Here's a rough guide to clashes so you can plan around it and record the games you want to watch and not miss a moment of CoH2 goodness

I did it in MS Paint at work, the games with purple score boxes are on whilst GCS2 QTs are.
Overlord Finals Intermission to allow for FIFA World Cup Final
GCS2 Qualifying Tournament 3: 'Overlord' Day 2 - Sunday 15th July
Due to a lot of CoH fans/players also being football fans - There will be an intermission in the third Qualification Tournament finals, to allow the FIFA World Cup to play, so that fans can watch both.
Overlord Finals (Day 2) new start time
To allow for this the Semi Finals will Start at 12:00 BST (2 hours earlier). There will then be up to four hours of play.
If there is an NA player this semi-final will be the second to play to account for the earlier start time. This would not be expected to play before 14:00 BST.
As with Citadel final everything will be in sequence, SF1, SF2, 3rd place, Final.
Intermission start time
No game will not be start after 15:20 (within 40 minutes of World Cup Final kickoff). If a game is in progress the intermission will start as soon as that game is completed.
Intermission Duration
The intermission should last around 2 hours, and the earliest play will resume is 18:00 BST, although could be later than 18:00 if the WC goes to extra time/ penalties.
During the intermission the GCS2 Overlord stream will stay live in intermission mode, and CoH fans can talk about football whilst the WC Final is played.