
russian armor

Would You Change How USF Techs?:

15 May 2018, 14:56 PM
avatar of Mittens
Donator 11

Posts: 1276

USF tech seems to always be at the center of the argument for "USF OPopie" :snfPeter: but if we want to change/update the faction that has some serious tech problems(outdated meta tech) does USF need a tech change?

If so how would you change it and why?
15 May 2018, 15:13 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Would make sense to make AT-Gun T0 but requiring either LT or CPT to be on the field. Basically just like MG 34 for OKW.

Then you could replace the AT-gun slot in CPT tier with something else. Not sure what though.
15 May 2018, 16:14 PM
avatar of Waegukin

Posts: 609

Why not just swap Stuart/AA and maybe the price of their tech? Then you get Suppression/AI + AT in both tiers without leaving a tech hole or hurting Airborne/Recon Co.
15 May 2018, 18:00 PM
avatar of Stein Grenadier

Posts: 69

Can't punish blobs if you go T2.

Can't reliably fight off rushed medium armor if you go T1.

Give Riflemen panzerfausts lelic)
15 May 2018, 18:14 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

No squads with tech. Move 10 or 15 fuel cost from LT to weapon racks.

Full range mortar to LT, probably warranting a cost adjustment for m20 and/or AAHT.

Or, remove mortar team and replace pak howie with mortar HT. Replace doctrinal mortar HT with doctrinal reinforce HT or a pack howie. (Adding it as an air drop option for airborne and recon would work well thematically.)

I'm also of the opinion the m10 should be stock and the m36 be doctrinal.
15 May 2018, 18:36 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

Make them an all tech army IE you must tech both lieut and capt before t4. Lieut and capt dont come for free but can still be built from said building. Move at gun to lieut and aa HT to captain. Adjust cost and timing (reg sherman should arrive faster that p4 esp okw p4 if no fuel was spent on light vehicles only bars/zook upgrade because every know that is a MUST upgrade.

This would allow for USF to get out .50cal and at gun faster, as well as save you some mp to be able to afford .cal at guns pathfinders aibrone ranger etc by not have the captain or lieut take up an ifantry spot IF you dont want them to.

Edit: of course this would take adjustments on tech cost and unit cost with testing
15 May 2018, 18:39 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

jump backJump back to quoted post15 May 2018, 18:36 PMRocket
Make them an all tech army IE you must tech both lieut and capt before t4. Lieut and capt dont come for free but can still be built from said building. Move at gun to lieut and aa HT to captain. Adjust cost and timing (reg sherman should arrive faster that p4 esp okw p4 if no fuel was spent on light vehicles only bars/zook upgrade because every know that is a MUST upgrade.

This would allow for USF to get out .50cal and at gun faster, as well as save you some mp to be able to afford .cal at guns pathfinders aibrone ranger etc by not have the captain or lieut take up an ifantry spot IF you dont want them to.

Edit: of course this would take adjustments on tech cost and unit cost with testing

Edit 2: it would also make sense as you dont get locked out from having lets say anti air late game because you went captain, as no one back techs I might have back teched twice ever to actually get the AA HT but thats when CAS was fackin insane.
15 May 2018, 18:42 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

If you make USF tech more linear and friendly, they'd have to either nerf the power of the 50cal and m1, or buff the OKW counterparts.
15 May 2018, 18:44 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

If you make USF tech more linear and friendly, they'd have to either nerf the power of the 50cal and m1, or buff the OKW counterparts.
I have thought about that and I agree, IDk that the m1 would really be a big deal mostly the .50cal would prolly have to be nerfed a bit
15 May 2018, 18:46 PM
avatar of Rocket

Posts: 728

If you make USF tech more linear and friendly, they'd have to either nerf the power of the 50cal and m1, or buff the OKW counterparts.
I wouldnt care if they buffed the mg34 dmg a bit, i think the rakt is fine tho i know its not a regular at gun but its spammable t0 camo can retreat its simply not a bad unit in consideration of it being used against allies its really pretty effective.
15 May 2018, 18:50 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Yes, if this was a possibility 2 years ago. At most i could see some units been swapped.
15 May 2018, 19:04 PM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

  • Remove free LT, Cpt and Mjr
  • Move HMG and M1 in T0 with tier 1 or 2 unlock
  • Lt, Cpt are now purchasable as they are when killed (manpower price)
  • Reduce T3 price by half: unlock Scott and Major
  • Mjr cost the other half of T3 price, when purchased: sherman and Jackson are unlocked

There is also a need to redesign Airborn with that.
15 May 2018, 20:58 PM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Yeah, just replace the entire USF with the US Army from CoH but keep the new units like the Jackson.
15 May 2018, 21:35 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

jump backJump back to quoted post15 May 2018, 19:04 PMEsxile
  • Remove free LT, Cpt and Mjr
  • Move HMG and M1 in T0 with tier 1 or 2 unlock
  • Lt, Cpt are now purchasable as they are when killed (manpower price)
  • Reduce T3 price by half: unlock Scott and Major
  • Mjr cost the other half of T3 price, when purchased: sherman and Jackson are unlocked

There is also a need to redesign Airborn with that.

This sounds like a good idea, but you'd have ostheer and soviets with non T0 support teams. They'd either get dumpstered for 6 months cause thats how long you wait for patches, or this would probably be a no go.
15 May 2018, 23:07 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

Yes, if this was a possibility 2 years ago. At most i could see some units been swapped.

I don't even see that being a possibility. It wasn't really even a possibility 2 years ago.
15 May 2018, 23:19 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

If you make USF tech more linear and friendly, they'd have to either nerf the power of the 50cal and m1, or buff the OKW counterparts.

factions should not be balanced around OKW

Rak is fine and balanced thanks to stealth/retreat, MG34 could use gaining vet a bit faster but stick on AP rounds and it goes to town.
15 May 2018, 23:20 PM
avatar of GI John 412

Posts: 495 | Subs: 1

Rearranged LT tier.
-AT gun
-AA Halftrack.

Captain Tier
-50 cal
-Pack Howitzer

Remove free Captain and Lieutenant units and adjust cost accordingly. Give Capt free bazookas to make him a dedicated AT support unit. Remove free BAR from LT and instead give him a total of two or three Thompson SMGs (or maybe Grease guns) in order to make him a dedicated assault unit. (Much like he is now, but less good at long range and no weapon slots) this will make the Captain and LT more specialist and less like rifle squads. LT gets frag because smoke grenade plus SMGs would be OP. Captain keeps smoke because he has zooks.

Each tier gets suppression, AT, anti infantry, indirect fire and a vehicle. Neither Tier has complete domination in one area but still has tools for all areas to fit your playstyle.

Major tech remains mostly unchanged except that he is now a four or five man squad that you have to purchase separately. Bigger size because you must buy separately, but higher cost. No free weapons but has two weapon slots. Basically a RE squad that has good abilities and one extra expensive Major model.
15 May 2018, 23:21 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

factions should not be balanced around OKW

Rak is fine and balanced thanks to stealth/retreat, MG34 could use gaining vet a bit faster but stick on AP rounds and it goes to town.

They should be balanced around each other. I.e. if both factions have support teams in t0 they should be equal. Instead of 50 cal > MG34 and M1 > rak
15 May 2018, 23:32 PM
avatar of swordfisch

Posts: 138

Personally I feel USF are in a good place, but m20 and zooks need a bit of love. Maybe a small AT buff on the stuart too. Quite happy with tech and officers, if they were not free people would ignore them and spam paras/rangers.

They should be balanced around each other. I.e. if both factions have support teams in t0 they should be equal. Instead of 50 cal > MG34 and M1 > rak

But not all factions do, are you forgetting soviets and maxim t2? It's a bit silly to change USF scope in regards to OKW balance when other factions still lack certain elements.

if OKW tools are that bad then buff them (really can't see what they are lacking bar the slightly UP MG34), but nerfing allies even more to screw up Ost balance is not the way to go. 50.cals already get nuked by rifle nades.

15 May 2018, 23:39 PM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Personally I feel USF are in a good place, but m20 and zooks need a bit of love. Maybe a small AT buff on the stuart too. Quite happy with tech and officers, if they were not free people would ignore them and spam paras/rangers.

But not all factions do, are you forgetting soviets and maxim t2? It's a bit silly to change USF scope in regards to OKW balance when other factions still lack certain elements.

if OKW tools are that bad then buff them (really can't see what they are lacking bar the slightly UP MG34), but nerfing allies even more to screw up Ost balance is not the way to go. 50.cals already get nuked by rifle nades.

This sounds like a good idea, but you'd have ostheer and soviets with non T0 support teams. They'd either get dumpstered for 6 months cause thats how long you wait for patches, or this would probably be a no go.

I think you missed this^ ;)
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