
russian armor

What I view as very pressing issues

21 Aug 2013, 23:56 PM
avatar of Cyridius

Posts: 627

Last patch you added more RNG to the game. Why?

Why would you make the primary vehicle snare in the game a random factor? Nobody was complaining about AT Nades and Panzerfausts. And if they did the primary solution was not to make them totally useless against larger tanks.

Why can't you just copy CoH1 for once? Why couldn't you just copy Sticky Grenades? That worked every time but had shitty range? Why did you have to introduce a random factor to an extremely crucial part of the game?

The MG42 is also overpowered. As a primarily German player this is glaringly obvious. You have a, what is it, ~165° arc? With instant suppression? How was this ever a good idea? And why didn't you test the Suppression Bulletin? It's a 10% buff, no other bulletins compete with that to a reasonable degree, so that's hardly an excuse for having a gigantically overpowered bulletin in the game. This problem hasn't went away from when attention was brought to it weeks ago yet nothing has been done about it. It's a bulletin, if you can't fix it just remove it at the game and re-release it at an appropriate time for crying out loud.

The MG42 has no reasonable counter. Huge arc, ridiculously high courage damage(Not even counting bulletin), and a lot of DPS to boot. It totally overshadows other German infantry.

And on that note, the Maxim's a piece of crap. Its DPS does not even begin to make up for its shitty suppression and, what is it, 70-80° arc? The tech building its a part of costs more than T1, and why would anybody every build it when what you get from it is a Mortar Squad, AT Gun and a Maxim? Three support units from a building that costs that much, when there are doctrines that have a superior Mortar team with no tech cost?

Let's forget that AT Guns in this game are trash anyways, doubly so with the snare nerf.

Ram is bad. First of all, it shouldn't "maybe" work against a heavy tank, it should work or it should not. I shouldn't commit my tank to something when it working is entirely up to fate. That removes any element of skill from the outcome of the game. It should not work against heavy tanks, or it should work. This game does not need more RNG.

I feel like a game of dice involves more skill than using half the shit in this game. Like I understand the idea behind adding random elements, but I don't think you seem to understand that the more you add the less my skill matters. Every single time a random element occurs, you shit all over the skill cap of the game, and yet here you are adding more of them.

Panzerwerfers are just terrible. There is no point in ever building them. Their range is abysmal, they don't have the durability to make up for how close they have to go, the amount of rockets they fire is too few for the AOE the ability works in, and at the end of it all it's in Tier 4 where it gets triple shit on by a Katushya.

And the pathing is terrible. There's always the pathing I can fall back on when I complain. I've been playing RTS games for nearly two decades and I have never seen pathing this bad. Literally, never.

Actually, no, that's not strictly true. Commander & Conquer 3 had pathing that shit itself when you got past a certain number of units.

But hey, if you wanna value your development by comparing yourself to EA, good for you.

Now, for the good things;

You implemented a map filter.

Like, Relic, I don't know what your lead designer is truly thinking, but every time you get a problem, just go and boot up Company of Heroes and Dawn of War II. Learn from your past games. I don't know what it is with development teams why they always fail to do that.

I can't play this game as long as I'm not rewarded for skillful moves and well timed abilities and flanks. As long as you're destroying the skill cap of the game by adding random factors you will never realistically compete with other major competitors.

Balance can be a colossal piece of shit. Your overall polish can be terrible. People will play through that if they think they can overcome those imbalances by being better players. Your balance can be perfect but nobody will play if somebody who's played for a week has as much skill as somebody who's played for a year. This is what random factors do. Waste my time.

22 Aug 2013, 00:15 AM
avatar of The Dave

Posts: 396

Boot up COH but don't learn from Brits - sorry QDuffy :(
22 Aug 2013, 00:39 AM
avatar of link0

Posts: 337

I have to admit, I agree with the OP on almost everything.

Why are AT nades and fausts chance abilities now? What was wrong with them being black and white before? This is a RNG element that's just doesn't bring anything interesting to this game. This game has more than enough RNG elements. We don't need even more. Snipers having 50% accuracy against other snipers was one of the most hated RNG elements of vCOH, yet it was left in there forever.

I won't address the MG42 issue because I think they are aware of the situation.
22 Aug 2013, 01:04 AM
avatar of Hissy

Posts: 176

I don't see how homing AT nades and panzerfauts resemble anything like skill.
22 Aug 2013, 01:16 AM
avatar of Cyridius

Posts: 627

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2013, 01:04 AMHissy
I don't see how homing AT nades and panzerfauts resemble anything like skill.

They're still homing missiles, nothing this patch has done has changed that fact. All it has done is remove any kind of incentive to play with risk and totally remove reliable snares from this game.

22 Aug 2013, 01:40 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2013, 01:04 AMHissy
I don't see how homing AT nades and panzerfauts resemble anything like skill.

These were homing as well in VCoH, but whether it hit depended on whether the vehicle was in range.

Another thing that needs to be fixed - infantry vs tanks. With the Panzerfaust/AT nade nerfed even further and ATGs being complete trash for their cost, infantry can no longer effectively fight tanks.

This.... is not COH where you have just an early game focused on infantry and a late game just focused on tanks and tanks only.
22 Aug 2013, 01:43 AM
avatar of Ekko Tek

Posts: 139

Too much RNG, poor pathing, command lag input, (especially when combined with snow/blizzards) makes for an unpleasant experience at times. The effectiveness of the MG42 vs. the Maxim, the repeated buffs to the MG42, the doubling of the cost of Oorah, the pigeonholing of Soviets into T1 openings (I have not seen a successful T2 high level opening in any replays or streams in ages), and the battle of glass cannon scout cars so frequently deciding how a lot of games go are also all limiting the game's appeal.

There are lots of positive things about the game as well, but it does feel very limited at times right now. I'd like to see Soviet T2 improvements, German T4 become more of a possibility in 1v1 and command lag/pathing improved more, if that's possible.
22 Aug 2013, 01:46 AM
avatar of Spanky
Senior Strategist Badge

Posts: 1820 | Subs: 2

Too much RNG, poor pathing, command lag input, (especially when combined with snow/blizzards) makes for an unpleasant experience at times. The effectiveness of the MG42 vs. the Maxim, the repeated buffs to the MG42, the doubling of the cost of Oorah, the pigeonholing of Soviets into T1 openings (I have not seen a successful T2 high level opening in any replays or streams in ages), and the battle of glass cannon scout cars so frequently deciding how a lot of games go are also all limiting the game's appeal.

There are lots of positive things about the game as well, but it does feel very limited at times right now. I'd like to see Soviet T2 improvements, German T4 become more of a possibility in 1v1 and command lag/pathing improved more, if that's possible.

I've had a lot of success with t2 opening, ofc that was in the previous patches...
22 Aug 2013, 01:55 AM
avatar of hubewa

Posts: 928

Soviet T2... hmm... you build lots of Cons and then ATGs when you need it.

If they spam MG42s, get mortars.

That's how I played T2 anyway.
22 Aug 2013, 02:10 AM
avatar of Mike.Gayner

Posts: 115

Oh look, this discussion again.
22 Aug 2013, 03:33 AM
avatar of boc120

Posts: 245

Stickies didn't always penetrate and they didn't always do engine damage. Very high chances for both to be sure, but not a sure thing.
22 Aug 2013, 03:40 AM
avatar of WiFiDi
Honorary Member Badge

Posts: 3293

jump backJump back to quoted post22 Aug 2013, 03:33 AMboc120
Stickies didn't always penetrate and they didn't always do engine damage. Very high chances for both to be sure, but not a sure thing.

ive had that happen. *cringe*
22 Aug 2013, 04:30 AM
avatar of Adamantawesome

Posts: 85

I agree with the points addressed here, removing the insta damaged engine AT nades/fausts removed some tactics from the game like slowing down a Panther/KV-8 to shoot it with AT gun.

The T-34 ram is pretty useless now. If I don't capture even one fuel point, I end up getting rushed by Panthers with no sticky bombs to slow them down or rams to temporarily remove one from the field.

Mines work great, until they pull back 50 meters and get repaired in 10 seconds by pios.
22 Aug 2013, 04:49 AM
avatar of SturmTigerFlu

Posts: 75

coh2 got the most complaining community ever. just look at the thread opener...
22 Aug 2013, 05:12 AM
avatar of Ekko Tek

Posts: 139

coh2 got the most complaining community ever. just look at the thread opener...

So you've moved on from complaining about Relic banning you and are now complaining about other people complaining? mmkay
There's a difference between complaining as whining and complaining as giving good constructive criticism. Everybody knows Relic games get better with age, but sometimes only by dragging them kicking and screaming into a better state...
22 Aug 2013, 06:50 AM
avatar of computerheat
Honorary Member Badge
Benefactor 117

Posts: 2838 | Subs: 3

Why can't you just copy CoH1 for once? Why couldn't you just copy Sticky Grenades? That worked every time but had shitty range?

Actually, now they work more like they did in CoH1, where deflections were possible. It's a change that I am very happy for, as the old, 100% critical chance situation really limited the usefulness of tanks.

Ram is bad. First of all, it shouldn't "maybe" work against a heavy tank, it should work or it should not. I shouldn't commit my tank to something when it working is entirely up to fate. That removes any element of skill from the outcome of the game. It should not work against heavy tanks, or it should work. This game does not need more RNG.

I am fairly sure that ram will always work on rear armor.

Panzerwerfers are just terrible. There is no point in ever building them. Their range is abysmal, they don't have the durability to make up for how close they have to go, the amount of rockets they fire is too few for the AOE the ability works in, and at the end of it all it's in Tier 4 where it gets triple shit on by a Katushya.

(Agreed, imho) Presumably, these will be addressed in the next patch. Relic has been going up, tier by tier, with the recent balance patches.
22 Aug 2013, 06:54 AM
avatar of GustavGans

Posts: 747

Last patch you added more RNG to the game. Why?

Why would you make the primary vehicle snare in the game a random factor? Nobody was complaining about AT Nades and Panzerfausts. And if they did the primary solution was not to make them totally useless against larger tanks.

I disagree.

I don't see why a 240mp unit should cause a 100% engine damage on every vehicle no matter its size. I also don't see how this should be more skillful than managing combined arms AT.

For the first stages of the game it's absoulutely fine to have fausts/at-nades causing engine damage on the lighter vehicles but as the game advances there are other options for the job.

The soviets have cheap mines, guards, ram (yet I haven't tried it post patch) and still a chance to crit with at-nades.

Yes the Germans have fewer options but they also face fewer fast and heavy tanks( only T-34/74/85 and Is-2 pretty much). Their AT is also more mobile (P4, Panther, Shrecks, Stug).

So for me the skill lies in the evaluation of risks and chances. Can I afford the 33% risk of getting at-naded when rushing in my panther or not?

So I think the changes made by Relic regarding Panzerfaust and AT-nade are pretty much spot on and add a lot of variation to the gameplay as aggressive tank manuvers can be way more rewarding.

I do agree on most of your other points.
22 Aug 2013, 07:55 AM
avatar of Cruzz

Posts: 1221 | Subs: 41

I agree pretty much 100% with the op. You're kinda remembering stickies wrong though, they had much the same failure rate as the new one in CoH2...it just applied to less vehicles iirc, pretty much just panthers and stuff heavier than them.

Things I'd like to see (outside of pure balance changes, of which there would be ton more of):

Removal of many crit effects. Instant building collapse and instant death on flame should both be gotten rid of, damage against buildings for weapons increased significantly and flame damage balanced so the kill rate was in the same range as without the instant deaths.

Improved unit cohesion. It's ridiculous as the soviets, some guy is always lagging behind and then gets suppressed by an MG42. One member of the squad getting fired on shouldn't do shit suppression wise, but if that can't be coded then stragglers should just move at lightning speeds to join up with the squad. Oh and for gods sake make weapon teams fire even if only the two guys pushing the damn thing are actually there. It seems like atgun crews for soviets just love humping behind some corner and the gunner and loader just can't focus enough on the job to actually fire during this.

Improve vehicle pathfinding. DO NOT TRY TO TURN EVERY TIME I GIVE AN ORDER BEHIND YOU. Actually, never turn when I give an order behind you. Make the default pathfinding for the rear 180 move orders for vehicles to be the current reverse button, and make the reverse button a "turn and move" button. This will save roughly a million clicks per day on the automatcher. Also stop pathfinding on ice as if it was road, ice should be avoided like infantry avoids deep snow: only go on it when it is a lot shorter than other routes.

Make units actually respond to retreat orders, much faster. Sometimes units are stuck for several seconds digging their asses before they'll actually start moving.

Stop making blizzards chain, there should be a far longer enforced clear period between them. And make freezing units capping a point go to the freaking flame inside that point by themselves if they were given an order to just cap (ie they were ordered to the flag) rather than ordered to go to some specific spot.
22 Aug 2013, 08:32 AM
avatar of raw

Posts: 644

Too much RNG, poor pathing, command lag input, (especially when combined with snow/blizzards) makes for an unpleasant experience at times.

Yesterday I lost a game to that. I successfuly flanked the enemy Stug with my T-34 and that would've won me the game, if the T-34 didn't decide after taking two potshots to drive around into a random direction of course exposing his back. I didn't even had the T-34 selected, and had to watch the horrible scene with my jaw dropping to the ground.

I've had it several times now that vehicles start driving on their own and it is pissing me off. I think that happens when the attacking vehicles loses LOS to the target, and since this game has truesight a LOS break can occur at any moment and can be caused by anything. In anycase, units should go where I click them and do what I tell them and not decide to drive around on their own.
22 Aug 2013, 08:45 AM
avatar of SturmTigerVorgo

Posts: 307

I agree with the fact MG42 is OP. German infantry is already very powerful they do not need such a strong MG42, some player even play without MG42 and they are doing just fine. It's very difficult to win as soviet even against a normal(not pro) player without snipers and SU85.
T34 is better but you need early game dominance to be able to make them and MG42 is denying early game dominance for soviets.
I don't agree with copying COH1..this is just stupid idea.
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