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20 Aug 2014, 11:19 AM
avatar of flysprayer

Posts: 24

Question - how do you build sandbags with your Volks as OKW? I see people mention it in strategy guides but for the life of me I can't find the command to build the sand bags.

20 Aug 2014, 11:34 AM
avatar of Corp.Shephard

Posts: 359

Volksgrenadiers have a build menu.

Look for the icon of a golden shield. Click on that and then the picture of sandbags.
20 Aug 2014, 14:17 PM
avatar of flysprayer

Posts: 24

Hah! Thanks.

I had never even read the tool tip, from playing C&C the shield represents defensive... learnt to read the tooltips better and assume nothing.

28 Aug 2014, 09:29 AM
avatar of Ther0

Posts: 31

Hello strategist : while i understand that every situation might be different, when is "better" to retreat ? I mean, better try to stick around as much as possible and risking the wipe of that unit, or being glad that you killed 1 guy and run for your units life ? IF there even is, such guideline
28 Aug 2014, 09:38 AM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

I'm no strategist but here's how I see it:

Basically you should pick the fights you can win. There's no reason to stay in early game fight e.g. 2 Sturm pios vs 1 conscript. In that case it's better to insta retreat. If you lose 4 models it's just waste of manpower and most likely your health has also gone down which would require medics.

Of course this is a situation depended. In later stages there might be situation where you can bait huge blob into your trap / opponent who is microing somewhere else, you can get a nice nade into the middle of the squad. And this way perhaps even squad wipe.

But in my opinion you should take less chances (atleast in early game) and retreat instead of stay in a fight you can't win.

But please strategists give more detailed tips how you pick your fights. :)
29 Aug 2014, 07:10 AM
avatar of R4ngerArea
Donator 11

Posts: 165

Flamee already said good points.

It really much depends on the situation.

Especially as an ally you should chose the retreat option ways more often in the early game. Because their infantry CAN be ways more weaker, especially vs OKW
It also depends really much onto experience
-> (hmm ok i got a conscript in this position and the enemy got a grenadier there, if i move there i could harass him and force him to retreat) - thoughts like this
- you also have to know the pros/cons of every single unit to choose the right choice

Rushing onto units in cover is always a bad choice, so try another way or instant retreat, that is a simple example but as soon as we hit the more difficult way:
1 to 2 relation, but you got obersoldaten and the enemy jsut 2 conscripts, but he got PPsHs on both and is onto mid range, but there is no cover between, and going on, like i mentioned in the example before

So, long content short,

earn the experience inGame and otherwise follow the rule, better retreat too soon as too late. A squad wipe is ALWAYS a heavy disadvantage, which you shouldn't risk and a complete recover is always possible, even if it could get hard
29 Aug 2014, 09:18 AM
avatar of Ther0

Posts: 31

Got it. I will work more on my unit preservation and in the understanding of the fights, but since with close range units i tend to "rush onto units cover" at least i learned something really valuable that explains a lot of my sturmpios death.
8 Sep 2014, 19:34 PM
avatar of NinjaWJ

Posts: 2070

Question: Dear strategists, how effective is a heavy dose of Soviet T2 versus OKW (especially) and Ostheer? I mean actual combined arms involving infantry + MGs+ mortars + AT guns? i don't wanna rely on unfair tactics to win but I dont wanna gimp myself either. thanks
10 Sep 2014, 07:02 AM
avatar of Siberian

Posts: 545 | Subs: 3

T2 en-masse is stronger against the Ostheer because of the lack of a stuka but against OKW, relying on such a static composition can completely screw you over if your opponent gets a stuka.

Otherwise, it's an extremely strong composition since you have pretty much everything you need in T2 with the only drawback being mobility and a strict positioning requirement with mines (absolutely crucial).
12 Sep 2014, 17:52 PM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

How does cover actually work?
Reduce the damage taken or reduce recieved accuracy?

Also, how does the recieved accuracy on units like pgrens work? Make you avoid bullets or reduce damage. Someone said it works by multiplying the dps from the enemy with the modifier.

What do you strategists think of this build order for Ostheer?

13 Sep 2014, 11:59 AM
avatar of Unshavenbackman

Posts: 680

I thought I get the Joint operations commander but before I have a question: does the artillery officer make the Lefh18 artilley-piece shoot faster?
13 Sep 2014, 12:52 PM
avatar of HelpingHans
Strategist Badge
Donator 11

Posts: 1838 | Subs: 17

I thought I get the Joint operations commander but before I have a question: does the artillery officer make the Lefh18 artilley-piece shoot faster?

In a way yes. The artillery officer's arty ability for 80 munitions allows all artillery units to fire their barrage regardless of cool down. I used ability yesterday with two panzerwerfers and they were constantly firing. It was beautiful :D.
15 Sep 2014, 09:44 AM
avatar of ImSkemo

Posts: 444

Whats teh fastest way to get to 1 CP, It seems pretty randome, i killed an entire squad of strum pios early in game using volly fire and 2 rifle mans flanking, still dint give me 1 CP, it some what seeems random,

My goal is to get to 1 CP as fast as possible using US forces so i can ge tout the Military truck :) to troll around.
2 Oct 2014, 16:06 PM
avatar of JimmyC7A1

Posts: 94

What is the most effective commander/BO/strat for US in a team game? Or are soviets simply better in every way? My usual 1v1 strat is nullified by multiple mg's/ overpoweredwagen pinning my rifles with no flanking routes.
3 Oct 2014, 04:18 AM
avatar of steel

Posts: 1963 | Subs: 1

What is the most effective commander/BO/strat for US in a team game? Or are soviets simply better in every way? My usual 1v1 strat is nullified by multiple mg's/ overpoweredwagen pinning my rifles with no flanking routes.
I'm no strategist but when I play USF with my Soviet teammate(2v2), I go 3 rifles then upgrade nades. Don't be too aggressive and you will be fine. Use smoke nades to counter the MG/Kubelwagen. Obviously fire the smoke nade as close to the enemy as possible. If with AT then borrow your soviet teammate's hospital. To cheat a bit use the RE build tank trap around the kubel quickly to block it (credit to Romeo for introducing this cheesy way of stopping kubel.)
3 Oct 2014, 16:11 PM
avatar of JimmyC7A1

Posts: 94

Cheers, I'll try that out :)
14 Oct 2014, 13:39 PM
avatar of Robinvi

Posts: 3

Hello, im a rather new CoH2 player. I played some CoH1 without getting really advanced. Im not a complete beginner, so i know basics like cover, retreating, reinforments etc. I also just bought the Western armies expansion.

Im looking for guides (video and text) with new strategies, tips and tricks etc. Is there any good guides like this? Some videos would be really helpful.
14 Oct 2014, 14:05 PM
avatar of Flamee

Posts: 710

jump backJump back to quoted post14 Oct 2014, 13:39 PMRobinvi
Hello, im a rather new CoH2 player. I played some CoH1 without getting really advanced. Im not a complete beginner, so i know basics like cover, retreating, reinforments etc. I also just bought the Western armies expansion.

Im looking for guides (video and text) with new strategies, tips and tricks etc. Is there any good guides like this? Some videos would be really helpful.

There are guides at this page, the western front armies are the latest ones so they are most up to date (USF and OKW guides). But the older ones are good basic guides as well. You just have to apply them a bit.

For videos I highly recommend to watch shoutcasts of games, as much as possible. They usually give good insight info and you can see some strategies out of them. I will list few to that I like to watch, there are more and apologies to some casters if I miss some :)

ATR3UH - https://www.youtube.com/user/atr3uh/videos
Generals Gentlemen - https://www.youtube.com/user/PwnageMachine0
computerheat - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrGGz56zTjOYvrYrdw2dKoQ

There are also some video tutorials, but as far as I remember, they are from this spring so they might not be so up-to-date. But you might want to take a look for them as well (they are made by Z3r07):

19 Oct 2014, 06:51 AM
avatar of kersal

Posts: 63

I play generally USF and I'm trying to use the riflemen upgrades instead of going t2-->t4 every match. My questions are about the upgrades:
1) 1 BAR for a squad really increase his effectiveness or i need more? (in which range is better to use BAR infantry?)
2) Bazooka miss a lot versus light vehicle. But can it be useful versus heavy vehicle? 1 or 2 per squad?

Tnx in advance
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