I think Siphon summed it up perfectly to be honest. Anyone with common sense can see the outcome that was reached was sensible. And anyone can take small quotes out of context or apply a twisted perception of them to 'back up their point' ( Dangerous Cloth).
I am genuinely a VonIvan and DevM fan and the the fact that G5 was essentially a complete rematch of G4 was a good call by DevM choosing that map and faction to make it fair. Not only this But Von got the win for the Bugsplat which then meant he was in a stronger position than G4 because he only needed to win G5 to proceed to finals instead of having to win G4 AND G5.
Only thing that can sensibly be disputed was the handling of the situation and not the result. Even then where people are quoting How A_E told Von to shut the fuck up (le_saucisson_masque ) you forget hooligan actually commented directly after von and before A_E said this which helps to show it wasn't aimed at any one person. So to try to say that it was aimed soley at von is at best a twisted perception of it. I can empathise with A_E editing the chat log slightly because of the language used however the alterations kept the same intentions to the un-edited meaning.
Overall it could have been handled more sensitively but under that kind of time pressure with 1600 people waiting for the live stream as well as a tough situation I think its really quite understandable.
This has been one of the only Tournaments I've watched the whole way through because of how enjoyable it is, keep up the good work A_E