History lesson over, now let’s talk CoH2.
I think the relationship between the various forms of the M1 Garand users (Riflemen vs weapon crews) and M1 Carbine users (REMFs vs Paratroopers and Rangers) is unrealistic, confusing to the new player, but also easily fixed.
Proposed change: Keep all unit stats the same, but give Paratroopers and Rangers M1 Garand models and give all weapon crews M1 Carbine models.
End result: An easy way to tell if a unit is good or bad in direct combat. M1 Garand rifle equipped troops are skilled infantrymen by trade and perform well as such, while troops equipped with M1 Carbines are support troops who are less effective with their individual weapons.
(And before anyone says that Paratroopers should have carbines because they’re Paratroopers, you’re just plain wrong. Paratrooper INFANTRY (as depicted in the game as “Paratrooper” ) almost always carried M1 Garands even on jumps. Read the book, “US infantry weapons in combat” if you would like to hear about what actual WWII and Korean War veterans were issued, trained with and fought with. Seriously, it’s very interesting.
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