to have the idea of replacing the Wehrmacht base buildings with the OKW HQ trucks since it made more sense, the Ostheer part of the Wehrmacht was lightly armed and armored during Operation Barbarossa and highly mobile, as well as well trained and equipped, supplied and had a lot of available manpower.
To that end I'm not going to go into much detail but this is how the Ostheer would look like in my mod if I made it:
HQ truck (T0)
Combat Pioneers - 5 man squad armed with MP40s, could be upgraded to flammwerfer 35s and Panzerbusche 39s exclusively. Could also plant demo charges to destroy cover and so forth, build sandbags, Tank Traps and Bunkers of course. Can't repair vehicles, only structures.
Grenadiers - 5 man squad using the AT crew models armed with K98k-s, could be upgraded to MP40s or an MG34, access to rifle grenades at first, gets replaced by regular Stick grenades when upgraded, can stack sandbags.
Kubelwagen - comes unarmed and can cap, can be upgraded to an MG34 but loses the ability to cap then.
The HQ could also be upgraded with medics.
Infantry Support HQ truck (T1)
MG34, GrW 34 and Pak 36(renamed M42, but can garrison due to small size, was on the fence about giving it a retreat like the raketen).
Mechanized Panzer HQ truck (T2)
Panzergrenadiers - 5 man squad armed with Kar 98k-s same as the regular grens, could be upgraded to Mkb 42s (renamed StG-s) or an MG34 again like the Grens and also perhaps to Panzerbusche 39s? Can only repair vehicles and throw bundled grenades.
251 Halftrack - Open Topped, when infantry are inside the MG34s on it are manned, can be upgraded to a mobile ambulance (can be setup to deploy medics and reinforce infantry, perhaps could even have a forward retreat point?), mobile repair shop (same as the ambulance but instead of medics it deploys repair pioneers) double flammwerfer 35s on each side and doctrinally can be upgraded to the Walking stuka and perhaps others.
250 Halftrack - comes unarmed, can be upgraded with an MG34 or a GrW 34 mortar. It can also carry a single squad, serves more as a light and faster support HT compared to the 251. It would be nice if we could put a Panzerbusche 39 on it but I sadly think it's impossible atm due to no model editing.
Panzer support HQ truck - (T3)
StuG III E - Short barrel StuG, nuff said.
Panzer IV F1 - Short barrel Panzer IV, found in Theater of War missions, same as the StuG. Would be nice if we had a Panzer III as well...
Schwerer Panzer production upgrade - (serves as a pseudo T4)
Upgrades both the StuG and Panzer IV to their long barrel versions, allows the calling in of a Command Panzer IV, said Command Panzer IV can be upgraded to a long barrel version but has a lower rate of fire and accuracy due to additional radios. Also unlocks the Panther.
Bunkers can only be upgraded to MG34s, that means that healing will come from the HQ or mobile ambulance HTs, repairs are divided by Combat Pioneers and Panzergrenadiers, repair pioneers can repair both buildings and vehicles in their immediate vicinity. I am also still wondering where to put a forward retreat point, in the infantry support HQ or in the ambulance.
This redesign of the Army is meant to replicate the early to mid war Ostheer, like I said, mobile, well trained and equipped (not best) and having a lot of manpower available to them, that's the reason why for the 5 man squads.
It also has an interesting dynamic where you could go pure infantry without the need of tanks so it's entirely up to the player and how the match goes.
As far as the OKW goes, they would get the wooden base structures, heavier and later war stuff like the MG42s, Pak 40s, Panzerschrecks, Stg-s (proper assault rigles compared to the Mkb 42s) side skirted Panzer IVs, Jagdpanzer IVs, Panthers by default, concrete bunkers, dragon teeth tank traps, Pak 43s, King and Jagdtigers and so forth.
Of course the Ostheer would also have access to heavier stuff like the Tiger, Pak 43s and Elefants, MG42s, Pak 40s and Panzerschrecks but doctrinally.
The OKW would however be a slower to develop and heavier more defensive Army like the CoH Wehrmacht than the current early game rush Axis force they are right now, they would also have more 4 man squads because of the lack of firepower and more experience.
So it would basically be a trade off between the 2 German Armies in my mind, the Ostheer becomes this early to mid war rush Army that is mobile and light and the other things like I said while the OKW becomes this slow and "fragile" behemoth that has access to less manpower and resources but more experience and better weaponry.
So to get back to the topic, I would cut Ostheer to 1943 in terms of tech and the OKW would take off from there until the end of the war basically.
Still tho, I mean your suggestion is nice and all but I'm gonna go with the "unique" crowd this time (god forbid) and say that the KT just simply doesn't fit with the Ostheer's time frame so to speak.
And yes the Soviets would be redesigned as well like the Ostheer in an early defensive Army again focusing on the early to mid war period and I guess most of their stuff would not be weird since they didn't really "tech up" during the war compared to everyone else so to speak, no rocket propelled anti-tank weaponry, no Halftracks of their own and so forth.
There are some design problems, I would like to point out. Both the Panzergrenadiers and the Grenadiers both use K98s. It will result in conflicting roles as well as some miss interpretation. Units should have clear and define role. Expamle in live: Stormtroopers, and Obersoldaton. Stormtroopers by stock are better than Grenadiers however seeing they do not feel unique people doubt this. Oversoldaton uses the same weapon a Volksgrenadiers but what people do not know, is that there stock performance is equal to vet 2 riflemen with two BAR and greater that vet three no BAR riflemen.
Another overlapping role is the short barrel StuG and P4. Both are focused on anti infantry and when upgraded with long barrels, they both become more anti-vehicle focus. Additionally, I did not see any thing about an Ostwind (another anti infantry unit) and some sort of non doctrinal AA I say is mandatory. A separating the global upgrades for the P4 and StuG would be good so the player can designate one from another.
This reminds me of a side project that I a typing up before publishing. It is possible faction designs of CoH3. Germany has enough unit variety to support three to four unique factions. Here are three rough ideas.
Wehrmacht (Eastern Front)
A more linear teching faction with having access to weapon racks. This faction more simulates fighting the eastern front.
Afrika Corp
This will combined inspiration Soviets, OKW, and Panzer Elite. This will focus around a singular infantry unit, the Panzer Grenadiers. A lot of global upgrades for there singular infantry unit.
Atlantikwall (France)
This faction I would make it more defensive in nature. Infantry, Emplacements, French equipment, and the King Tiger for late game. I would also make this faction use the Battle Phase system and base it around three tiers (0,1,2) Germany is largely know for the big tanks but also know for field craft and modification of captured French items.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
There are some design problems, I would like to point out. Both the Panzergrenadiers and the Grenadiers both use K98s. It will result in conflicting roles as well as some miss interpretation. Units should have clear and define role. Expamle in live: Stormtroopers, and Obersoldaton. Stormtroopers by stock are better than Grenadiers however seeing they do not feel unique people doubt this. Oversoldaton uses the same weapon a Volksgrenadiers but what people do not know, is that there stock performance is equal to vet 2 riflemen with two BAR and greater that vet three no BAR riflemen.
Another overlapping role is the short barrel StuG and P4. Both are focused on anti infantry and when upgraded with long barrels, they both become more anti-vehicle focus. Additionally, I did not see any thing about an Ostwind (another anti infantry unit) and some sort of non doctrinal AA I say is mandatory. A separating the global upgrades for the P4 and StuG would be good so the player can designate one from another.
This reminds me of a side project that I a typing up before publishing. It is possible faction designs of CoH3. Germany has enough unit variety to support three to four unique factions. Here are three rough ideas.
Wehrmacht (Eastern Front)
A more linear teching faction with having access to weapon racks. This faction more simulates fighting the eastern front.
Afrika Corp
This will combined inspiration Soviets, OKW, and Panzer Elite. This will focus around a singular infantry unit, the Panzer Grenadiers. A lot of global upgrades for there singular infantry unit.
Atlantikwall (France)
This faction I would make it more defensive in nature. Infantry, Emplacements, French equipment, and the King Tiger for late game. I would also make this faction use the Battle Phase system and base it around three tiers (0,1,2) Germany is largely know for the big tanks but also know for field craft and modification of captured French items.
About my idea, yes I actually realized this after I thought about it a bit more. So as far as AA goes, the Ost would get the 20mm AA emplacement that the OKW has, for anti-infantry capabilities, I intended for the StuG III E to act as a Brummbar sort of while the Panzer IV would be your main anti-tank tank, both in their short barrel versions, but yes you are right that at a later point when they both get upgraded to their longer barrel variants they will both lose some of their anti-infantry capabilities so I need to think about that a bit more, maybe the Panzer IV can still be just as good against infantry? I have no idea.
The reason why I skipped out the Ostwind and Brummbar is because of historical accuracy, there were 20 Ostwinds and about a hundred or so Brummbars if I recall correctly.
I also thought about making their pseudo T4 upgrade into a "late game" phase upgrade instead of it just upgrading the StuG and PZ IV and unlocking the Panther as well as the Command PZ IV call in, it would also upgrade their support weapons like the MG34 and Pak 36 (would have been better if there was a Pak 38) to the MG42 and Pak 40, Panzerschrecks would also be unlocked doctrinally with this upgrade but not until then and so forth, basically an "end game" phase like I said.
As for your ideas, the Afrika Korps makes no sense, there were no Elefants, Hummels, Hetzers, Brummbars and so forth in Afrika, I understand that you are trying to make them gameplay wise relevant but this is sacrificing too much historical authenticity in order to reach gameplay playability, it's almost funny, hell even the Soviets are pushing it, fighting heavy stuff like King Tigers and Jagdtigers with AT rifles.
About the Grens and PanzerGrens since I forgot to mention them at the start, yes the PGs would have better skills at handling their K98k-s and later other upgraded weapons, but the ability to repair only vehicles, inability to build as well as different weapon upgrades and I even thought about them having a passive aura around vehicles to make them even better tank supporters would make them a superior infantry alternative to the Grenadiers especially in the late game phase where infantry generally drop like flies.
Of course one could argue that that would make the Panzergrenadiers pretty OP straight out of the box so to that end, I would make the Mech Tier a sort of Mini-PE so to speak with it's own Panzergrenadier related upgrades. So in effect you'd be even more mobile and effective but at a cost.
Also, you mention about Germany having enough stuff for even a 4th Army, what do you have in mind for that?
I'd share my thoughts for the OKW but they'd basically be 70-80% CoH's Wehrmacht in effect but if you want I can write down my idea for them as well here.

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
As for your ideas, the Afrika Korps makes no sense, there were no Elefants, Hummels, Hetzers, Brummbars and so forth in Afrika, I understand that you are trying to make them gameplay wise relevant but this is sacrificing too much historical authenticity in order to reach gameplay playability, it's almost funny, hell even the Soviets are pushing it, fighting heavy stuff like King Tigers and Jagdtigers with AT rifles.
Also, you mention about Germany having enough stuff for even a 4th Army, what do you have in mind for that?
This where I would separate multiplayer from single player. Single player can be as accurate as needed, but in multiplayer each of the factions need to be unique. I honsetly see too many similarities between OKW and Ostheer. Something as small as infantry equipment, STG44, Kar 98, G43s, Stormtroopers, to larger items, 251s, Panzer 4, Puma, Ostwind, Panther, Ju 87s. Sound is a big thing for when it comes to a lot design. How offer you look at model for a Bar or for a Bren? For me I hear the difference before I see it. You do not confuse a mosin for a lee enfield, primarly for the sound.
For a fourth faction, there are some things I did cover such as the StuG 4,Panzer 2, Maraders. Potentail these could be doctrinal items, an SS unit, or lend lease weapons to a Finnish faction. I know Finland is not a axis power but very notable at the time. Other non German factions is quite limited such as Italy, who does not really have a full arsenal, and Japan, who had less than Finland when it comes to armor.

Posts: 515
Both the Panzergrenadiers and the Grenadiers both use K98s.
Just my two cents, but this is nothing new. Even in CoH1, Volksgrenadiers and Grenadiers both used Kar98ks. However, the Grenadiers used a Grenadier specific variant, with higher damage output.
Two squad types can have the same role if one comes later and is better. Just think of StuG and panther. Both are TDs, but the later one is obviously better, and more expensive.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
I would go so far to also swap the leig with the mortar.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
when it comes to German weapon one should probably swap lmg/hmg 34 with lmg/hmg 42 from the 2 factions.
I would go so far to also swap the leig with the mortar.
I would actually suggest a few things:
Both eastern front Armies be given 3 types of AT guns, light such (Pak 36 which is a renamed M42 and M42), medium ones which are going to be unlocked in a later tier (Pak 38 and ZiS-2 which are going to be renamed Pak 40s and ZiS-3s respectively) and heavy, Pak 40 and ZiS-3 which are going to be doctrinal AT guns.
The LeIG would also become a doctrinal option for the Ostheer similar to the Soviet HM-38 120mm mortar.
The OKW would then get the MG42 as you said, GrW 34 and Pak 40 by default.
It's even possible to also give the HM-38 to the Germans as either their own or a captured vairnat (GrW 42 and GrW 42(r) respectively) since both of these are based on the french 120mm Brandt mortar.
Of course then mainline infantry balance would have to be tweaked in accordance with these changes but sadly they'll never come to light as they'd be considered as too radical by most people here while I would argue that it just doesn't make any fucking sense at all that the earlier war German Army has better support weapons than the later war one, and an Army using light infantry support guns as it's main indirect fire instead of a mortar...
Still, would be nice for a Glider based Luftwaffe Fallschirmjager commander for the Ostheer to have the LeIG in it as it historically did have an airborne variant without the gun shield and with smaller wheels.

Posts: 301
Sorry for the late response. Life stuff had been keeping me occupied.
Out of curiosity what ideas did you not like?
I have been thinking of adjusting all the initial vehicles. I have modded in that the M3 would get a passive capture at vet 1. The other veterancy can be altered. Vet three could be suppression, and seeing its Front MG is a 50, vet 2 could increase penetration.
I have thought also that the M3, WC51, and kubal could have some sort of mobility buff to make them more responsive.
Mostly the overlap between cons and guards. Guards have access to the same doctrinal upgrades as cons while being a overall better combat unit.
I think the founding blocks for a differentiation between both units its already in the mod. Cons, with their upgrade, offer hard utility (cover/building denial, snares, merge, URA, while they can also build green cover), Guards offer sheer combat power and their utility should be more limited.
Upgrades and doctrinal abilities should go along those paths
Also, nurses dont spawn on the HQ and the old build you are using contains A LOT of bugs that got patched along the way

Posts: 1323 | Subs: 1

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
Patch notes hopefully more organized.
Su-76 has a vet 1 smoke barrage
OKW Puma replaced with an AT Hetzer.
Doctrinal Flame hetzer now conveys an upgrade for the AT Hetzer
Ostheer Luftwaffe supply doctrine altered
Ostheer Close Air Support Doctrine strafes now follows up with a loiter
M3 scout car and WC51 veterancy adjusted
Added the previous update with Ostheer's now prefab base to the mod notes

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
I really liked what you've done with USF, besides removing Officer Squads (LT and Cap), any chance you can make them buildable after unlocking their tiers?
In live, the Lieutenant and Captain really did not offer anything new. USF already has good infantry which makes it a bit tough to find a good fit for them. I have thought about something as a utility squad. I could make the captain a T1 Utility Squad. For the lieutenant, I may have stole his model for the squad sergeant models.
when it comes to German weapon one should probably swap lmg/hmg 34 with lmg/hmg 42 from the 2 factions.
I would go so far to also swap the leig with the mortar.
I would be fine with this if it was not the fact for the lack of voice lines for either faction.

Posts: 13496 | Subs: 1
I would be fine with this if it was not the fact for the lack of voice lines for either faction.
I am under the impression that there are at least 4-5 voice lines for weapon upgrades that d not mention the type of lmg (at least for grenadiers).

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
All factions can now build MG bunkers from T0 for 100 manpower 10 fuel.
Ostheer's MG bunker and Command bunker are now sepearte
The Command bunker can be upgraded with both repair pioneers and medics
Aircraft will now be shot down by lost of health instead of random chance
All the Vehicle AA have been adjusted to act like super heavy HMGs
Soviets Quad Halftrack
-Upgrade increases health by 80
-Damage increased to 15 from 12
-suppression increased
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-range increased to 50 from 40
M15 AA halftrack
-Health Increased to 400 from 320
-MG suppression increased
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-37mm suppression removed
-37mm may only fire when stationary
-37mm range increased to 50 from 40
251 Flak Halftrack
-Health Increased to 400 from 320
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-no longer fires in bursts
-able to fire on the move
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-no longer fires in bursts

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
New update
All factions can now build MG bunkers from T0 for 100 manpower 10 fuel.
Ostheer's MG bunker and Command bunker are now sepearte
The Command bunker can be upgraded with both repair pioneers and medics
Aircraft will now be shot down by lost of health instead of random chance
All the Vehicle AA have been adjusted to act like super heavy HMGs
Soviets Quad Halftrack
-Upgrade increases health by 80
-Damage increased to 15 from 12
-suppression increased
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-range increased to 50 from 40
M15 AA halftrack
-Health Increased to 400 from 320
-MG suppression increased
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-37mm suppression removed
-37mm may only fire when stationary
-37mm range increased to 50 from 40
251 Flak Halftrack
-Health Increased to 400 from 320
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-no longer fires in bursts
-able to fire on the move
-can only apply suppression when stationary.
-no longer fires in bursts
About bunkers -
I really love what you have done with them, but specifically I have a suggestion for the German bunkers:
Give a 3rd upgrade which will grant a forward retreat point to the Command bunker and give the OKW the Concrete version, I would make it 1:1 with CoH German bunkers, really miss those things, you could say that this is entirely nostalgia driven tho.

Posts: 22

Posts: 3103 | Subs: 1
This looks amazing, really bummed I missed this thread back in early July. Why isn't everyone playing this?
Well, unfortunately, despite just about always having the price tag of "free", video game mods fight an uphill battle. Many video games all over already compete for people's attention, and then mods are essentially an example of a game with the potential audience of "Literally only the people who have played a game." Add in the fact that naturally not everyone that plays a game even likes it and mods will of course not really have much in the way of true marketing (otherwise the modders could be doing the mods for, yanno, not free) and then it's really not a surprise most mods will be nothing close to the fame of DotA or The Long War.

Posts: 766 | Subs: 2
About bunkers -
I really love what you have done with them, but specifically I have a suggestion for the German bunkers:
Give a 3rd upgrade which will grant a forward retreat point to the Command bunker and give the OKW the Concrete version, I would make it 1:1 with CoH German bunkers, really miss those things, you could say that this is entirely nostalgia driven tho.
I did not explain the command bunker all to well. The Command Bunker is available at battle phase 2 for 200 manpower, 15 fuel. It has the forward retreat point already available. It can be upgraded with medics for 100 manpower and be upgraded with repair pioneers for 100 manpower. The model is the concert bunker with animators for the medics and repair pioneers. With Ostheer using concrete Dragon's Teeth tank traps, I may have put more concert on ostheer than OKW.

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2
I did not explain the command bunker all to well. The Command Bunker is available at battle phase 2 for 200 manpower, 15 fuel. It has the forward retreat point already available. It can be upgraded with medics for 100 manpower and be upgraded with repair pioneers for 100 manpower. The model is the concert bunker with animators for the medics and repair pioneers. With Ostheer using concrete Dragon's Teeth tank traps, I may have put more concert on ostheer than OKW.
Oh, I see now. Alright then.
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