Nicely put.
This is why I am proud I am Russian.
TL;DR General Reply here so if you are interested read
As for the mindset of Russians, we are proud people, although some of the other nations hate us for our mere existence we do not care, we are used to it and most of us are really polite and will meet you with open heart. I am not talking about our new generation who are spoiled and ignorant. I am talking about the old generations and the families that keep the tradition of raising their kids they way they got raised.
And as a proud nation most of us will give their lives for our country and countrymen.
If you are into history and you particularly read about the Russian nation you will see we almost never had Great leaders, maybe some Tsars and probably Lenin. Also even when the Roman Empire was still standing they were some conflicts with the Slavic people and the Orthodox Roman Empire, the historians of that time said that the Empire have never seen fiercest warriors than the Slavs who will push forward no matter what you put against them.
We do not fear death if we know that if we don`t win this war same will happen to our wives, sisters and kids.
Maybe people consider the Soviet people who fought the Germans bad or portray them as mindless monkeys and savage beasts, but do not forget those monkeys and beasts fought an enemy who conquered Europe in no time.
And if you blame those people for the war crimes they have done, I ask you what would you have done after seeing your countrymen who were civilians, innocent people, burned alive and had their breast cut off? What would you feel against your enemy? I will tell you what would you feel, Hate, the only thing you would want is to kill your enemy make them feel what those innocents felt.
This may sound patriotic.
And I agree I am a patriot, but this is all true. If you want to consider Soviets beasts go on we are used to it. But I couldn`t care less how the game portrays them.