
russian armor

OKW is absolutely trash now, rebalance this asap!

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30 Dec 2017, 17:54 PM
avatar of YRon²y

Posts: 221

jagd wölfe wrote:

The real question is why a 2500 rank player feels the need of spreading misinformation based on wrong stats and make pretentious and laughable claims.

The irony...

i can't stop laughing xD
30 Dec 2017, 18:09 PM
avatar of YRon²y

Posts: 221

Except that is only you saying that...any other user here knows how trashy raketenwerfer is.
No atg miss units like that...not even close.
With extreme low target size..misses may occurr rarely on tergets at the bottom of the atg arc.
The most ridicolous parts is that there isn't such thing as "moving target" at all, accuracy is affected only by the mivement if the unit that is firing...but i DO LOVE how you try so hard (failing) to make it look like you actually have a grasp of basic vehicle/at mechanics of this game.

Putting raketen in building deny cloak and the atg fires on infantry wasting shots, same for sturm shreck...300 mp for something as pathetic as a single shreck squad is ridicolous...
the claim that tools as snares and mines that other factions don't lack should fill the gap (which has no reason to exist to begin with), that sturmshreck is of any use, that raketen garrison is underappreciated (lol), that vehicles are somewhat harder to hit when moving...are ridicolous and only show how short sighted you are with your 2500 4vs4 rank with just 18 matches in.
The real question is why a 2500 rank player feels the need of spreading misinformation based on wrong stats and make pretentious and laughable claims.

dude raketenwerfer isn't trashy. it has lots of 'special' abilities that makes it a good atgun. IMO i hate coming up to raketens cause you 'never' know where they are and how many there are. you can cloak up and get close to enemy tanks and killing them in 2shot (2raketens), unless you have 4 then it's ez xD. okw is in a good state. it isn't really that OP anymore as before. okw still has some flaws but they have decreased hardly. and if the raketenwerfer was so bad, then why do you guys only come up with that now? it has been like that for a long time. if this is what makes okw so bad, then you are the guy that makes the laughable claims. okw is mostly perfectly balanced.
30 Dec 2017, 18:50 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Dec 2017, 18:09 PMYRon²y
and if the raketenwerfer was so bad, then why do you guys only come up with that now? it has been like that for a long time. if this is what makes okw so bad, then you are the guy that makes the laughable claims.

Tell that to the DSHK. It was never changed. Then Maxim gets nerfed. Then all you heard was DSHK is OP :rofl:

When OKW didnt feel so weak you didnt have to rely on the Rak. Now you do. And it feels useless.
30 Dec 2017, 20:34 PM
avatar of YRon²y

Posts: 221

jump backJump back to quoted post30 Dec 2017, 18:50 PMRosbone

Tell that to the DSHK. It was never changed. Then Maxim gets nerfed. Then all you heard was DSHK is OP :rofl:

When OKW didnt feel so weak you didnt have to rely on the Rak. Now you do. And it feels useless.

they didn't complain about dshka cause there was a much cheaper, as good as dskha version: the maxim.
there's your answer.
raketen is good and it sure isn't useless and when okw wasn't so weak it was OP. you go double raketen cloacck it and go close to a sherman, there's a big chance you kill the sherman. btw this thread is about okw being UP but all i hear being complained about is raketenwerfer, and that isn't even bad...
31 Dec 2017, 02:08 AM
avatar of Garrett

Posts: 309 | Subs: 1

I don't know who came up with those genius change. But OKW right now has the worst basic infantry, the most expensive tech, lowest Price/performance ratio tanks, and the most terrible artillery (ISG is pretty much a stone catapult, and it still got nerfed wtf!!). On the other hand, infantry section, guards and conscript are buffed, how is okw player supposes to win a infantry engagement while volks are significantly overpowered by rifleman and infantry sections. These infantry changes require OKW players to rely more on their light armors, and guess what, Panzer 2 and Stuka also got nerfed. Whoever made this balance pack may just as well add a "free win" bottom to Allied players screen whenever they meet a OKW

Don't forget that they get no caches and still get destroyed by Maxim spam :))
31 Dec 2017, 05:54 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Aww did your volks lose a couple models to a rifleman squad or something? This is definitely a rage thread lol.

Don't forget that tommies also got nerfed this patch, and riflemen last patch, and volks were overperforming hard in the lategame. Their first 5 minute performance isn't even really changed, its just their later vet bonuses that got toned down so they don't steamroll more expensive squads with 2x the muni investment with minimal effort anymore.
31 Dec 2017, 17:11 PM
avatar of Shuko

Posts: 7

Aww did your volks lose a couple models to a rifleman squad or something? This is definitely a rage thread lol.

From yesterday: Volks in practice :lolol:
31 Dec 2017, 17:14 PM
avatar of MajorBloodnok
Admin Red  Badge
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Spanish post invised.

Please post in English on this site.

Back to topic.
31 Dec 2017, 17:34 PM
avatar of Grumpy

Posts: 1954

This is only one data point but:

100k damage in an hour from what everyone is calling a trash faction.

Command Panther and volks still okay.

Raketen is garbage. Comets could easily dive in, launch grenade, wipe Raketen. Jacksons could drive by and just ignore. Short range of Raketen means that if Allied player sends any infantry along with tanks, the Raketen gets to take only one or two shots before retreating.
31 Dec 2017, 19:19 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

1 Jan 2018, 12:03 PM
avatar of Rantanplan

Posts: 39

Yeah, OKW mates in the Team now, and u lose the game since patch.

The Sturmpios suck,
the Volks suck, even with vet and Stg44,
the 43er püppchen sucks as usual,
the mg 34 isnt worth to buy,
the puma is far too expensive,
same with flak HT,
the fuel costs are far too high, compared to other factions.
Every better russian will spam u down with T34, gets Mix of SU76 and T34,85, or has 3x KV1 till u see ur first tank comin in.
and worst of all are infantry guns now. Did anyone look at WHERE they shooting with ability?
1 Jan 2018, 12:11 PM
avatar of Rantanplan

Posts: 39

Aww did your volks lose a couple models to a rifleman squad or something? This is definitely a rage thread lol.

Don't forget that tommies also got nerfed this patch, and riflemen last patch, and volks were overperforming hard in the lategame. Their first 5 minute performance isn't even really changed, its just their later vet bonuses that got toned down so they don't steamroll more expensive squads with 2x the muni investment with minimal effort anymore.

Lol even conscripts dominate them now in every phase of game.
I can build 3!!! Infantry units with OKW, one of them after building 2!!! buildings after 12-20 minutes.
And dont tell me, the Obersoldaten are so superior vs Paras, Comms or Guards.

OKW got nerfed down till nothings left to be useful.
OKW should be mechanized Company but u need the most fuel of all factions.
1 Jan 2018, 17:07 PM
avatar of Storm Elite

Posts: 246

OKW should be mechanized Company but u need the most fuel of all factions.

This has always been absurd.

Add the completely arbitrary, artificially inflated build time that was just added to the Luchs, and OKW is now a subpar faction that can't even bring out MGs early enough to deny key areas.

When you look at the faction as a whole, the complete lack of damage from Volks is just the tip of the iceberg...
1 Jan 2018, 20:52 PM
avatar of Rosbone

Posts: 2124 | Subs: 2

Anyone who says Raketen is good has gone FULL RETARD. How many games do you play where tanks drive right thru its arc multiple times and they never even shoot. #EsportsReady
1 Jan 2018, 22:22 PM
avatar of strafniki

Posts: 558 | Subs: 1

okw noob tears are tasty
1 Jan 2018, 23:38 PM
avatar of Phy

Posts: 509 | Subs: 1

People stating raketen is good LOL. How can AT be good and at the same time die to a tank in an average of 1-2 shots.
2 Jan 2018, 01:23 AM
avatar of ShadowLinkX37
Director of Moderation Badge

Posts: 4183 | Subs: 4

Yet to win a single OKW 1v1 automatch post DBP. As I feared with all their nerfs they simply cannot keep up with allied momentum. Mech truck is a significantly smaller window for effectivness with luchs timing nerf and med truck doesn't hold enough power in the ISG. The flak HT is the only salvation i've seen people find for this faction in 1v1s. Volks can't hold lategame similar to grens against 2x BAR/brens but unlike ostheer OKW support teams are awful.

OKW mid game just loses to much momentum and their lategame isn't much better in comparison to allies. T34/85s, HE shermans, jacksons just steamroll panthers. The KT is now no where near its effectiveness in cost. The p4 however is finally worth its cost and spamming p4 is probably the best chance you have lategame.

Another issue I've personally found is doctrines. I honestly don't know what doctrine to go as OKW anymore, they all have something good, but they don't have a go too every match like lightning war or guard motor. That creates another momentum issue with doctrines since your opponet is going to get more momentum from his doctrine than you will with yours.

Luftwaffe isn't really worth selecting now after the rework. Valiant assualt is good, but the airborne assualt AT straffe arrives to slow to actually be a threat to a competant player. Falls are decent, but they don't match up lategame due to 4 man squad and possible elite allied infantry.

Firestorm is again, decent but not a go too. Flamer on sturms is much help, and the ISG incindiary shells are a good alternate to HE.

Of course ideally you don't want any doctrine to be a go to. But so long as those go to doctrines exist, factions without said doctrines will lose out in momentum.
2 Jan 2018, 06:08 AM
avatar of Storm Elite

Posts: 246

My observations with OKW since the patch:

  • ISG literally incapable of dislodging a single machine gun squad because its models are spread out over half a mile (not arguing that instawipes from mortars should come back, but rather that the ISG has absolutely no splash damage and is thus worthless, especially with the nerfed range)
  • Volks with STGs are losing to Flamer Soviet Engineers
  • Volks rifles still deal no damage and pose no threat to anyone, but that's nothing new
  • Sturmpioneers become a liability with one Panzerschreck, as they lose any threatening anti-infantry damage to gain non-threatening AT damage
  • Raketenwerfer as feeble as always, and it's not like suppression was really an issue for it due to the manner in which AT guns are used

The top three frustrate me more than anything else. Even bloody Brits can go on the offensive against OKW due to how unthreatening the OKW baseline infantry is in terms of damage output/accuracy/whatever the hell causes them to be so weak.

I've resorted to mine fields and 2x Walking Stuka cheese, but the Allied players who know just how non-existent OKW damage output is obviously don't fall for that.

Never thought I'd be playing Ostheer for a more threatening infantry presence, yet here we are...
2 Jan 2018, 08:17 AM
avatar of Shuko

Posts: 7

How do you know Volks are useless? Even players like Brosras equip Bazooka on Riflemen in 1v1 (not just a 4v4 thing). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-DP-8G0UsU
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