
russian armor

Winter Balance Preview Replays

5 Dec 2016, 18:21 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

In this one you can see UC with flamer, commados, Armored car, assgrens, Pgrens and stug all in one game.

I think this is one of best games I played with balance mod and thats why I nominate this game for casting.

5 Dec 2016, 21:01 PM
avatar of der_schmürgler

Posts: 4

A 4v4 among friends where we played around with the Winter Balance mod.

Regarding the balance patch changes the following units were used to a larger extent:

  • penal Battalion
  • Sniper (Soviet)
  • US Mortar
  • SU-76
  • Sdkfz. 222
  • Sdfkz. 251
  • Rifles with M1919A6

Hope the replay is of some help,

Der Schmürgler
5 Dec 2016, 21:10 PM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

USF (El saucisson masqué) & UKF (Mr.SMITH) vs OST (Imp. Dane) & OST (Frost)

This is an interesting team game on 'road to kharkov' between 4 good players.

(For Mr Smith) Around the 7 min, i unload and load again my ambulance without any friendly unit close to it: no fps drop.
-> Bug fixed.

speaking of the game, there are some nice use of close the pocket by imperial dane and good mg42 micro from frost.

speaking of balance, i got a very hard time against MG42 even with smoke grenade & one mortar.
on one side, my mortar still did some (2) squad wipe, almost the same for the osther one but it wasn't very effective against Frost MG42.

same for smoke grenade, between the time i launch the smoke grenade and i reach his mg42 to throw a nade, he had already mooved it back.

and flanking is hardly possible on this map during a 2 vs 2.

i'm sure USF is fine to deal with mg42 in 1 vs 1, but in team games, i'm affraid it becomes unbalanced.

So the answer is certainly not to go back to the old 81 mm USF mortar, but imo you should take a loot at that.

Stuart doing very few damage to ennemy infantry (working as intended).

There are different interesting thing which happened during this match which is why you should watch the replay
6 Dec 2016, 19:32 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Replays working one again ;)
7 Dec 2016, 16:37 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

So here you have USF vs OKW (finally)

-raketen - that thing is usable, didn´t hit ground and actually fired
-volks vs rifles seems fine to me
-luchs looks fine, maybe except low pen against vehicles - probably intneded because wasn´t changed in patch

I think this vehicle is in good shape right now because it got buffed indirectly by nerfing all other lights. Only thing that greyhound needs is smoke. Give it M20 smoke in exchange for canister shot. Greyhound is 2 shotted by AT guns and I think smoke will make him much more useful and used.
After all almost every USF unit have smoke and its fine, even shermans have smoke.

-obers - their vet 4 is retarded. No one can argue about that

BUGS: USF hmg refused to ungarison house even after multiple order to move out (not button order just pressin on ground so squad exists from good door)

I think this was really good match and maybe even deserve a cast because of that unexcpected tactic tested here


PS: Lol, I look like weirdo, almost whole replay section is composed from replays I played. Hope it does not mind
9 Dec 2016, 11:05 AM
avatar of jesulin
Donator 11

Posts: 590 | Subs: 10

9 Dec 2016, 11:39 AM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

PS: Lol, I look like weirdo, almost whole replay section is composed from replays I played. Hope it does not mind

No worries. The replay section has no feelings; we do and we love you <444>3

Could you try to see how Soviet T1 holds up against an OKW FlakHT rush? You could wait for tonight's patch if you want, so as to check how everything fits together.
9 Dec 2016, 13:03 PM
avatar of |GB| The Hooligan486
Senior Referee Badge

Posts: 3602 | Subs: 1

No worries. The replay section has no feelings; we do and we love you <444>3

Could you try to see how Soviet T1 holds up against an OKW FlakHT rush? You could wait for tonight's patch if you want, so as to check how everything fits together.

Maybe if you guys need a specific strat to be test you can ask in here as well? (Like u do now)
9 Dec 2016, 14:33 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Here you have OKW versus new penals game. Enjoy

10 Dec 2016, 02:01 AM
avatar of Luciano

Posts: 712

game 1

game 2

10 Dec 2016, 15:59 PM
avatar of Mr.Smith

Posts: 2636 | Subs: 17

Here you have OKW versus new penals game. Enjoy

The matchup that worries me the most is the following.

Suppose that OKW does everything in their power to rush a 251 FlakHT at the Soviet's cutoff (no medic-tech; nothing):
- Do non-doctrinal T1 Soviets have any chance of countering that?
- Is Penal PTRS enough to delay this?
- Is it possible to counter this without building T2?
10 Dec 2016, 16:42 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

The matchup that worries me the most is the following.

Suppose that OKW does everything in their power to rush a 251 FlakHT at the Soviet's cutoff (no medic-tech; nothing):
- Do non-doctrinal T1 Soviets have any chance of countering that?
- Is Penal PTRS enough to delay this?
- Is it possible to counter this without building T2?


We played a lot with The machine and because he is a member of your team I thought he already told you this and explained.

We played 2 games, in neither of them PTRS didn´t stand any chance becuase of supression and smoke that flaptrack have, even if you somehow flank it, it will just pop smoke and run away. There is no way to counter that if OKW player does not suck hard.

Also advantage in early game from penals is too low compared to volks and sturmpios. Plus you lose a lot fuel by building tier1 (engi could have capped 3 points by that time resulting into cca 10-15 fuel loss) and also sets you back by 180MP.

The machine even tried going 2 clow cars against flaptrack but they got vaporised too fast - one got fausted , second died to mine I think.

Conclusion: OKW flaptrack arrives ridiculously fast compared to soviet player tier1 who sacrifice super early game by building tier 1 and get hardcountered at 5 minutes by flaktrack. Right now soviet tier1 is high risk/low reward and insn´t effective against OKW in any way and mediocre effective against osthher - sniper + PTRS combo will give them hard time countering that and then you outspam them with tanks.

Both me and The machine think that penals need either 4PTRS to actually get effective countering that AND OKW medics need to be timed out so flaktrack doesn´t arrive at 5 minutes and OKW player won´t have thaat long window of opportunityto counter that. If you balance timing right, then both OKW may get chance to counter tier1 and also soviet plyer if he play his card well early on and then get fast suchka or t70 will have chance to fight it back.

Or give t1 m42 light AT gun whitch BTW doesn´t suck. Back when penals were ultraOP I played defensive doctrine and 2x M42 was enaught to stop any light vehicle spam becuase of its RoF.

10 Dec 2016, 19:19 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

In fisrt game you can see how got penals and tier1 play beaten by assault grens, HMG and fast 251 with panzergrens followed by fast p4 that came at same time as SU76 whitch got completely rushed and beaten because lacked any tool to stop P4 (this may be problem). In then end you can see shitty M42 that need buff in terms of survability and maybe DMG.

Nice AT satchel was used to kill 251

Bugs there - satchel did not blow up house

In second one you can see ost fighting against maxims (with problems). Later you can see potent stugs es and potent suchkas in one slugfest. WHen tiger came out, masque had to go away so we didn´t finish match.

Hope this playback helps you modding team
10 Dec 2016, 19:31 PM
avatar of le_saucisson_masque

Posts: 485 | Subs: 1

there really need to be a steam group where all the people rdy to play winter balance preview can speak and add on steam.

the only way i found now is to ask on shout-box but it's not very effective.

Hope this playback helps you modding team

about the 2 games i had with hector, i felt the soviet T1 still very weak.
If this patch had to goes out today, i would never go t1 again, like in the past.
10 Dec 2016, 19:32 PM
avatar of Nosliw

Posts: 515

Having played against Alexandru several times, I honestly feel the Infantry spam + Dshk combo into M4C sherman spam is a broken strategy. I tried something similar here with Penals, since now they have PTRS. If I see medic truck I can just leave them unupgraded. If I don't, they all get PTRS. Thoughts?

10 Dec 2016, 20:19 PM
avatar of Danyek

Posts: 294 | Subs: 1

10 Dec 2016, 21:20 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2016, 19:32 PMNosliw
Having played against Alexandru several times, I honestly feel the Infantry spam + Dshk combo into M4C sherman spam is a broken strategy. I tried something similar here with Penals, since now they have PTRS. If I see medic truck I can just leave them unupgraded. If I don't, they all get PTRS. Thoughts?

didn´t watch replay, but if enemy went medic truck, he must go flaktrack and if he do so, penal player is dead and lose game. If he doesn´t do so, okw player is doomed for sure
10 Dec 2016, 21:30 PM
avatar of Nosliw

Posts: 515

I don't think you can really make a statement that black and white Hector... with access to mines, M42 doctrine, Guard Doctrine, PTRS on the Penals, back teching to T2 ... I don't see how you can say game is over if he goes flak vs T1 :\
10 Dec 2016, 21:46 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

jump backJump back to quoted post10 Dec 2016, 21:30 PMNosliw
I don't think you can really make a statement that black and white Hector... with access to mines, M42 doctrine, Guard Doctrine, PTRS on the Penals, back teching to T2 ... I don't see how you can say game is over if he goes flak vs T1 :\

Well I meant against lone tier1. I thought we were talking about lone tier1. Sorry if you meant backteching to tier2. Guards won´t help as well, because its once again PTRS. mines won´t work becaus flaktrack will be directly rushed on your cut off with sweeper sturms. M42 is in bad doctrines and so you will be cripped badly.

So you either go tier2 or youre doomed. Sorry I didn´t take backteching into acount
10 Dec 2016, 22:07 PM
avatar of __deleted__

Posts: 4314 | Subs: 7

Most interesting test up to a date.

1.2 patch stug e was tested against current patch stug e.

It was tested in these situations:

a) long range against squad of riflemen in cover (green, indestructable)

b) mid/close range (something between, more mid than short) against squad of riflemen in cover (green, indestructable)

c) long range against squad of riflemen in the open

d) mid/close range (something between, more mid than short) against riflemen in the open.

Each test was run 5 times (except 2 tests, because of mistake, they were run only 4 times, sry)
Here are averange values for each of those tests (minutes : seconds)

NOTE: Indestructalbe sandbags mean that stug will never destroy them and thus he will hit them more often and lose some of in real game DMG. We made tests with indesctructable to show you how he performs against covered squads.

Here are values
tested ground1.2 patch stug enormal stug e
long range in cover452:09
mid range in cover321:26
long range in the open1:0849
mid range in the open4041

Conclusion: New stug e is BETTER in every possible situation that can happen except against squads at long range without cover. But I think this 19 seconds difference can be easily offset by far better effect in cover.

I think this is not what we were trying to achieve. Instaed of nerfing stug e to make it less accesible, we made him even better against squads in cover, forcing all squads he fights to move in the open and die against other sources of fire. Only offset is his DPS at very long ranged against spaced squads (50%). At mid range this is removed and he performs as old stug e.

We didn´t test squads in housing because we lack time. Maybe next time, but because you buffed garrison damage as well, new one will perform here better as well- even bigger AOE is rather big buff against garrisons.

Sorry balance team, but this time you screwed it up

Once again I have to say increase stugs price to cca 90 fuel or nerf him. I think increasing his price will make him still useful, yet not being too cost efficient. He will have defined role (if you remove stun), will be useful and also costy

Big thank to "Be brave soviet fanboys" player for helping me test this sh*t.


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