
russian armor

Eastern Front Armies Revamp

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2 Jun 2017, 08:51 AM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Taking idea Hammer-Anvil British and the Okw icons when it was released something could be done to avoid OKW from being linear and getting free upgrades when choosing a branch. The units/skills can be others, no specifically these.

When OKW revamp come:
2 Jun 2017, 09:17 AM
avatar of insaneHoshi

Posts: 911

Taking idea Hammer-Anvil British and the Okw icons when it was released something could be done to avoid OKW from being linear and getting free upgrades when choosing a branch. The units/skills can be others, no specifically these.

When OKW revamp come:

So basicly give the players a choice to cut off okw's left hand or their right hand with no benefit (They get bonus Fuel/Muni? I guess that means they are on par with other factions caches?) and call it a rework?

2 Jun 2017, 09:33 AM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

Only is the name boost-fuel/boost-muni. Following the release of okw. Or do you like Hammer-Anvil Name?
2 Jun 2017, 10:10 AM
avatar of kitekaze

Posts: 378

Taking idea Hammer-Anvil British and the Okw icons when it was released something could be done to avoid OKW from being linear and getting free upgrades when choosing a branch. The units/skills can be others, no specifically these.

When OKW revamp come:

I actually like your idea. Only if ammo boost function better.
- Keep vet4,5 as it is now. But give each okw truck ability to call air recon (but cost ammunition).
- Free 2nd streck (but weaker compare to 1st one, similar to coh1 tank hunter ability) for sturm, instead of allowing upgrade for ober.
2 Jun 2017, 11:27 AM
avatar of Selvy289

Posts: 366

I had to try out the new tiger with blitz on a road( and at vet 3), yeah...even through I agree with the speed change its stupidly fast with blitz on. On that note, are their any plans to change IS2s vet one ability?

B4 is something people are going to avoid more often, It really simply isnt good enough to warrant being built. Far too long for the second shell to fire, damage isn't a WOW when it hits anymore, scatter is horrendous to a point the first shell just provides a warning to move for the second shell (and have plenty of time to do so).

Something needs to be fixed about it.
2 Jun 2017, 18:22 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

So basicly give the players a choice to cut off okw's left hand or their right hand with no benefit (They get bonus Fuel/Muni? I guess that means they are on par with other factions caches?) and call it a rework?

Well okw can easily win with one hand right now so I think that it wouldn't be as much of a crime as you make it out to be. That's what a nerf is. Making something worse without making it better somehow too. Because then it wouldn't be a nerf. Look at the maxim.
2 Jun 2017, 19:14 PM
avatar of 12ozMouse

Posts: 32

So if you have decided to kill partisans as a useful unit, why won't you fix it's veterancy, so that they at least throw Molotovs faster at the second vet?
2 Jun 2017, 19:50 PM
avatar of JB.

Posts: 45

jump backJump back to quoted post31 May 2017, 18:41 PMJB.
Here's two questions for the balance team that have been bugging me for a while:

What are the benefits and drawbacks of the '25% penalty to call-ins without tech' relative to just locking call-ins behind tech? I'm just curious why we're going down this route.

I would have thought it would be much easier to balance call-ins if it's just tied to tech, as all you have to do then is balance them relative to the units in their respective tiers. We see this with the decision you make when picking between a T34/76 or a T-34/85, as there is definitely benefits to both.

The second question is: Have the balance team ever considered removing the KT from standard OKW tech?

I feel that the KT limits strategic diversity. Its such a no-brainer, if you have the resources you would always go KT, there's few situations where it doesn't do well. This might be partially due to the fact that its very strong, but its also because its good against all targets. I think if you were to remove it you'd see more diverse end games from OKW as people would have to use a combination of units to fill the gap currently occupied by the 'beats everything' KT. And its not like OKW need the KT either. Their late game would still be stronger than OST without it.

I've no idea where you'd put it though. Elite armour would be the obvious one, but what to do with the Sturmtiger. It probably work really well in Overwatch, as the flares would give it loads of sight. That's just my opinion.

Or not...
2 Jun 2017, 20:37 PM
avatar of thedarkarmadillo

Posts: 5279

Taking idea Hammer-Anvil British and the Okw icons when it was released something could be done to avoid OKW from being linear and getting free upgrades when choosing a branch. The units/skills can be others, no specifically these.

When OKW revamp come:

What would you think of buffing the inevitably nerfed volks in on this action
Like one sode buffs volks to their cirrent state, when in friendly territory, the other grants the STG upgrade?
2 Jun 2017, 22:38 PM
avatar of miragefla
Developer Relic Badge

Posts: 1304 | Subs: 13

So if you have decided to kill partisans as a useful unit, why won't you fix it's veterancy, so that they at least throw Molotovs faster at the second vet?

Have we though? Our main focus is to make them more geared to support/utility/harrasment rather than their main fucntion being a one trick pony that pops out of buildings that either decides games or falls off greatly because their squishness gets them killed later on.

jump backJump back to quoted post2 Jun 2017, 19:50 PMJB.

1. We want call-ins to still be an option that can be deployed which can act as a possible comeback mechanic or you want to pay a little extra at this time to strengthen a component of your force. The system still needs adjustment, but I think it's preferable over cutting the mechanic out completely.

2. Wait until we get to OKW Revamp. The KT will likely not be as strong once something is done about OKW's snowball effect.

2 Jun 2017, 22:47 PM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Have we though? Our main focus is to make them more geared to support/utility/harrasment rather than their main fucntion being a one trick pony that pops out of buildings that either decides games or falls off greatly because their squishness gets them killed later on.

1. We want call-ins to still be an option that can be deployed which can act as a possible comeback mechanic or you want to pay a little extra at this time to strengthen a component of your force. The system still needs adjustment, but I think it's preferable over cutting the mechanic out completely.

2. Wait until we get to OKW Revamp. The KT will likely not be as strong once something is done about OKW's snowball effect.

It'd be nice if okw actually had to use their mp efficiently too. Right now it fels like you can sort of just spend it however you want because volks and kubels are so cost efficient early game, unlike every other faction.
2 Jun 2017, 22:52 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

because volks and kubels are so cost efficient early game, unlike every other faction.

They are efficient because of SturmPio as first squad only + super repair speed
2 Jun 2017, 22:57 PM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

It'd be nice if okw actually had to use their mp efficiently too. Right now it fels like you can sort of just spend it however you want because volks and kubels are so cost efficient early game, unlike every other faction.

Riflemen and penals lol?
3 Jun 2017, 02:24 AM
avatar of LoopDloop

Posts: 3053

Riflemen and penals lol?

Cost efficient, not powerful on the battlefield. When is the last time you honestly felt like you were starved of manpower as okw except right after you built something?
3 Jun 2017, 02:34 AM
avatar of LimaOscarMike

Posts: 440

So if you have decided to kill partisans as a useful unit, why won't you fix it's veterancy, so that they at least throw Molotovs faster at the second vet?

it quite buff tho. or change the way it play what should i say

now no more pop out and wipe. instead, you had ostrupen that steal occupied building when ever you like
3 Jun 2017, 05:42 AM
avatar of Bananenheld

Posts: 1593 | Subs: 1

Cost efficient, not powerful on the battlefield. When is the last time you honestly felt like you were starved of manpower as okw except right after you built something?

in every game i Face Equal opponents, no matter the faction. You cant flood manpower in these games
3 Jun 2017, 07:23 AM
avatar of capiqua
Senior Mapmaker Badge

Posts: 985 | Subs: 2

[BUGanimation] Spotter is inside the kv2, instead of being outside
3 Jun 2017, 08:56 AM
avatar of Fred9001

Posts: 25

in every game i Face Equal opponents, no matter the faction. You cant flood manpower in these games

OKW needs to be nerfed with it's no-brainer call-ins (KT,ST,JT,Flame-Hetzer). The JT needs a huge nerf because
it is way too effective at destroying Tanks as a dedicated TD and has way too much Range for a turretless TD with
such a quick Rotation rate so It cannot be flanked. Also it's vet1 Ability is way too strong, since every shot in 4 lands actually
where you targeted it, making it a generalist unit. So many Wehraboos here
3 Jun 2017, 09:03 AM
avatar of Vipper

Posts: 13477 | Subs: 1

This thread is about a mod that balances EFA can we keep WFA (OKW,USF,UKF) out of it for now?
3 Jun 2017, 09:45 AM
avatar of Dangerous-Cloth

Posts: 2066

OKW needs to be nerfed with it's no-brainer call-ins (KT,ST,JT,Flame-Hetzer). The JT needs a huge nerf because
it is way too effective at destroying Tanks as a dedicated TD and has way too much Range for a turretless TD with
such a quick Rotation rate so It cannot be flanked.

quick rotation rate? :snfPeter:

Also it's vet1 Ability is way too strong, since every shot in 4 lands actually
where you targeted it, making it a generalist unit. So many Wehraboos here

25% efficiency is too much and needs nerfs lol?

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