After all it's just a video game.
Yeah?How about this "just a game"?
Posts: 10
After all it's just a video game.
Posts: 10
Dear Russian friends,
I feel sorry for that respectful...but unfortunately naive person.
He really wanted to say something to you in your own Russian language but he wasn't
able to do that properly. And his message is only clear to himself. Maybe he will
learn Russian after 5-6 years and at last will say what he wanted to say.
Let's wish him a luck!
And I feel very sorry for the fact that the storyline of that game lied
about the very tragic event in the Russian history and it's painful to realize that it was made here in Canada. Good luck!
Posts: 22
Yeah?How about this "just a game"?
Posts: 72
Posts: 255
Posts: 1
Who gives a fuck what the Russians think? Most of them pirate games and they're generally worthless to humanity as a whole.
Posts: 29
Also, Bad Comedian is completely biased too in picking some parts of the campaign. He completely ignores the parts where the Russian soldiers actually act like a company of heroes; saving the civilians in M01, saving their commander in a heroic counter attack in another mission etc.
Posts: 18
Posts: 301
I've studied World War II's war crimes for years. I've read source materials, history books, primary source reports, I've seen the pictures, watched the documentaries, I've put a shit tonne of my time into learning about the atrocities of World War II and the years surrounding it.
And the Soviets were second only to the Japanese.
Through the firebombings, the wanton destruction by US forces, the Holocaust and France's all too willing participation, the atomic bombs, the German post war mass murder at the hands of Eisenhower - I've put lots, and lots, and LOTS of time into this.
More time than that dumb piece of shit "BadComedian", more time than you, and more than likely more time than everybody in this fucking thread put together.
If you wanna sit there and tell me that I'm wrong, or stupid, then you better be able to back up your fucking statements. Under Stalin's reign, 60 million Soviets died. That is more than one and a half times the number who died during World War II alone with all the countries combined - excluding those in the Soviet Union.
You wanna sit here and tell me he's the good guy? You want to tell me that an invasion force of 4 million troops managed to kill 23 million people by themselves while fighting pitched battles with an army of 25 million? Yeah, OK, and I shit gold, too.
I bet those 5 million Ukrainian peasants thought Stalin was fucking awesome too, huh?
See, the thing is, I don't hate World War 2 era Russians. They were mostly Conscripts and slaves to the Revolution. Ever hear of the Red Terror? I wouldn't think you have, given the performance of this thread. Turns out our good friend Lenin wasn't exactly the good guy when his first action in power was to silence the media and kill everybody who disagreed with him.
The NKVD was worse than the Gestapo in every conceivable manner. You know Stalin set quotas of how many Russians how to be detained and executed? That he laid out percentage of the population to be culled? That's what the fucking purges were.
I doubt you've heard of the Moscow Show Trials either. Or maybe you did. I bet you think Bucharin's a filthy traitor, too. Yeah, the guy who wrote up the Soviet constitution granting everybody equal rights and freedom was tried and executed of being part of a "Trotskyite Nazi Bloc", nevermind that Leon Trotsky was the original revolutionary who lead the Revolutionary Guard and formed the Red Army to fight the Whites. Soon to end up with an ice pick in the back of his head. I'm sure it was suicide, though.
But let's get back to World War II. Shall we all recount how the Soviets used the German POWs as slave labor in concentration camps, and used them for testing? Such brave men, these Soviets are. Over 50% of the POWs were killed in Soviet camps during the 3 years after the war 1945-1948. That's nearly 2 million people. I bet they were all Nazis though, so who gives a fuck?
Any feeble excuse you can give me is wasted. Any comment you can give me is lies and propaganda. I have the facts. And the facts state the Soviet Union was a larger monster than Nazi Germany ever was.
The Germans didn't fight for victory when they started to lose the war, they fought so they could surrender to the Americans, or preferably the Brits. That 50% figure is from people who made it to the camps in the first place. Most of those who surrendered were killed on sight.
The fact that anybody would deny how disgustingly monstrous the crimes of the Soviet Union are puts them in an identical league to a Holocaust denier or a Japanese man who praises the Rape of Nanjing. That means you. That means that piece of shit BadComedian. That means any of the hundreds of thousands of disgusting people that agree with him.
Posts: 72
Worthless to humanity?
Wow wow wow, stop dude. Go take your pills, dude!
Just give you a few examples:
The first man in the space?
The first women in the space?
First automatic rover on the Moon.
The first Space Station in the world.
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements?
Hydrogen Bomb
General Anestesia
Сollective and cyclic pitch control mechanism for helicopters
Still the best and only (!) bathyscaphes which can dive to the bottom of the dippiest place in the Ocean (Titanic dive, Mariana Trench dive)
Sikorsky helicopters, right now, right above your head in the whole world (police paramedics use them)!
The unique helicopter Olga which US, Canada, Japan, Russia use for building skyscrapers.
and etc, and etc.
So shut the fuck up! You are useless for the humanity if you don't see the rest of the world except your own home.
Posts: 1582 | Subs: 4
...All the Russians ever did was give the West a reason to be better than them in every single possible way ...
Posts: 29
Posts: 26
Posts: 26
Posts: 419
Posts: 2425
Permanently BannedPosts: 1021 | Subs: 1
My respect for Russians dwindles by the second. They're literally shitting all over themselves saying the actions of their troops in the campaign were not heroic. Fuck me, if defying orders, knowing that you would face severe consequences in order to save your friend isn't heroic, I don't know what is. If trying to fight the system in order to spread the truth of the war and - THESE ARE THE WORDS - the HEROISM OF HIS COMRADES, if that isn't heroic, I don't know what is. If realizing what you did was wrong all along, and then making amends for it where it really mattered isn't heroic, I don't know what is.
You people disgust me. And you should disgust yourselves. You blame Relic for dragging the name of the Russian people through the mud, the only people doing that are YOU. YOU are dismissing the heroism displayed. YOU are ignoring the storyline because you're too stupid to think for yourself. YOU are making it look like the sacrifice of the Russians means nothing.
And by you, I mean Russians. The uneducated beasts that they are. I can't believe there are people out there so mentally deficient that they're devaluing themselves and then blame everybody else. I really can't believe it.
The Firebombing of Dresden and the Dachau Massacre say hi.
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