I don't even want to take the time to explain here, but i will i gues...
Based on the rules, i would say the one who gets a bugsplat loses. However this isn't said in the rules it says: "In the event of a bugsplat/ crash: if both players agree - either restart the game
or nominate a winner for that game of the match.". The rules don't clearly say who this winner is going to be! So the option: Devm just get's a lose is an option, it's not what had to happen according to the rules.
Now the situation was that Devm clearly won the game, you can say anything you want von but it was clear that against a top tier player like Devm you wouldn't have won this

. This makes the situation more complicated, because why wouldn't you give the win to Devm already because he clearly won?
1. Gcs is a fan based community tourney etc. etc., which means we just want good games. Giving Devm a free win would have felt a bit like an abruptly end of the series imo.
2. According to the rules you could have either nominated VonIvan or Devm as the winner of that game. We could have given Devm the win, which if the game would have continued is what would have happened. OR we could give VonIvan the win, which if the game continued is not what would have happened.
If we would have given VonIvan the win this would mean that Devm who already had earned his place in the finals would still have a chance of losing his place to vonivan. Giving VonIvan a win would have ment he would have a second chance that he otherwise wouldn't have got!
We decided to give VonIvan the win. This ment Devm had the risk of (moral seen unfairly) losing his place in the finals. VonIvan (moral seen unfairly) got a second chance. We decided to give Devm faction pick AND map pick, because we wanted to compensate Devm for the things he can't do shit about but did effect him in a negative way: the bugsplat. This ment that devm was only slightly effected by the bugsplat and vonivan was positively effected by the bugsplat. Don't forget as well that vonivan already lost his faction pick in game 5 if he would have won the 4th game (which is impossible). So the only thing that Devm gained was map pick. But what did devm do?
Devm decided to play on the same map, same factions. This means that game 4 basically got replayed. Devm again got on the back foot, but again he managed to pull it back and he won. This proofs that he would have won game 4. Which means that should continue to the finals. Only this time this game 4 was a game 5. But that was the only difference!
Devm rightfully earned his place in the finals and vonivan got a second chance but wasn't able to take it.
In chat we had to make decisions fast, bcs we didn't want to keep the crowd waiting. This means that sometimes you have to ask someone to be silent so you can do your talk without getting interupted. This "shut up" was not aimed on anyone in specific and if you don't believe this (lol) than you should ask vonivan and devm if they felt like it was aimed at anyone in specific.
You guys are grown ups, don't act like childs please. What's the big deal in the end? I don't see any problems at all. The players don't see any problems at all. The situation was weird and never seen before and handled in a good way.
Some people are against Devm and Aimstrong, because they have the feeling they only come back bcs of the money. They just love the competitive seen of coh2, but that's it. They have pride and surely money motivates them as well, who wouldn't be motivated by money? But this doesn't take the fact away that they are just better then some other players. If you want to see the best games, you can't exclude them just bcs they don't play coh2 in an "active" way. All this cashgrab hate is just people being jealous, because they can't play a game "inactive" and still do very good in the competitive scene. Be a man, and just accept that they are better and respect them. No need for all this hate.
And yes i know, there is only a little part of the community that feels this jealous hate. It's sad that this small part shouts so much, but we shouldn't be distracted by this and just ignore it.
In the end if you look at the results etc., nothing has changed at all.
Long live GCS and


for the finals!