
russian armor

I am losing game after game with Ost.

6 Oct 2017, 19:45 PM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

I am thinking of quitting. 5 games lost in a row.
6 Oct 2017, 19:48 PM
avatar of Sturmpanther
Lead Strategist Badge

Posts: 5441 | Subs: 36

I am thinking of quitting. 5 games lost in a row.

Try OKW!

Wehrmacht is hard to play
6 Oct 2017, 19:49 PM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

After 500 hours I should be at least decent.
6 Oct 2017, 19:50 PM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

And I like Wehrmacht more.
6 Oct 2017, 20:07 PM
avatar of ZombiFrancis

Posts: 2742

I'm assuming 1v1s?

Each allied faction is pretty different for wehrmacht/ostheer to be successful against.

Do you find yourself struggling against a specific faction? More or less than others?

Wehrmacht/ostheer is the only faction remaining that still operates under the original notions of gameplay: combined arms, scouting/spotting, and positioning units.

The WFA factions and now soviets after all the changes grafted in revolve around achieving critical mass of mainline infantry, minimal team weapon usage, frontal assaults, and off map abilities.

Brits are, well, a special case in that they're more or less a superior version of wehrmacht.
6 Oct 2017, 22:07 PM
avatar of Chocoboknight88

Posts: 393

After 500 hours I should be at least decent.

Might I suggest taking a week long break? A weary mind can affect your performance. God knows I get a LOT better at playing the game after some time away. ;)
6 Oct 2017, 22:16 PM
avatar of Butcher

Posts: 1217

It depends on the gamemode.

For 2vs2s I think Ostheer can be a decent choice. Ostheer is the perfect support faction for OKW with excellent support weapons, StuG walls, the ability to build caches and relatively cheap bunkers especially for circumventing popcap restrictions in the lategame.

From strongest to weakest combination:
OKW + Ost
Ost + Ost

If you really want to play Ostheer (and assuming you like 2vs2s) I suggest getting an OKW teammate and work out a good tactic with you being mostly the supportive part.
6 Oct 2017, 22:39 PM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

"Know you enemy"

Play as allies and see what your opponent uses against you.
6 Oct 2017, 22:45 PM
avatar of Vaz

Posts: 1158

Might I suggest taking a week long break? A weary mind can affect your performance. God knows I get a LOT better at playing the game after some time away. ;)

I agree, take a break. This game can be a mental drain, take some time to recharge.
6 Oct 2017, 23:28 PM
avatar of jagd wölfe

Posts: 1660

Really ?
Ost/Brits are actually the easiest faction to play imho...
6 Oct 2017, 23:40 PM
avatar of Brick Top

Posts: 1160

Do you use Ostruppen?

Makes Werh a hell of a lot easier. Easier to cap map, harder to lose squads, less punishing if you do lose a squad, they dont need munis for upgrades, so you are free to get fast flame half track which is a huge boon to Werh. Also easily allows you to get shreks too, should you require them.

Fuel drops to get your 1st/2nd Panthers out sooner, if there is a safe fuel point. Its important to not lose Panthers, if you can do this you can get a Panzerwerfer, which will allow you to wreck his inf in cover and also support weapons, heavily tipping the tide. You just NEED the panthers for stability.

Railway arty for nuking brit emplacements for very little effort indeed. Dont really bother with it otherwise unless you are floating crazy munis or there is a building you really want to flatten.
7 Oct 2017, 01:21 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

OST is the most demanding faction currently, as well as the most fragile.

Most people will agree it’s the best faction in terms of teching and mixture of units, but currently,

Every other faction is able to reliably blobb with mainline infantry, and the blobbing it’s at its worst usually resulting in combined arms being punished.

OST mainline infantry are 4 man, easily wiped by the various rocket artillery available to the allied factions.

OST mainline infantry are 4 man, having an early model drop during an engagement, the damage is cut down by 25% immediately, and field presence is cut short.

OST tanks are shit vs infantry compared to its allied/enemy counterparts with no real punishment towards mindless blobbing.

Tho a recent patch fixed this problem considerably, armored light vehicles are way too attractive to go towards ost. Forcing the faction to always build a tier 2 for an anti tank gun, which 90% of the time your playing a defensive/reaction game type.

My suggestion is, to keep on going at it, 2v2 find a reliable teammate, without an OKW or a fellow OH who remotely knows what they are doing, you’ll find yourself SOL
-watch replays
-watch cast
-simply keep practicing
-don’t play OH.
7 Oct 2017, 06:34 AM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

Should I continue playing despite losing game after game? currently 5 lost in a row.

And thanks for all the replies and suggestions.
7 Oct 2017, 06:42 AM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

7 Oct 2017, 07:52 AM
avatar of Esxile

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

5 lost in a raw is nothing...
7 Oct 2017, 14:48 PM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

How do you guys get those artstyle pics with tanks from WW 2?
7 Oct 2017, 15:11 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

How do you guys get those artstyle pics with tanks from WW 2?

Profile -> change avatar -> pick one from the gallery -> show gallery button -> click on the picture you like, it will be your new avatar.

Hope I helped you, now back to topic :)
7 Oct 2017, 17:57 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

OST tanks are shit vs infantry compared to its allied/enemy counterparts with no real punishment towards mindless blobbing.

I would say this is false. None of the Allied tank are what I consider potent against mass infantry unless it's a lucky Sherman HE shell. and Panzer IV at least can get tripe machine guns and its gun isn't terrible against infantry. It does quite alright when it lands hits. Ostwinds main issue is it inability to hit through objects or terrain.

Miragefla's key rules of Ostheer:

1. Do not fight fair. Never going looking for 1v1 engagements in the early game unless it's vs builder units or possibly Conscripts. You want to 2v1 most units or have them walk into MGs before having mobile units force them into a retreat.

2. Do not overextend. You're not going to be able to defend all your territory while avoiding both bleed or overextension unless you have really good positions. Lockdown primary areas and start pushing after you've forced the majority of the enemy off the field. Slow push, don't seek to rapid cap everything unless you're doing extremely well or can spare a unit to do so.

3. Constant positioning of MGs. Don't leave them static, they're your greatest source of firepower. Have them follow-up behind units and draw hostiles into to their arcs. Leaving them mobile also keeps the enemy guessing. If they've spotted your MG once, it's probably time to pack-up.
7 Oct 2017, 18:22 PM
avatar of Gbpirate
Senior Editor Badge

Posts: 1150

Should I continue playing despite losing game after game?

Upload replays! You can upload them right to .org and you can make a post in the replay review forum for a game that you have questions about. Often times I can see "oh this engagement lost me the game" when I watch them myself but other people can pick apart certain engagements or other things that I could've done better with.

I've uploaded a lot of games to .org and I've made maybe ten or so posts on the replay review forum. I've even got about eight games that I uploaded to .org that were cast by people like Romeo, atr3uh, and Tightrope!
7 Oct 2017, 18:22 PM
avatar of PanzerKampf

Posts: 266 | Subs: 1

Thanks Miragefla. Much appreciated
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