I have been playing some games with brosras lately and when he plays usf and i play okw he almost always goes for double .50 call. This works really well against OKW bcs okw doesn't have real smoke.
USF: Smoke mortar, smoke grenades, smoke callin. Pack howi smoke.
SOV: Smoke mortar, smoke grenades. Also snipers to counter mg's.
UKF: Smoke grenades, cheap good smoke callin, smoke mortar which is quite expensive, but you get double mortar so it's more worth it. Also snipers to counter mg's.
OST: Smoke mortar, lots of smoke callins. Also snipers to counter mg's.
OKW: Only ONE option. Leig's. Leig's are way more expensive then other mortars (80 mp more!) and are at max as good as the other mortars if not shittier. Yes they have more range, but that doesn't help if you don't hit much ^^ . No snipers, no callins Only shit expensive leigs.
Oh yeah, obers have some kind of smoke. But obers are expensive and get teard apart by vet 3 bars rifles and such. Before you get the vet for it you either lost a lot of mp, or the squad, or the game.
I didn't really thought about this, but this could make okw very underpowered. And it's just not fair as well.
One of my suggestions:
- Give okw smoke grenades on some squads.
- Make leigs cheaper. Give them a nerf in range or whatever, but make them cheaper so the okw player can atleast buy them. (no i don't want another leig spam situation, but there has to be a middle way!!!)
- Give okw in the commander revamp smoke callins.
Opinions please, but keep it polite and only on topic. As this is my balance thread i'll be the one keeping it clean