Rather than using a smaller shed for that house, move it across the river. No windows should face the southern base, or all windows facing southern base should be blocked by shot blocking trees and/or hedges.
Rotate the manor house in the center slightly clockwise so that its corner is diagonal to where the large pine tree stands. This will create the effect where the building can be flanked from path 3, and cannot cover the entire path that is opened up by moving the house across the river. (Large pine tree circled indicating the ideal position for it to be in a garrisoned raketen or HMG firing arc.)
Delete the extra grove in the southwest, allowing a larger path around the house and wood piles. (Potentially) the house could rotated 180% with those wood debris piles. With the house moved across the river, some forest groves could be adjusted southward a bit too.
Remove the northwest shed and extend the concrete green cover over. This will open up north-south movement that can facilitate lategame vehicle pushes more fluidly. With the yellow circled tower moved west, and the blue circled shrubs moved east, a more defined corridor between the munitions and VP are created. This corridor might require some kind of cover being placed south of the munitions.
(Potentially) Replace one or two of the three sight blocking wall sections in the green circle area with the same concrete green cover walls used in that area. They should probably be rotated to remain flush with the each house they are connected to.
Completely rotate the area in the southeast with the houses and hedgerows. This would facilitate better movement of path "4" in that there would be a garrison that the south could actually use to overwatch that strategic point without being too exposed to the front lines. This could additionally improve pathing in that area as those hedgerows currently create a very poor angle for units trying to cross the river via path "3'. With a garrison instead of hedges, units will be less inclined to bottleneck on that bridge in the lategame when its a moonscape. The alleyway between the two houses could be adjusted in this process so as to not just be nudging the pathing problem southward. (Perhaps even just the hedges and the southern house could be swapped so that there is no alley at all.) Regardless, the point is to move the bottleneck further away from the impassable sides of the bridge and its culverts.
(Also I think the hedgerow circled in thin red is a visual only, not an object, so it cannot be destroyed, but does not block pathing or sight itself. Though I think that one might be slighter east off camera.)
(Also circled red, those fuel tank object explode causing damage to units when damaged or crushed. Not sure if that's a make or break design component of this map, but it's a feature that always felt unintentional. The fuel tanks and pipes could be moved to a more OOB area and replaced with rubble or some such that serve the same functional purpose without being freak explosions.)