Ah yes. Conscript support might actually find relevance for the first time in the history of coh2 
It's is actually not bad now that it has the KV-1 to bolster the late game. The rapid conscription is still quite good, although it is now only a shadow of its former self and the incendiary is going to be great for breaking up a PAK wall before rushing through with armor.
I might actually test this one out 
I bought Conscript (with in-game currency) because of that. I wanted to test the KV1 a bit more some weeks ago, was using the Guard doctrine in many games and finally faced a dual pak barrage. I won the game but was concerned about how pak counter so well the KV1, so I had the idea to sneak around the store to see if there was more KV1 commanders and found Conscript Support.
Hell a commander allowing you to spam Conscript + PPSH and incendiary barrage AND KV1, it made my day!
Now I'm not a super ranked Soviet player, don't know how it performs on highest level but I'm making my way to top 200 and I hope soon enough top 100.