Hello there;
I'm new to coh2.org even if I'm reading some forum thread for a long time now! I'm here to ask for some advices (maybe it's the wrong thread for this sorry if I'm speaking in the wrong one).
i have some problems when playing 1v1 (I play mostly 4v4 in arranged teams having some good ranks with my teammates but I like to play 1v1 a bit).
My problem is almost the same with all factions (playing all of them) I manage to make a good start and having map control etc but in some ways I having hard times to exploit my advantage turning into loosing lots of game

Around 20mn in the game i'm starting to make mistakes i'm not making in early game and beginning of mid game. I guess it's a l2p issue that's why i'm here!
I'm around top 800 with all factions so i'm considering myself as a medium player but it's really frustrating to loose games having the advantage in beginning of the game, maybe you could give me some advices here? I do not have some replays to give you but I will load one or two soon.