The Attribute Editor only modifies XML files, so there are no if-clauses or similar stuff. I recommend watching some basic tutorials:
What you're looking for is in the "inventory -> commander" and "inventory -> commander_ability" categories, but you can't modify them, or at least it doesn't do anything. The archetypes also have no real function, as far as I know. But still, commander abilities are set up in a fairly simple way.
Let's use the Tiger Ace as an example. You can easily find everything related to it by using the AE's search function. It's set up like this:
1. There is a Tiger Ace upgrade that is granted to the player once Elite Troops Doctrine is chosen, regardless of the current CP value. This upgrade is invisible while playing.
2. There is a Tiger Ace dispatch ability - this is what you click on to get it. To show up, it needs to be added to the ability list in the "army" category and have the proper requirements: The Tiger Ace upgrade, to make sure you have the commander, and a minimum CP value.
For every requirement, you can set a "reason" value. "usage" means that the requirement must be fulfilled for the unit or ability to be usable, while "usage_and_display" means that it must be fulfilled for it to show up and be usable. In this case, you would use "usage_and_display" for the upgrade and "usage" for the CPs.
To help you further, I would need to know what exactly you want to do. I do have a working commander mod, and you're free to look at the source files if you want to see how it works: