
russian armor

Worst and Best rocket arty.

14 Jun 2017, 14:40 PM
avatar of incognito

Posts: 85

Permanently Banned

Cons: Expensive, doesn't wipe infantry, requires short rage for better accuracy, small kill zone. Shortes barrage.
Pros: Can take few hits.

Cons: Super expensive, inconsistent at wiping, very hard to master. Long recharge. Easy to avoid - tiny kill zone.
Pros: Can take few hits. Wipes squad if rocket hits the target.

Stuka's accuracy is a pro and con, since it has tiny kill zone and easy to avoid.

Cons: One hit kill
Pros: OK price, good at wiping, good range, good kill zone.

Cons: Doctrinal, slow, decrwable, short range.
Pros: Devastating barage, cheap. Huge kill zone, wipes everything. Longest barrage of all rocket arty.

Cons: expensive, doctrinal.
Pros: Devastating barrage, huge kill zone, wipes everything. Long barrage. It's a tank. Good firing range.
14 Jun 2017, 15:26 PM
avatar of aaa

Posts: 1487

Axis is camping a lot more so. So they haardly need those anti-noob tools.
14 Jun 2017, 15:49 PM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1


1) You focus on unimportant aspects and miss those that really matter
2) "Devastating barrage, huge kill zone, wipes everything". Such bias. Much wow.

Kat > Caliope > Stuka > Matress > PeeWerfer

- Long time between shooting (producing sound) and the moment when rockets actually hit the target.
- Dies to a single tank shot.
- Teching requirements.
- Unloads all ordinance at once, making consistent damage upon impact.
- More consistent effect at long ranges than other rocket artillery pieces.
- Suppresses.

- Fires rockets in salvos making it easier to avoid before most .
- Getting very inconsistent as range increases.
- Dies to a single tank shot.
- Can be penetrated by small arms fire (e.g. Falls popped out from building, Faust + some shooting = dead Katy).
- Short time between firing rockets and the moment when they actually hit target, making it most cost-effective squad wiper (if firing from min range) among all rocket artillery pieces.

- Cost.
- Basically can't be dive-killed unless you have seriously f'd up.
- Even better at squad wiping from min distance than Katy, but much less cost-effective.
- Inconsistent at long ranges.

- Cost.
- Short range.
- Timing.
- Can survive standard 160 damage shot.
- With some training it is possible to predict spread of rockets amont targetting line. This allows to land rockets right on top of support weapons, consistently wiping 4-man team weapons.

- Short range.
- Slow moving speed - can't run away from infantry pushes (if you f'd up), can't switch flanks quickly
- Great saturation, almost guarantieed squad wipe if target don't leave barrage zone
- Long area denial
- If my observations are correct - deals solid deflection damage to vehicles

14 Jun 2017, 16:00 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

14 Jun 2017, 16:14 PM
avatar of incognito

Posts: 85

Permanently Banned

1) You focus on unimportant aspects and miss those that really matter
2) "Devastating barrage, huge kill zone, wipes everything". Such bias. Much wow.

You just stated the same aspects as me. And you say it's not important, c'mon.. Bias, where?

What I mean huge kill zones, is area of denial. You think you gonna dance to fire when barrage comes over your head? You must retreat the position, otherwise you will get wiped.

14 Jun 2017, 16:34 PM
avatar of ElSlayer

Posts: 1605 | Subs: 1

You just stated the same aspects as me. And you say it's not important, c'mon.. Bias, where?

What I mean huge kill zones, is area of denial. You think you gonna dance to fire when barrage comes over your head? You must retreat the position, otherwise you will get wiped.

I didn't stated that everything you've included was wrong. Indeed our opinions are the same on some points. I just think that most important thing in rocket artillery is consistency and you were talking about "huge zone". If it is huge then rockets are spread and have significantly less wipe potential (give time to retreat) and generally let live longer and do their damage to you (if they don't want to retreat at all)

Imagine situation when you're circle-strafing that KT, but there is Raketen have popped out of stealth and trying to kill your medium tank. He'd better lose his Rak to barrage, but make that extra shot or two. The faster you can bring it down the better as every shot it does matters.

Generally speaking - you want rockets to hit where you've ordered and not in empty space around that target.
14 Jun 2017, 16:34 PM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

Tbh it's more like: Calliope>Matress>Stuka>Panzerwerfer/Kat

Although if you get two panzerwerfer's and group them together in the same control group you can make some pretty good magic tricks, which would bring panzerwerfers to calliope level. :>

14 Jun 2017, 17:00 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Tbh it's more like: Calliope>Matress>Stuka>Panzerwerfer/Kat

Although if you get two panzerwerfer's and group them together in the same control group you can make some pretty good magic tricks, which would bring panzerwerfers to calliope level. :>

I don´t see how you can put Calliope over Stuka considering its costs and it being locked behind a doctrine and 10 cps.
14 Jun 2017, 17:47 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

Yeah just give me the turbomattress.
14 Jun 2017, 17:48 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

I don´t see how you can put Calliope over Stuka considering its costs and it being locked behind a doctrine and 10 cps.

Agreed. Why people still think stuka is worse is a mystery to me.
14 Jun 2017, 18:21 PM
avatar of DanielD

Posts: 783 | Subs: 3

The disagreement in this thread speaks to the relative balance of all the artys. It is important also as someone pointed out that axis is the faction that camps more, therefore allied arty should be stronger on the whole.

Pwerfer kinda sucks imo. The rest seem fine. In team games calliope spam can become a problem, but arty spam has always been a problem in team games and you can't fix it without making arty unusable in 1v1 and maybe 2v2 as well.
14 Jun 2017, 18:26 PM
avatar of AceOfTitanium

Posts: 162

Agreed. Why people still think stuka is worse is a mystery to me.

1-Fuel is way more important/valuable to okw than it is for other factions.
2-The fact that the calliope is behind a commander doesnt mean that much if the reason you choose the commander is solely the calliope and that alone says how much op it is.
3-Stuka fires 6 rockets in a straight line that, in fact, requires more skill than using the calliope that fires 24 rockets and has very very little scatter because you can get closer to your target with a calliope.
4-You can get closer with a calliope because it has a lot more armor and hp than any other rocket arty in the game and therefore its harder to kill it compared to the other rocket arty's.

Mystery solved?
14 Jun 2017, 18:27 PM
avatar of insaneHoshi

Posts: 911

Agreed. Why people still think stuka is worse is a mystery to me.

Because all you have to do is move your blob an inch to the left and your blob will be fine. Add micro if you feel like it.
14 Jun 2017, 18:37 PM
avatar of blvckdream

Posts: 2458 | Subs: 1

Because all you have to do is move your blob an inch to the left and your blob will be fine. Add micro if you feel like it.

Wait till aerafield sees this and gets triggered.
14 Jun 2017, 18:46 PM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

after read every opinion ,i've felt sad because those modder team do knew the issue why stuka bad for too accurate and bad for too accurate inaccurate on some mode and can't even change it in live game.

i think katy is the most balance rocket unit in the game and for close range fire, i've dont know i always dodge it sucsessful all the time since it have to come close in my line of sight and for 1v1 we simply spread out our infantry for map control if we lose 2 or more squad to close range fire ,then we deserve it and for teamgame dont forget that in teamgame most engagement take place in small sector for each player ,that mean it is even easier to dodge if we can hear those sound perfectly
14 Jun 2017, 19:04 PM
avatar of elchino7
Senior Moderator Badge

Posts: 8154 | Subs: 2

Bias, where?

Subjective and non accurate description?
Opinion will be based mostly on 2v2 onwards cause in 1v1, artillery is way more situational.
Stats taken from stats.coh2 or org. when relevant.




These are the non doctrinal options which are a plus.



Now, into the forgotten weapons.



jump backJump back to quoted post14 Jun 2017, 18:21 PMDanielD
The disagreement in this thread speaks to the relative balance of all the artys. It is important also as someone pointed out that axis is the faction that camps more, therefore allied arty should be stronger on the whole.

This is a factor which is almost overlooked, same way with map consideration.
I wouldn't say Axis, more so OH/UK, cause OKW is not necessarily a "defensive" faction besides playing ISG + HQ.
About maps, any linear map makes Stuka extremely more potent as it makes retreat paths easily predictable.


CalliOP >> LM>= Stuka >= Katyusha >= Priest > PW >>> Suxton

14 Jun 2017, 19:07 PM
avatar of incognito

Posts: 85

Permanently Banned

I didn't stated that everything you've included was wrong. Indeed our opinions are the same on some points. I just think that most important thing in rocket artillery is consistency and you were talking about "huge zone". If it is huge then rockets are spread and have significantly less wipe potential (give time to retreat) and generally let live longer and do their damage to you (if they don't want to retreat at all)

Imagine situation when you're circle-strafing that KT, but there is Raketen have popped out of stealth and trying to kill your medium tank. He'd better lose his Rak to barrage, but make that extra shot or two. The faster you can bring it down the better as every shot it does matters.

Generally speaking - you want rockets to hit where you've ordered and not in empty space around that target.

I don't worry about raketen, since it's first shot is a miss anyways. And who enganges KT without infantry? BTW, raketen is easily wiped by anything.

Kat. 1 rocket can easily wipe raketen, that means wider spread, means bigger no go zone for infantry to support KT.

Any rocket arty is point and click, and pray for good wipes, except for Stuka.
14 Jun 2017, 19:17 PM
avatar of Hater

Posts: 493

Calli (HP bait) > Stuka (if hits) > Katy (at close range) > Matress (to create mass yellow covers) > Pwerfer (suppress) :snfPeter:
14 Jun 2017, 20:40 PM
avatar of Intelligence209

Posts: 1124

1. Calliope- perfect spread with good damage. Able to take multiple hits. Doctorinal yes but a good doctorine.

2. Landmattress- perfect spread with good damage. Used at distance. Doctorinal. Easily decrewed.

3. Katusha- perfect spread with good damage. Used with distance. One shot killed

4. Stuka- accurate with good damage. Hit or miss. Range average. Can take 2 shots.

5. Werfer- accurate with poor damage. Hit or miss. Range average. Range results in less damage. Hardly wipes unless close resulting in putting the unit in danger. One shot killed

Oh let's not forget to mention sound of rockets being fired to time rockets land aka warning/reaction. Which some are far superior in that category then others
14 Jun 2017, 21:14 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

LM vet2

Note that Landmattress Vet2 actually does nothing (i.e., it applies the damage modifier to an inexistent weapon). This was a bug that was intentionally left unfixed.

HP is down to 300 since GCS, so that it can get two-shot properly, like the other howitzers.
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