i am new, but i have played CoH 1 some time (just newer for CoH2)
some questions / idea:
1) after installing CoH2 ( + all its addons ...got them all from steam), there was a menu which allowed me to select colors (purple, yellow etc)
however, i have been unable to find that menu again

i tried searching for that menu in both single / team playing games...but to no avail
there were some colored diamonds, leting me select some color ...where the heck are those menus ?!
they arent in options - graphics! and i see no selection colors in gameplay either
2) for CoH2, are there any mods to let player chose a color for his units?
that childish / cartoonish blue is lolz ...
maybe i want to play as red germans / red soviets etc --- (ofc, this should NOT affect the standard self/enemy colors from the other perspective)
3) are there any mods to let german units use german language as sound files, soviet units use russian etc?
ofcouse, menus and written messages/ alerts should still be in english
4) are there any mods to change the flags to their historicaly versions?
i.e. for the germans, instead of the simple color flag, the swastika, for the russians, the sickle and hammer, for the americand, the usa flag etc