
russian armor

Which faction promote heavy-infantry play?

In your opinion, which one?
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Total votes: 38
9 Mar 2017, 11:57 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

I‎'m starting to notice that my playstyle is more towards heavy infantry play. Like, I can't work around well with LVs (To be honest, not enjoy them much), rarely spam a lot of tanks (Maybe just 1 or 2 max, and rarely swarm tanks or anything) and tanks aren't my main focus anyways. I enjoys playing around with infantries, and basically, I'm in love with infantry warfare. It feels way more dynamic and tactically compared to tank warfare (Probably that's why I love Obers :P).

So, right now, I have play both Axis factions and starting to notice that this isn't what meant for me (Axis factions are strong in tank warfare, the warfare isn't meant for my playstyle). Therefore, I have a question: 

Which faction is best for heavy infantry play? Like, which one reward your heavy-infantry playstyle the most? I'm thinking of Soviet or USF but can't make up my mind.‎
9 Mar 2017, 12:12 PM
avatar of ullumulu

Posts: 2243

brits, USF, Sovjets....al of them have infantery which can deal with all their enemy...

its pretty easy to walk around with double equiped units and kill all axis unit in few secounds.

no micro need...bloob them and win
9 Mar 2017, 13:04 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

/Move to state office
9 Mar 2017, 13:07 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

It highly depends on what infantry play are you looking for.

USA has great mobile infantry allowing them to flank and kill everything, if you´re good at setting flanks. Really funny.

UKF has great non-tank army, their team weapons can counter everything on their own and tanks are there mostly as "finishing move". They work more like ostheer without mid game vehicles, so if you do not like OST, do not play UKF.

Soviets can play as they want (depending on doc they chose), hence that why they are most played allied faction.
9 Mar 2017, 13:40 PM
avatar of Cafo

Posts: 245

USF is the most inf heavy. Hell, even teching up gives you an infantry squad. But you still need to use light vehicles and tanks, USF doesn't have good AT capability on their infantry.
9 Mar 2017, 15:02 PM
avatar of some one

Posts: 935

1) All factions must have infantry to cap and hold territory otherwise you gonna lose soon.
2) Faction design has impact on unit composition
Thats why wehrmacht has HMGs wich is also considered as infantry unit.
USF gets additional unit when tech.
THas why USF looks like heaavy infantry faction = poor design
9 Mar 2017, 19:40 PM
avatar of What Doth Life?!
Patrion 27

Posts: 1664

Funny enough it's the "Manpower starved" OKW who spam the most infantry.
9 Mar 2017, 21:26 PM
avatar of ferwiner
Donator 11

Posts: 2885

Generally, axis factions are more reliant on infantry, becouse of more expensive and later available vehicles. In fact okw is the most infantry based faction - especially as it has most of it already available at T0 and some really good infantry callins in almost every commander. I would give ostheer a strong second place for long T2 infantry play they usually perform - they already have everything they need there, just it is all infantry based.

The only reason why you may feel allies usually have more infantry is becouse of squad sizes.
9 Mar 2017, 23:10 PM
avatar of Mistah_S

Posts: 851 | Subs: 1

Funny enough it's the "Manpower starved" OKW who spam the most infantry.

WTF are you smoking mate?
It's clearly USF > UKF with the OP Tommys > Soviet Guards > OST Prostruppen > OKW
10 Mar 2017, 00:13 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

Generally, axis factions are more reliant on infantry, ...

They seem more reliant on infantry cause their medium tanks only roll out at later stage of the game. After that, they're very much rely on their tanks to make head way, to form a spearhead around their superior armours. However, if you try to linger and play around with infantry even further and choose to not rely on armours as spearhead, then that's not how Axis roll (For both factions, basically). I want to play around with infantries the most, maybe even use them as spearhead while tanks/armours are just supportive units... And according to most people, USF seems to win with an outstanding lead (90% of the total votes so far... damn!)‎
10 Mar 2017, 05:29 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

USA has great mobile infantry allowing them to flank and kill everything, if you´re good at setting flanks. Really funny.

Hmm... high chances are i'm gonna give this bad boy a go! Like, the majority said USF is suitable, so ok... Also, it's "really fun" not "funny". Just saying, don't get mad :P

UKF has great non-tank army, their team weapons can counter everything on their own and tanks are there mostly as "finishing move". They work more like ostheer without mid game vehicles, so if you do not like OST, do not play UKF.

I enjoy playing Ostheer, but not so much in playing UKF. Especially i'm not a fan of their emplacements mechanism, and since their only non-doc indirect fire being mortar pit... Nah, may not trying them anytime soon...‎

Soviets can play as they want (depending on doc they chose), hence that why they are most played allied faction.

Kinda like the way Soviet works, actually. I have seen players utilized mass Conscript wave through "Rapid Conscription" which looks cool as hell (True Russian warfare :D). Will give them a go as well.‎
10 Mar 2017, 11:11 AM
avatar of Tiger Baron

Posts: 3145 | Subs: 2

Well, seeing as no other blobs work as good as USF...
10 Mar 2017, 11:42 AM
avatar of William Christensen

Posts: 401

Well, seeing as no other blobs work as good as USF...

You only blob when you choose to... It's not like heavy-infantry play = blobbing. Those are two different things... Besides, I'm far from those blobbers. I have faced enough blobs in my 2v2 experience to say f*ck off, blobs! :bananadance:
10 Mar 2017, 14:29 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

UKF mortar pit hur hur

Then try different approach. 4 IS into sniper/UC with flamer (open map/urban map) into fast AC. Then chose commados doctrine and capitalise on great doctrinal abilities, commados and lategame arty that wipes floor with defensive OKW players.

For tanks, I like to stick with cromwell spam with this one
10 Mar 2017, 15:30 PM
avatar of Nosliw

Posts: 515

Don't rule out SU!

A 2 engineer opening, followed up by 3 penal squads and then 3 guard squads is a potent, heavily infantry based fighting force against both OKW and OST. The nice thing is, it's so potent you can use this 8 infantry squad army to hold out till T4, and then use T4 units as "support". For example, you can make T34/85s (good vs all), or even choose the ISU-152 commander and support it with T34/76s.

Against campy play there is also Katyusha for support, and SU85 vs heavy armour. There is also a guards commander without T34/85 or ISU-152 that gives access to PPSH conscripts if you wanted more variety to your play. Also remember partisan doctrine, so you could do any 3 penal or 4 conscript opening and then use partisans to spearhead your attacks and flanks as they spawn out of buildings.

Another extremely potent and, in my opinion, broken strategy (only against OKW though) is the lend-lease doctrine. Simply make 4 conscripts, upgrade your engineer to a flamer, get base medics, call in 2 DSHks, and you have a potent infantry force that in 90% of games will pin the OKW in his base (since DSHK is so broken and insta-pins all). The only "weakness" of this strategy is a fast Luchs. Two notes against the Luchs: DSHK has AP rounds at vet 0. If the Luchs tries to engage a full health 6 man DSHK in a house, and you pop AP rounds, you will force the Luchs to retreat or it will die. Alternatively and what I prefer, is after the second DSHK you call in, retreat your Engi back to your base and build T2 if you are suspecting a Luchs and haven't scouted a medic truck. This way you can call in an AT gun if you see the suspected Luchs. After that of course you merely have to pool resources while you wait for shermans. If you scout the healing truck you can just skip building T2 altogether and make 0 base buildings while you wait for quad/sherman call ins. Very strong, broken build.

These are just my ideas and experiences with SU. There are so many good openings that all you to build up a very potent infantry force and then wait till call ins or T4 merely for "supporting" and for specializing your force.

Just as a reference, I'm 31-1 in my last 32 games as SU, with only 1 loss to an Ostheer player (so 0 losses using this lend-lease tactic, and most of the 32 games were against OKW players)
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